Chapter 192 Einstein’s past: a painter who suddenly visited, a baby was born


Einstein discovered the joy of life.



It is the fun of dinner, PARTY, admiration, and applause of flowers!

No one will hate others chasing you and flattering you.


No one really ~ hates these things.

A false name is always intoxicating.

Before this, Einstein could not-accept these.

Because he thinks he is a sinner who has destroyed the world and mankind, how can he dare to bear the praise and admiration of others?

That is simply the greatest irony of what I have done!

But today is not what it used to be, it is different now.

he thinks!

These achievements and fame are completely due to me!

“Yes, yes, children, I am the one who ended the war! Not only did I end this world war, I even ended the large-scale war of mankind forever!”

“What? You ask me when I think the Third World War will begin? Oh, you bad boy, you must have not listened carefully to what I said.”

“Remember! In the future world, nuclear weapons Q, which cannot be countered or defended, will become the greatest weapon to contain peace! All major powers are afraid of its power, so they dare not easily provoke war!”

“People come! We will usher in the longest peace in history! A toast with me! Respect for peace!”

Einstein was simply responsive at the party!

Everyone raised their glasses and shouted:

“Respect for peace!!

After a month of continuous indulgence, Einstein felt that his body couldn’t stand it.

“The lower back seems to be a little sore. It is really old and can’t be so messy. I heard that Longguo has some traditional Chinese medicine health-preserving techniques, so let’s go back and study it.

Think of the Dragon Kingdom.

Einstein naturally thought of the letter from the future, the Longguo man named Lin Xian.

“Perhaps I should study Chinese. After all, I still plan to write back to this benefactor. If he writes in Chinese, he should understand better.”

Einstein is an extremely intelligent man.

He is well aware that any small change in history will trigger a giant butterfly effect in the world several decades later, subversively changing time and space.

So, after reading the letter repeatedly, Einstein burned it down.

I watched it burn to ashes.

It’s heartache.

“Hey, I should have framed it and hung it on the head of the bed, but in order to ensure the normal operation of history and prevent Lin Xian’s identity and time coordinates from being exposed, I must burn this letter.”

“Just let him stay in my heart forever.”

Einstein recites every sentence in this letter.

After all, it was a letter that changed his entire life.

“Get up, go back to my laboratory and continue research.”

There is Einstein’s special laboratory in Princeton University.

Although it has not been enabled for a long time.

But the school has always arranged for someone to clean it.

When Einstein pushed open the door that hadn’t been opened for years, the inside was still as clean as ever.

He has already told the school.

For future research, he does not need any assistants, graduate students, doctoral students, or laboratory assistants.

“In order not to affect the [established history and future], all my research results cannot be released to the public, otherwise it will cause an unexpected butterfly effect.

“The people of Longguo pay attention to the grace of dripping water and the retribution of the spring. I can’t disturb the entire history because of my own selfish desires, and then affect my benefactor Lin Xian.

Einstein thought about it early on.

He wanted to overcome the theory of [controllable nuclear fusion], but instead of publishing it, he wrote a letter to the future and handed it to Lin Xian in 2021.

In this way, he can prevent his research from having an impact on history.

And he at other times

All you need is PARTY and HAPPY!

“I’m just going to dance, drink and drink, and talk about life with beautiful noble ladies. The impact on history is minimal, so it doesn’t matter.

“It’s rare to get a new life, I can’t continue to hide in the room and suffer depression, right?”

In the days to come.

Einstein lived a happy life of three points and one line.

Laboratory, home, dinner party.

Researching science is very interesting, and nightlife is equally interesting!

Even if the body is getting older.

But his heart is getting younger and younger!

“Your Excellency Einstein, you can’t do this anymore

The winter of 1952.

Einstein, who was overly indulgent, was hospitalized because of collapse.

His life assistant pinched his nose to boil Chinese medicine while persuading him:

“You are at this age and can’t stay up all night like this. Although you are in good health, you can’t accept old people!”

“And these messy tortoise shells, hay, tree bark, and deer antler can really cure diseases, right? The doctors said that you will be forbidden to eat these unexplained things, and they all think that you are doing alchemy! ”

Einstein, who was lying on the bed with an infusion, flipped through the book in his hand.

“Compendium of Materia Medica.”

