Chapter 195 Einstein’s past: God wants to kill me

Einstein slowly opened his eyes.

The pungent smell of disinfectant.

Pale ceiling.

The pale sheets were covered.

The pale world.

He blinked hard, only then could he see the bottle hanging above clearly.

“This is the hospital? Kekeke! Kekekeke–”

The dry and hoarse voice stung his throat, and he began to cough fiercely.


This cough.

There was a pain in the back of the head!

He tremblingly stretched out his right hand to grab it

The discovery was futile.

His already huge head is now wrapped in gauze into a heavy “zongzi”.


Einstein knew exactly what zongzi was.

When he was studying Chinese, he learned a lot of Dragon Culture by the way.

Zongzi is a traditional food in Longguo.

It is the most appropriate way to describe his current state.

Teng Teng Teng!

Teng Teng Teng Teng!!

There was a rush of footsteps!

“Your Excellency! My God! Your Excellency Einstein! You finally woke up! I’ll call you a doctor!”


The young man ran away again.

But Einstein saw clearly that the young man was his life assistant.

He likes this young man very much.

Practical, capable, and attentive.

This assistant takes care of all his daily life, food, clothing, shelter and transportation.

A few minutes passed.

There were footsteps rumbling through the corridor, and several heavyweight doctors walked into the ward.

The headed attending physician pushed the glasses:

“It’s been a long time since I saw His Excellency Einstein. It’s great that you can wake up. Many big people are very concerned about your condition.”

Einstein laughed darkly after hearing this:

“I’m afraid they are worried about the knowledge in my head? By the way, how many missing? Have we seen it before? I don’t remember our acquaintance.”

The strict doctor nodded:

“Your Excellency Einstein, we just met 14 days ago. I did your suture operation for you. Oh,

Heard this sentence.

Einstein was really surprised!

14 days!?

His memory is vague and confusing, the only thing he remembers

It is to calculate the [cosmological constant] at home.

Yes, the final result was 42, which he remembered very clearly.

What happened next was very imaginary.

He only remembered that his head was about to explode like a balloon, but it seemed that something hit his head, and then he passed out.

Wait for myself to wake up again

This is it.

Unexpectedly, 14 days passed during this period.

I’m sorry, but forgot to tell you that you have been in a coma for 14 days.”

In his memory, it seemed like the next day.

Einstein scratched his head helplessly:

“14 days, so long has passed. Could you please tell me what happened?”

The doctors and assistants around you told me what happened that night.

According to his assistant.

It was the early morning of April 18th, about 1 o’clock in the morning.

It was late at night and the whole neighborhood was very quiet.

The assistant himself is preparing to sleep in the room on the first floor.

Suddenly, I heard a miserable scream from the fa from upstairs! It was accompanied by the sound of various things falling to the ground and cracking.

He intuitively thought it was a thief in the house, so he hurriedly picked up his weapon and ran upstairs.

When he climbed the wooden stairs to the entrance of the study on the second floor.

All the messy sounds inside stopped.

The assistant didn’t have time to open the door, so he kicked in!

The scene inside stunned him!

“At the time, His Excellency Einstein was lying on the ground! A small hole in his head was bleeding out of it w々!”

“Yes, that’s right, I swear, the blood is really flowing out like a fountain! It took me less than a minute to get through the door, and there was already a pool of blood on the ground!”

“At that time, I didn’t care so much, so I just called for an ambulance, and then let the doctor tell you what happened. I won’t know much about it in the follow-up.”

“What we don’t understand is that there were no signs of violent damage to the doors and windows at the time. There was only you in the house. This is a secret room, not like a robbery or something. So no one knows that you have happened. What’s the matter, you can only talk about it when you wake up.

The assistant immediately told Einstein.

Because there was no damage to any doors or windows, and no property damage, there was no alarm.

Nothing in the room moved at all.

All remain the same.

Just wait for Einstein to wake up and decide for himself.

Einstein nodded after listening.

I have understood the first half of the matter

But the problem is

Why did you pass out?

at the same time …

How did you survive?

Judging from the previous brain pain, Einstein felt that his head might explode like fireworks!

He asked the doctor a question.

The attending doctor took out an X-ray film and explained to him:

“Your Excellency Einstein, according to our analysis, including the extent of your eye sockets and bursting capillaries, it is not difficult to guess that you should have been [sudden increase in intracranial pressure].”

“I don’t know if you can take care of what I said. Look inside the skull here. This is your brain cavity. This is a biologically closed structure.”

The attending doctor drew a circle on the X-ray film with his finger and showed it to Einstein.

