Chapter 193 Einstein’s past: the stolen brain

“George? That George, Duke of Buckingham?”

Camerison blurted out.

In the perception of Westerners, when they talk about George, the first thing they think of is the Duke of Buckingham of Britain–

George Villiers.

This man’s achievements and controversy are unique in the entire Western history.

Einstein named the little baby “George”.

It should also be hoped that he will become a great person in the future.

And the family name of Camorison and their family is Bill.

So the first name and last name are linked together

It is [George Bill].

“George Bill sounds good too!”

Camorison smiled sincerely.

The young couple of his nephew are admirers of Einstein, as long as they are named by Einstein himself, they will definitely like it.

“That’s it! Thank you old friend, I will bring this good news back to my nephew, and they will be very happy.”

“I hope this child can accomplish something like the Duke of Buckingham in the future, of course, not like the Duke [arrogant].

“The Duke of Buckingham’s glorious life was ultimately defeated by the arrogance “eight and fifty”. If he had put away his arrogance and was not so arrogant, perhaps history would have judged him completely different.”

Just listen to Einstein.

Nodded in agreement.

“Yes [arrogance] is the head of the seven deadly sins and the greatest enemy of all heroes and monarchs.

“It is not the enemy’s swords, the tricks of internal troubles, or the traps of beauty that often make heroes fall, but their irresistible [arrogance] ah”

“I bless this child and hope that he can become a humble and learned person.”

The legendary life of the Duke of Buckingham.

No one in the Western world knows.

The reason why his great cause fell short is because of his arrogant and arrogant character.

Therefore, he has also become a negative textbook in many textbooks


Einstein and Camorison chatted a little bit more recently.

Camorison also asked the servant waiting outside to take down painting tools such as easels and paints.

He is here for business.

Just to paint a portrait of Einstein.

“Oh, my dear friend, I thought you would forget about it if you chat with you for a while.”

Einstein shrugged helplessly:

“You know, in fact, I haven’t been very cold with portraits for a long time. I think photos can reflect the details more and are easier to save.”

“So you see, so far, so many painters have hoped to paint me a picture, but I have rejected them all.

Camorison chuckled:

“It’s precisely because you haven’t had a portrait painting in the world so far, so I want to draw one for you! Old man, we are not young anymore, I don’t know when we will be in the soil, let’s leave something to the world. .

“I think I have left a lot of things to the world~”

Einstein quibbled:

“Mass-energy conversion formula, general theory of relativity, special theory of relativity, etc. What a fortune!”

Camorison shook his finger:

“But these wealth, I am afraid that only high-end academia can experience. As a great man who ended the world war, you still leave too little for ordinary people in the world.”

“So you should leave a portrait so that ordinary humans can understand your accomplishments when they visit painting exhibitions and read books.

“Take a step back, don’t you like the cover of your [Biography], printed on the cover of an oil painting by your good friend?”

Einstein laughed loudly:

“Okay old friend, I was convinced by you.”

As he said, he glanced at the messy living room.

as well as …

The scribbled “formula” on the desk.

“Uh, maybe we should change place, or we need to clean up this messy living room.

However ……

Camorison shook his head seriously:

“No, it’s the opposite.”

“I am a realist painter, so I also hope to leave your true side on the canvas.”

“I don’t think there is any more suitable background than this desk full of scratch paper. This is what your daily work looks like.”

Einstein shrugged casually.

The good mood for a long time has made him very easy-going.

“Okay, you can do whatever you want. But I don’t like that kind of stereotyped, old, and upright portraits. I want to do something different, okay?”

“Are you saying you want to be a stranger?”

“Yes, yes! That’s it! Don’t you think it’s funny? Traditional portraits are too gloomy. I want everyone to see my happy side, not the melancholy and serious expression!”

“Well, it’s up to you.

The two hit it off.

Einstein did not deliberately clean up the desk.

There was even a piece of cursive paper with “Formula” written on it almost fell off the table, and he didn’t care.

Just turn the chair upside down.

Sit down facing Camorison.


Open your eyes!

Sticking out tongue–

“Slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly ~~~~

The air ice cellar is generally quiet.

