Chapter 210 Lin Xian with a numb scalp! 42 reminders that you can’t get rid of!

“Wow!! Wow!!!! Wow!!!!”

[Rage] When the right hand brushed the baby’s face, the deformed index finger nail scratched the delicate skin.

A red mark appeared on the baby’s right face.

I cried out in pain.

“Cry, hahahaha! When I change your head to another kid’s body, we can play games for many years again~”

Talk about it.

[Rage] Walking to the other side of the laboratory without looking back.

He felt like a spring breeze, as if a new life was ushered in!

As long as Einstein’s brain survives, it is equivalent to keeping his memory synchronously.

In the future, you only need to inject hallucinogens and use electric shock helmets on that little baby.

and then …

You can take away his power to change time and space, resurrect [arrogance], and become the true god in this world!

Ignore the cry of the baby.

[Rage] Walked to the elevator door, put on a white coat, and walked through the elevator to the bedroom of his office.

The elevator is hidden in the bookcase in the bedroom. It is locked with fingerprints and is well concealed.

[Rage] Close the door of the bedroom, come to the office, and then open the door of the office.

“Dean David, this is the information you asked me to prepare.”

[Rage] Nodded:

“come in.

Sitting on the chair, looking at the various test data of this premature baby, [Rage] was silent…

Where is the leukocyte antigen?

He kept turning the pages, just wanting to find this data.

In the field of organ transplantation, when looking for matching donors and recipients, it is necessary to consider [Rejection].

[Rejection], also known as transplant rejection (transplant-rejection).

It means that after the recipient undergoes an allogeneic tissue or organ transplantation, the foreign tissue or organ and other grafts are recognized by the recipient’s immune system as a “different component”, and the latter initiates immunity against the graft’s attack, destruction and elimination Learn to respond.

The mechanism of rejection mainly includes cellular immunity and humoral immunity.

This is a very complex immunological phenomenon, involving a variety of immune injury mechanisms mediated by cells and antibodies.

[The main cause is that the human leucocyte antigen HLA (human-leucocyte-antigen) of the recipient and the transplant are different. 】

Therefore, the degree of difference in HLA between the donor and the recipient determines the degree of rejection.

Except for identical twins, it is almost non-existent that two individuals have exactly the same HLA system tissue matching.

Therefore, when donors and recipients are matched, choosing a donor whose HLA match is as close as possible is the key to reducing transplant rejection after allogeneic tissue and organ transplantation.


This is also the point that [Rage] is most concerned about.

In order for the brain transplantation operation to be successful, it must be ensured that there is little difference in the [white blood cell antigen HLA] between the sick baby and Einstein.


The leukocyte antigen in the baby’s body will treat Einstein’s brain as a foreign body and an enemy to attack, causing the transplant to fail.

“Found it, it’s this one /々.

[Rage] I found the corresponding test sheet and started to check the baby’s HLA data

“Great! The HLA gap with Einstein is not too big! With inhibitory drugs, stable transplantation can be completed!”

With this HLA guarantee.

The success rate of this brain transplantation operation has increased from 10% to 20%!

Yes …

It’s still only 20%.

After all, this is an unprecedented operation, and even [Rage] I don’t have full confidence.

He put down the test sheet and looked at the assistant in front of him.

“The tumor in this little baby’s brain is very serious. It is close to the cerebral cortex. A careless one can damage the brain and cause the baby’s death.”

“So I can only do this operation, and in terms of accuracy, you need to rely on intelligent robots and professional instruments. Have you arranged it?”

The assistant nodded:

“Yes, the dean, all arrangements have been made. The baby has been transferred to the [Smart Robot Operating Room], and all the instruments have been connected and tested, and we are waiting for you to start the operation!”

[Rage] Nodded with a serious face:

“The chance of success for this operation is very small, and we all need to be prepared for failure. We are just doctors, not God. If the operation fails, you must do a good job of comforting your family and accompanying friends.”

“Understood, Dean David, don’t worry! This situation has long been sentenced to death in other hospitals, and we can still rescue it here.

[Rage] smiled slightly.

He got up and followed his assistant to the sterile dressing room. After changing the surgical gown, he entered the world’s most advanced [intelligent robot operating room].

The moment he entered.

All the doctors and nurses in the operating room withdrew tacitly and did not dare to affect the performance of Dean David.

The tall and thin Dean David Green in front of him.

It is the authority of brain surgery in the country!

No one will question his professionalism!


The operating room door is closed.


Internal lockout.

Separate the two worlds directly.

On the door of the room, a light board with “in operation” was on.

At the same time.

Lin Xian was also led by the nurse and came to the door of the most advanced operating room in the world.

“Sir, the poor baby is being rescued inside, please sit here and wait patiently.”

“Please control your emotions. A very critical operation is going on inside, and you must not make a loud noise.”

Lin Xian uses gestures to express understanding, ready to find a place to sit down


He was surprised to find,

The waiting area next to the operating room is full of doctors and nurses!

He doesn’t even have a place!

He found the doctor who had just spoken, patted his shoulder and asked:

Doctor, hasn’t the operation already started inside? Why are you all sitting outside and not going in?”

The doctor saw that it was Lin Xian, and gave a place to the side, motioning Lin Xian to sit down:

“Sir, please don’t panic, sit here and wait with us.

“This is the most advanced [intelligent robotic operating room] in the world. There are a variety of artificial intelligence machines to cooperate with the surgeon to perform operations. Both the accuracy and the technology are far superior to those of us surgical assistants.

“So you don’t have to worry that although there is only Dean David in it, he is a great army in the field of brain surgery! With such an advanced [Smart Robot Operating Room], it may really be triggered. Miracle rescued that little boy!”

After hearing what the doctor said, Lin Xian asked cautiously:

“You mean that if there is no miracle, the baby will die in 80%?”

The doctor did not nod or shook his head.

Just pat Lin Xian’s hand.

No more words…

Lin Xian checked his watch.

It is 21:30 in the evening.

Removal of a brain tumor must be time-consuming, and there will definitely be no results within a few hours.

Tensed all night, it is rare (Qian Li’s) to relax for a while, Lin Xian feels a little urinary.

“Excuse me, where is the bathroom?”

“On the left side of the corridor, you have to go all the way. Each door has a label. Door 22 on this floor is the toilet.”

Lin Xian got up and walked to the left in the direction the doctor said.

“27 26 25 24 23 22 is here, right here!”

Sure enough, the doctor was right. Each door was marked with a number, and door 22 was the toilet.

After going to the toilet.

Lin Xian walked back in the direction he came, and the house number of the room beside him gradually increased.

“Medical Waste Treatment Room 38”

“Aseptic dressing room 39”

“Emergency Defibrillator 40”

“Emergency Power Control Room 41”

“Smart Robot Operating Room–”


When we walk back to the door of [Smart Robot Operating Room]

Lin Xian couldn’t help stopping.

Chills in the back

He stared silently at the house number Yi Song Yi of [Smart Robot Operating Room]


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