Chapter 194 Past Einstein: Calculate 42!

Since the realization of the existence of the [cosmological constant] in 1950.

Until now in 1955.

Einstein has worked hard for it for five years.

This five-year period.

He didn’t study anything else, and even the unified force field and controllable nuclear fusion that he was most interested in before were left behind.

All the time and energy (except participating in PARTY Ye Ye Sheng Song), are all devoted to the work of calculating the [cosmological constant].

To know

Calculating the [cosmological constant] is not a simple process.

This is a brand new thing, a field that has never been involved.

For Einstein.

He has no information to refer to, no case to compare, or even

He doesn’t even know what the cosmological constant is, what is its use, and how to use it!

He needs to derive this number out of thin air!

“Don’t give me questions, don’t give me hints, but let me figure out the answer. This is crazy!”

“but ”

Einstein can always face this dilemma with a smile:

“For a scientist of my level, this is normal. I don’t even bother to study things that people have studied before!”

“If you want to do research, you must engage in areas that no one else has done before.”20

“It’s a pity that even if I put out the [cosmological constant], it can’t appear in this world. After all, according to the original historical development, I definitely can’t count this thing.

“So in order to maintain the correctness of history. I can’t publish this result, so I will give it to my benefactor Lin Xian Xian and let him handle it!”

Einstein firmly believed

As the person who controls the power of time and space, Lin Xian must be able to handle these things better than himself.

“Mr. Lin Xian must know the law of time and space better than me.”




Einstein’s pen writes a bu stop on the cursive paper

He wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Take a sip of the cold coffee next to it.

“Ah, only the last step!”

Einstein looked at the draft paper with excitement.

Borrowing a large draft paper, there is a very complicated polynomial written on it.

Although this polynomial looks messy, incomprehensible, full of incomprehensible symbols and characters.

But this is the culmination of Einstein’s 5 years of hard work!

Starting from the general theory of relativity, after a series of attempts and reasoning, he finally came up with this extremely difficult polynomial!

Just today

He will completely uncover it!


After putting down the coffee cup, Einstein turned his head and glanced at the calendar.

April 18, 1955.

This day will surely be a day that will be remembered in human history!

On this day, mankind will truly touch the truth of the universe and time and space!

And he, Albert Einstein, will be an honored hearer!

He glanced at the mechanical clock on the wall by the way.

00: 28

It was already late at night.

But he is not sleepy at all.

Even more energetic than when attending a party.

“Okay. Next, I just need to substitute this formula into it, and then I can simplify this polynomial and solve it!”

Einstein was excited.

Substitute another formula transformation into that complex polynomial.

Start to simplify step by step

The symbols and letters are like beating notes, performing a beautiful dance on the scratch paper.


It is the beauty of mathematics!

Originally complex formula.

It starts to become simple, to be pleasing to the eye, and to be neat and tidy!

There are many axioms in mathematics that are just rightly beautiful.

Einstein at this time.

Indulge in this beautiful polynomial simplification!


That complex polynomial has become a calculus that college students can understand

Becomes a derivative equation that high school students can understand

It has become a fractional division formula that junior high school students can understand

It has become addition, subtraction, multiplication and division that elementary school students can understand!

Einstein’s eyes widened!

There is only one last step left!

This simple step of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division is to allow elementary school students who have just entered elementary school to calculate it instantly!

Da Da! Da!

Einstein’s pen jittered, and with a big stroke, he wrote the final number on the scribble–



Einstein threw away the pen in excitement, slammed the table with both hands, and started to slap the case!

“It’s 42!”

“I figured it out!”

“[The cosmological constant] is 42! ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!! !!!”

Suddenly there was a heartbreaking wailing!

Einstein felt an unprecedented explosion headache!

This kind of pain.

It is completely different from the headaches caused by staying up late, getting angry, and stress!

This kind of pain!

It’s the kind of people who pour water into your head so hard that your whole head is so painful that it bursts like a water ball!

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!”

Boom! Crackling! Boom! Dang!!

Einstein fell to the ground in an unbearable pain, holding his head and rolling all over!

Knock all the lamps, water glasses, books, and triangle boards on the table to the ground!

He has a hideous face!

Grit your teeth!

The corners of the mouth all bit out blood!

It hurts too much!

This feeling is simply better than death!

Einstein felt his head burst soon!

He can feel

The blood in my whole body is flowing into the cranial cavity, and the pressure inside is getting bigger and bigger!

It’s almost exploding!

Einstein opened his eyes in despair…

There was blood red in his eyes!

Excessive intracranial blood pressure has caused all the capillaries in the retina to burst!

Einstein’s eyes began to bleed!

His nose started to bleed!

The ears started to bleed too!

Inside his skull and brain cavity, there is like a heavy, constantly growing water ball that is forced to burst the skull!

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!”

Explode it!

It’s fried!!

God!! Let my head explode!!

Einstein couldn’t bear this kind of inhuman torture pain!

He just begged his head to explode soon!

Let it blow up in this room like fireworks!

Let yourself end this pain!

Crackling! Boom boom boom!!

Einstein has been delirious

He feels his head is like a balloon at this time, and he is going to fly into space with him

The unbearable pain caused him to roll around the room with his head holding his head, and his whole body was bloody!

But Einstein still couldn’t end this torture!


Just when Einstein’s eyeballs were almost collapsed by intracranial blood pressure–


Einstein, who was constantly rolling, hit his head hard on the bookcase!


850 is at the top of the bookcase

A thick hardcover book with copper pages and iron sheet, slipping from the top


Several kilograms of hardcover “Iron Book” hit the back of Einstein’s head!


Before Einstein could scream, he passed out

The violent impact of the corner of the iron book directly pierced his scalp and cracked a small piece of skull!

The high-pressure blood in the skull came out along the cracks where the skull was smashed


This book actually helped Einstein complete a [Intracranial bloodletting decompression surgery]!

Einstein, whose pressure in the cranial cavity returned to normal, just breathed evenly and fainted on the ground.


At this time, the minute hand of the clock on the wall vibrated and advanced one more step.

Time becomes one-

00: 42

And the iron hardcover book that saved his life is lying peacefully in a pool of blood

Brown hardcover cover.

Written with a line of bronzing characters:


This “42-line-Bible” is the earliest printed edition of the “Bible” in the world.

It is also known as “Gutenberg Bible” and “Machalin Bible”. It consists of 3 volumes and is an excellent representative product of ancient books in the early days of the invention of Western letterpress printing.

It was printed in Gothic in Mainz, Germany by John Gutenberg, the inventor of Western movable type letterpress printing in 1452~1455.

Because the content is a text structure with two columns per page and each column is 42 lines, it is called by later generations–


The translation is…

The Forty-Two Lines of the Bible.

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