It was a printed copy bought from Longguo by his trustee.

Although it is all in Chinese, after two years of Chinese learning, it is no longer a problem to understand Chinese books.

“Those stupid doctors know what a shit!”

Einstein watched the “Compendium of Materia Medica” very seriously:

“This is not alchemy. It is a Chinese medicine therapy. Aphrodisiac and qi has a miraculous effect in treating my disease.”

“I still don’t quite understand the things in this book, probably talking about Qi and the like. The Dragon Kingdom culture is really extensive and profound.

After being discharged from the hospital this time.

Einstein also accepted the fact that he was an old man.

No longer put too much energy on the party party and cha-cha dance.

“It’s fine to go to that place three times a week.”

For the rest of the time, he once again devoted himself to the study of [controllable nuclear fusion].


The breakthrough in research is not very smooth.

There are always some microscopic things, and neither theory nor experiment will work.

As a result, Einstein regressed the mass-energy conversion formula, and finally studied general relativity.

“Not right”

The tired Einstein shook his head.

“No, right? There seems to be something missing here. There is a [constant] missing here!”

Einstein figured it out!

If you want to further improve the general theory of relativity, or even calculate the equation of controllable nuclear fusion, you can’t get around a [constant]!

If this magical [constant] can be calculated, many previously difficult problems will be easily solved!

“What a magical discovery. In the gap between mathematics and the truth of the universe, there is such a magical [constant]!

…0 Seeking flowers………

After that, Einstein stayed in the laboratory day and night, hoping to calculate this [constant] as soon as possible.

The road to the pursuit of truth is always difficult.

But for people like Einstein, the more challenging things are, the more interesting they can be.

One day in 1953–

Einstein was struggling to calculate on the table in the living room.

Boom! Boom!

The door was knocked.

“The door is open, my old friend, come in!”

Because there was an appointment long ago, Einstein knew who came.

Camerison Bill.

One of the most famous realistic painters of the modern era, his works are well-known all over the world.

The two have had a deep friendship for many years.

Otherwise Einstein would not let him visit at home at this time.

“Oh, my old friend, long time no see, you are a lot older again.

Camorison laughed and hugged Einstein.

He looked at the jumbled paper on the desk.

It is full of formulas and symbols.

It seems…

Einstein was thinking about a complicated subject.

But every other row is like a mountain.


Camorison has no interest in this.

Einstein patted his old friend on the shoulder:

“Let’s talk about Camerison, what are you looking for me this time? I ran over all the way, not just wanting to paint me a picture, right?”

Camorison smiled slightly, took out a black and white photo, and handed it to Einstein.

Above is a little baby in a blessing.

“Look, my nephew’s child, is it cute?”

Einstein took the photo and looked at it:

“It’s a little boy, I saw his XX, he is a plastic talent hahaha.”

“Anyway, congratulations on becoming a grandfather, but is this something worthy of your special visit? You have been a grandfather many times, right?”


Einstein motioned to Camorison to sit down at the dining table, poured a cup of black tea, and the two sat down and talked.

Camorison took a sip of warm tea and said slowly:

“Speaking of which, this child and you are very destined. My nephew and his wife are two people who have no intersection. If you say that the only thing they have in common is that they are both your admirers!”

“At the dinner that you attended with an exception for the first time in many years, the two of them met by chance and walked together. Now, after two years of marriage, they finally gave birth to the crystallization of love.

“They thank you very much and said [If it weren’t for you to decide to attend the science dinner, the two of them would definitely not meet, and naturally there would be no happy life today.]”

“So this time I came here with the hope of their young couple. They believe that you gave them a child, and they hope you can give the child a name!”


Einstein suddenly realized.

I see.

This is also a good thing.

By mistake, a science dinner I attended by accident turned out to be a pair of mandarin ducks!

This is in the dragon country culture he studied.

But it is a great thing to “accumulate virtue”!

“Very good! Not bad!”

Einstein looked at the rough black and white photo again,

On the photo.

Although the baby is sleeping, it can be seen that he looks very handsome.

Einstein instantly thought of the most famous, handsome, and at the same time the most controversial Duke of Buckingham in the history of Britain–

Duke George Villiers.

So blurted out–


“My instinct told me the name of this kid–”

“[George Bill]!”

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