Einstein nodded.

This is not difficult to understand.

The most important structure in the human skull is the brain, so there is hard bone around it to protect it.

From a medical point of view

It can be said that the brain cavity is “closed”.

Generally, if you want to treat brain diseases, you must have a craniotomy.

It was a very bloody process

It is necessary to use mechanical equipment to cut off a piece of the human skull, and then cut the meninges, in order to perform the operation on the brain.

“Doctor I don’t know very well, but I have a physical examination twice a year, and the results show that I don’t have any brain diseases.”

The doctor shrugged:

“Yes, that’s right, this is also where we are puzzled. According to what happened at the time, in the extreme time, that is, within 1 minute, your heart is like a high-power water pump! Desperately A lot of blood is sent into the brain cavity!”

“You are a physicist, and you can definitely understand this feeling. The volume of the brain cavity is very small, and most of it is occupied by brain tissue. At this time, if a large amount of blood is poured in, it is inevitable that [intracranial blood pressure rises] ]Case.”

“This is a very dangerous disease. If you don’t perform the [Craniotomy and bloodletting decompression surgery] in time, the intracranial pressure of the giant da will directly destroy the brain cells! Of course, to put it simply, you will bleed from the seven orifices. Maybe the brain will be squeezed out of the nose”

The doctor explained in detail.

Einstein was not a fool either.

Of course he understands such a simple and appropriate metaphor.

Not to mention

He is also a personal experiencer.

He knows better than anyone the feeling that his head is like a “pressure cooker”, which is about to explode at any time!


Einstein pointed to the same head as the zongzi he had wrapped:

“Have you done a [craniotomy and bloodletting decompression operation] for me?”

The attending doctor and the assistant nearby smiled slightly and shook their heads:

“It’s a pity that we don’t have such an honor. It is the one who performed the craniotomy and bloodletting operation!,

Talk about it.

The assistant bent down and took out a heavy hardcover book from under the bed.

Because it’s too heavy.

He hugged him with both hands and put it next to Einstein’s bed.

The cover of this hardcover book is made with iron foil gilding, and the inner pages are made of copper paper

It can be said

Although this is a book, nothing is made of paper!

It is completely a collection of “…, iron book”!

Because it is completely metal, it weighs seven or eight kilograms!

If you get hit by this thing…

Breaking the blood is a trivial matter, and there is a high probability that you will die by headshot!

The attending doctor pointed to the corner of the iron book that had been sunken:

“It was this heavy copper plate book that saved you.”

“When the blood pressure in your skull was so high that it was about to explode, it [accidentally] slipped off the bookshelf. You should have hit the bookshelf to make it fall.”

“It’s no surprise that such a heavy book can kill people! But by coincidence, he just hit the oblique back of your skull!”

“This position and direction are really clever! I can write a few papers in this position! Sorry, I’m a little excited. Let’s continue to talk about business.”

The attending doctor picked up the X-ray again and pointed to Einstein where his finger was cracked.

“Did you see it? It’s here, your skull was smashed out by the corner of the iron book with a crack about 4 cm long, and 2 cm of it reached the brain cavity!”

“This is really a life-saving crack! At that time, the pressure in your brain was like a pressure cooker, and it burst your head. But this sudden opening provided a pressure relief port for the pressure cooker!”

“So oh! This is simply a miracle! The blood in your brain cavity with huge pressure was sprayed out along this crack, like a small fountain. So soon, the pressure in your cranial cavity returned to normal. You also survived because of this.”

(Qian Li’s)

Einstein was stunned.


This is also amazing!

It’s the same as writing a novel!

Is there really such a magical thing in the world?

Einstein tried to pick up the heavy book.

But too heavy

He had to ask the attending doctor to turn it over.

He remembers this book.

This is the “Forty-Two Lines Bible” that I bought and collected a long time ago.

Only for collection.

He never opened it.

[Is all this really just a coincidence?]

Einstein was hard to believe for a while.

As the attending doctor turned the book, he rejoiced:

“Your Excellency Einstein, you are really lucky.”

“If you wait for you to be sent to the hospital for surgery, you might have died on the road long ago.”

“You have to thank God for his forgiveness, God saved you!’

When the doctor turns this iron book over, revealing the gilded cover

Einstein couldn’t help taking a breath and letting go.


This big [42] made him understand everything instantly!

“Do not,..,

“No no no no

Einstein shook his head slightly.

He stroked the cold gilded cover of the Iron Book and said slowly

“The one who saved me is not God.”

“on the contrary ”

“Maybe God just wanted to kill me, but [42] saved me a life.”.

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