My old friend, you really scared me, are you sure you want to be like this?”

“Yes, yes, I feel so good! Could you please hurry up and draw, my tongue will be drooling all the time.”

.Well if you insist. ”

Camerison took the charcoal pencil and began to stroke.

Einstein in front of him still kept his “naughty” appearance with his tongue out.

He feels so good!

It took so many years to release his emotions, and he didn’t bother to care about so much.

Just be happy!

Now he is an old urchin who indulges himself!

Naughty Einstein!

a long time.

The painting is finally finished.

Einstein rubbed his dislocated jaw.

Standing in front of the canvas.

Enjoy this painting with Camorison.

“Sure enough, it is you. Although it is an oil painting, the painting is extremely exquisite, and there is a kind of beauty in the picture.”

“Of course.

Being praised by an old friend, Camorrison was happy from the heart:

“I’m a realist painter! Of course I have to pay attention to the details. I have already figured out the name of this painting, and it’s called “Naughty Einstein”!

Camorison looked at the painting with satisfaction.

Although it looks strange to paint Einstein’s grimace, it has a different kind of artistic beauty.

He painted all the details in the room very vividly, with a strong sense of reality and vision.

Trash in the corner

Spider web on broom

Crumbs on the ground

Even the [half-cut formula] that appeared on the draft paper on the desktop, he painted into the painting meticulously.

“This is a painting that can be put in the Louvre, but I decided to donate it to a museum that will do a global tour, so that more people can see this painting…0”

Einstein just nodded dumbly.

He doesn’t care about these.

He only cares

When can I calculate the cosmological constant of that artifact?


Although that number has not been calculated yet, he has already given him a name, which is called the [cosmological constant].


As the algorithm advances.

He became more and more aware of the unusualness of this constant!

In the dark

It’s like everything in the world, everything that happens, has something to do with a certain number.

“If we can calculate this [cosmological constant, maybe we only need a formula to calculate the past and the future! Even time and space travel is possible!”

“Suddenly discovered that controllable nuclear fusion is not that important. It would be better to return the [cosmological constant] as a thank you gift to Mr. Lin Xian of Longguo.”

During Einstein’s daze.

Camorison had packed up his painting tools and was about to leave.

“Goodbye old friend, I hope that next time I see you, you will still be red.”

“Oh, thank you Camerison, if there is such an honor, I really hope you can paint me more pictures haha.”

After sending off Camerison.

Einstein was not affected too much by this episode.

He quickly forgot the painting.

Forget the little baby whom he named “George Bill”.

Instead, he devoted himself to the calculation of the [cosmological constant].

day to day.

Year after year.

As the ceiling of human intelligence, his efforts were not in vain!


On this day, April 18, 1955–


Einstein himself did not know.

This is an extraordinary day.

In the time and space before the change, it was the day he should have died.

At midnight that day, Einstein died in Princeton due to a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a ruptured aneurysm in his sleep.

He was 66 years old.

A doctor named Thomas Harvey took the opportunity of dissecting Einstein’s body, carrying Einstein’s family on his back, and “quietly” took Einstein’s brain and eyeballs.

The reason why this doctor stole Einstein’s brain.

I hope that the neuroscience community can study his brain in 5.3 to discover the reason why Einstein is so smart.


This is the history before the change.

In the present time and space.

Because of receiving a letter from Lin Xian, Einstein has not been happy in recent years.

I’m in a good mood.

The body will heal naturally.

Several physical examinations have shown that, except for some kidney deficiency, everything in the body is normal, and there is no hemangioma at all.

So of course Einstein will not die today

Unless you encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Otherwise, according to his physical fitness, it would not be a problem to live for a few more years.


It was past early morning.

It was quiet outside the window.

The street lights were on lonely, and a few small stray cats huddled up and slept under the corner.

Time seems to stagnate at this moment.

But in Einstein’s study.

The nib of his pen slid across the draft paper like a bird!

The sweat drops on my forehead kept congealing

He is getting more and more excited!

“Soon ”


After years of hard work, Einstein has launched a complete substitution formula!

“Yes ”

“I have a hunch!”

“Tonight I can completely calculate the [cosmological constant]!”,

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