Chapter 196 Einstein’s past: the clock in the opposite direction

After listening to Einstein’s words.

All viewers of the country just smile helplessly.

Did not make any comments.

They only regarded the 42 that Einstein said, referring to the “Forty-two Lines Bible” on the bed.

strictly speaking

What Einstein said is also the truth.

After all, it was indeed the “Forty-Two Lines Bible” that directly saved his life.

They only regarded Einstein as an atheist.

There is no too much entanglement in this sentence.

“So Sir Einstein, how do you feel now?”

Einstein also realized that this is not a place to think about things, and temporarily left 42 things behind:

“I don’t feel very good. These gauze wraps my head too tightly, which makes me very uncomfortable.

The attending doctors and nurses checked his indicators.

Found that there is no major problem.

Basically healthy.

It’s just that the wound on the back of the head will take some time to recover.

“Your Excellency Einstein, the cracks in your skull will heal by itself. We don’t recommend surgery for you at such an age.”

“The wound on the scalp has also been treated and 13 stitches have been sewn. I hope you will be able to heal your wounds in the hospital during this period of time. You will be discharged after the stitches are removed.”

Einstein nodded.

This is exactly the situation he hopes.

He needs some time and quiet space to think about something.

After the doctor’s order, he left.

Einstein called his assistant to buy himself some delicious things:

“After losing glucose for 14 days, I can eat a pig in three bites now!”

“By the way, don’t move anything in my house, wait until I go back to clean up.

After everything is arranged.

In the huge high-end ward, only Einstein was left


“All right.”

“I can start thinking.”

Einstein looked down at the gilded characters on the iron book–


He firmly believes.

This is no accident!

All these changes started from the moment I calculated 42.

That feeling

“It’s just like ”

“There is a mysterious power that is going to kill me!”

Einstein recalled the moment of life and death, and still shuddered at this time.

Who is going to kill him?

The law of causality? The law of time and space? God? Demon?

But it is undeniable that the person who can manipulate the blood flow throughout his body out of thin air must be an extraordinary power far beyond human understanding!

“I originally thought that the end of science was theology, but it was just a ridiculous fallacy.

“Unexpectedly, this statement seems to have some truth.”

Einstein thought of the quantum mechanics that made him toss and turn.

Just like the famous double-slit interference experiment.

An experiment, because of the observer’s observation or not, there will be two completely different results!

Is this science?

This is not scientific at all!

The instability of quantum mechanics makes all physicists in the world helpless.

finally …

Everyone had to reach a unified conclusion–

[God, he did roll the dice. 】

“Then the most critical question is this mysterious power, why does it kill me?”

Einstein felt very innocent.

He just worked out a math problem.

Is it wrong to solve the problem?

Just solve a math problem, and still sentence yourself to death?

“Maybe something is preventing me from touching the truth!”

Einstein thought this was the most reasonable reason.

He felt that he had stepped into the field of theology now.

Therefore, the previous decades of experience and knowledge have no reference value.

By now

You can only rely on intuition!

“Then the third question, why did 42 save me?”

Einstein absolutely did not believe that the fallen “Forty-Two Lines Bible” was just a coincidence.

How can there be such a coincidence?

It just happened that the book fell?

Did it just happen to fall at this time?

Just broke your own skull and didn’t smash yourself to death?

“This kind of thing exists in probability, but in reality, it can’t exist!”

“All of this is 42 saving me! It may still be a kind of rescue across time and space!

“And 42 saved me because I still can’t die, because I still have a mission to complete!”

“Further reasoning, my mission is one-”

“[Send 42 and my research results to my benefactor Lin Xian]!’

Einstein was shocked by his discovery.

If time, space and history are really a closed loop.

Then I really can’t die now!

He must complete his mission in the closed loop of time and space.

Lin Xian needs 42


It is very possible that my mission and the purpose of saving my life is to let myself pass such important information to Lin Xian!


Einstein rested his chin to think.

“It’s rare to send a letter to the future, I’d better write more to thank Lin Xian.”

“Looking at my current physical condition, it is not a problem to live for a few more years. I want to study [Controllable Nuclear Fusion] as soon as possible, and write to Lin Xian in 2021!”

After half a month.

Einstein removed the suture stitched on the back of his head and was discharged early.

The attending doctor was shocked:

“Oh my god, the wound healed so quickly! The bone tissue has begun to heal!”

“This kind of recovery ability is totally different from what you should have at your age! It stands to reason that elderly people should recover very slowly.”

Einstein laughed after listening:

“Maybe this is the magical charm of TCM health-preserving techniques!”

actually …

Even Einstein felt that he was recovering too quickly.

This half a month.

The food intake (cafd) has also increased, the complexion has improved, and the body feels more and more full of strength.

He often wondered whether he was [Returning to the Light] or [Rejuvenating]?

But this kind of absurd idea is just to think about it casually.

He believes that all this is due to a good mood.

After all, it is said in Chinese medicine that only when the “qi” is smoothed can the body be healthy!

Get out of the hospital.

The assistant opened the door and let Einstein get in the car.

It’s been a long time to go home.

After arriving home.

The two went directly to the second floor.

Everything else is clean.

The only thing in the study was a mess, and even the door of the room remained broken and ruined.

“Oh, very good!”

Einstein praised with satisfaction:

“You did a great job, what I want is this [keep it as it is]!”

It is indeed the young man he has fancy.

I have a good understanding of everything.

After listening, the assistant smiled:

“Then Sir Einstein, how shall we clean up?”

Einstein was the commander and told his assistant what was rubbish and what was still useful.

The assistant started to work.

He put all the useful things in place.

Transport all the useless and broken furniture downstairs and throw it away.

The originally messy room.

A lot neater in an instant.

The blood on the floor has dried up and needs to be cleaned up with professional tools tomorrow. Even the wooden floor has to be lifted to make the blood stains in the cracks clear.

This requires professional workers to operate.

The assistant is standing on the table.

Prepare to hang the clock that fell on the ground back to the wall.


The assistant looked at the dial in confusion.

Then he jumped off the table and brought it in front of Einstein:

“Your Excellency Einstein, this clock also broke, or else throw it away and get a new one.”

“Where is it broken?”

“All the hands of the clock are turned backwards [in the opposite direction]!”

Say so

Einstein also saw something was wrong!

For normal clocks, the hands should all “turn clockwise”.


This clock is clearly malfunctioning!

All the hands are “turning counterclockwise”!

The whole direction is reversed!

“Interesting. It must be that when the watch fell to the ground, one of the shaft gears inside fell off. Therefore, the original transmission structure has lost one change of direction, so the direction of operation of the hands is reversed.”

Einstein thought of the famous Yifu Northen Railway Station in the United States.

In that railway station, there is a huge clock that goes backwards.

It was made by Mr. Gaitu, the most famous watchmaker in southern America, and people had high hopes for him.


Mr. Gato’s only son, died in the First World War.

In 1918, the war ended, and Yifu Nuosen Railway Station will be officially opened to traffic on this day.

Mr. Gato pulled down the curtain to show everyone the big clocks he had made.

Someone found out immediately

“This clock runs backwards!”

“Where did it go wrong?”

“Mr. Gato shouldn’t make such a low-level mistake!”

At this moment, the criticized Mr. Getu spoke up:

“The clock went upside down. Yes, I did it on purpose.”

“In this case, the children who died in the war may come back from the dead and return to their families.”

“They will farm, get married, have children, and live their long and fulfilling lives.”

Mr. Gato died shortly afterwards.

But that big clock, as a scar from the war, has always been hung on the dome of the train station, chasing the passing time in the opposite direction

Einstein was an anti-war party.

He likes that clock very much, and even went to see it several times.

So there can be a clock running backwards in my room

Not only does he not hate it.

On the contrary, I like it very much!

Einstein smiled slightly:

“[If you can live your life backwards like this clock in the opposite direction, it will definitely make up for a lot of regrets]”

“I like this clock very much. Don’t throw it away or fix it. Just hang it on the wall as it is!”.

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