Chapter 191 Einstein’s past: people who shouldn’t exist, abandoned sons in time and space


Einstein looked at the sender on the envelope with some doubts.

“Linxian sounds like the name of a Longguo.”

But Einstein thought twice, and he did know a lot of scientists from the Dragon Kingdom, but he did not know someone named “Linxian”.

This is not the point

The key point is the mailing time written on the envelope:

[Delivery time: June 10, 2021]


This is the distant future!

Einstein glanced at the calendar on the desk. He did not fall asleep, and it was indeed 1949.

“It must be a prank by someone to make me happy?”

Einstein grinned reluctantly.

“but …

“It’s also a funny prank.”

Einstein, who had studied physics all his life, naturally couldn’t avoid studying time travel.

Although the general theory of relativity proves that it is impossible to travel through time and space, it is only his own humble opinion after all, and even he himself did not give up this beautiful science fiction.

So he opened the letter with great interest.

Even if it’s a prank.

He is still very interested, what will a letter supposed to come from the future say to himself?

With curiosity.

Einstein tore open the envelope and opened the letter paper–

[Dear Sir Einstein. 】

【Hello. 】

[Thank you for your contribution to the progress of mankind. My name is Lin Xian, from the Dragon Kingdom on June 10, 2021. 】

[In your time, the “Poincaré Conjecture” puzzle of the century has not been proven, but in 2006, it was overcome by a mathematician named Perelman. The reasoning process is as follows.

See 850 here.

Einstein became interested in an instant!

“This is a very smart person. He used the simplest and most effective method to convince me and convinced me that he came from the future.”

The Poincaré conjecture was a conjecture proposed by the mathematician Henry Poincaré in 1904.

It has been 40 years since it was proposed, but no one can prove this conjecture, not even Henry Poincaré himself.

Since ancient times, mathematics, physics and chemistry have not been separated.

Einstein’s mathematical foundation is also very solid, after all, mathematics is the foundation of physics.

For Poincaré conjecture.

He tried it when he was young.

But after two years of hard work, it was still unable to prove it, so I gave up.

“Interesting! Let me see if this so-called proof process is correct!”

Einstein temporarily forgot the sadness in his heart.

Unscrew the lamp.

Take out the pen and paper and start to sit at the table and calculate

It is very difficult to give you a question and let you do the calculation.

But if the other way round

Give you the answer directly, let you go directly to verify whether the answer is correct, it is too easy!

The easiest way is to bring in directly!


Einstein saw it.

The mathematics level of this [suspected future man] does not seem to be very high.

we can even say

He doesn’t understand mathematics at all!

He copied these proof manuscripts and reasoning as if they were random excerpts.

It’s not like a mathematician who doesn’t reach the point at intervals.

But this just adds to the credibility of this letter!

“Perhaps this [suspected future man] copied the correct answer (cafd) and picked up the formula he thought was important.

“This is also the past. According to the letter, the Poincaré conjecture was proved in 2006, and this letter is from 2021.”

“Forget it, this is not the point. I know very well that in this era, no one has the level to prove Poincaré conjecture. If these manuscripts are true, it means that this letter does come from the future!”

Einstein struggled with writing.

Although Lin Xian’s random copying caused some troubles to the process of reasoning and proof.

But after all, Einstein is also a person with a fairly high mathematical foundation, and he can also fill in the missing steps with the context.

Four hours passed.

The sun outside the window has already risen.

Busy traffic began to appear on the streets.

Einstein’s reasoning has also reached the final step one-


Einstein slapped the table!

Stand up with wide eyes!

“Oh my God! This is true!”

He can’t believe it!

The conjecture that has plagued the entire mathematics community for more than 40 years was completely proved in 4 hours!

“This kind of achievement, such a clever solution is absolutely impossible in this era! There is no such a genius mathematician in this era! There is not even a single idea!”

Einstein was pretty sure.

Because of standing in his position.

He knows all the top mathematicians in the world, and it is no surprise that he even meets frequently at conferences.

“But I haven’t seen each other for a long time

Since I was severely depressed.

Einstein never attended any dinners or meetings again, and had been stuck in this little house in Princeton.

The only thing that can accompany him is the violin and endless nightmares.

“Then since it has been proved, this letter is indeed from Mr. Lin Xian in the future 2021 70 years later, what exactly is going to tell me?”


Einstein had fully believed that this letter came from the future, and he was very curious about the content behind.

Thousand is…

With awe, he continued to read this letter from the future

【His Excellency Einstein, you do not need to confess your crimes, the intelligent conversion equation is a great discovery. The two nuclear wuqis you have witnessed are the only two nuclear wuqis used in war in the world. The wild bombing you imagined does not exist. 】

[On the contrary, due to the powerful destructive power of nuclear wuqi, the great powers have formed a “nuclear deterrence” between each other, and mankind has ushered in an unprecedented era of peace. At the end of the 1990s, most countries signed the international treaty banning nuclear testing and non-proliferation, and everything is developing in a good place]

“Is this true!?”

Einstein’s eyes widened!

Isn’t his worry all the time superfluous?

I thought I had opened Pandora’s demon, but I didn’t expect that the destructive power that was too big and could not be countered would become the sword of Damocles to contain peace!


Einstein’s face was suddenly red!

I was several years younger in an instant mentally!

He didn’t doubt what the letter said!

Since this letter was sent from 2021, it at least shows that no large-scale war occurred in the 70 years from 1949 to 2021!


It turned out to be all his credit!

“Sure enough, my formula is not wrong! Hahahahaha humming hummingly”

After the unprecedented happiness, followed by tears of joy.

The depression for so long was released in an instant!

Einstein felt…

I ushered in a real new life!

“I am not a sinner!”

“My worry is unnecessary!”

“People come not only to have a future, but also a bright future!”

“Yes, my research cannot be stagnated because of this, and I will continue to contribute to this world! According to the statement in the letter, human beings still cannot truly grasp the power of nuclear fusion.”

“Well, let me continue my theoretical research and take controllable nuclear fusion as a gift! Give it back to the benefactor of the Long Kingdom who saved me!”

Einstein is full of new hope!

This is truly a medical miracle!

Such a severe depression was cured instantly!

“Oh~ but before starting the research, I think I should relax for a long time. Oh no, indulge!”

With that, Einstein picked up the roulette phone on the table.

After making a complicated roulette dial, the assistant over there got the call:

“Your Excellency Einstein, how can I help you?”

Einstein smiled slightly:

“Didn’t you tell me a while ago that there was a science dinner for the public tonight?”

“Your Excellency Eshi, the organizer kindly invited you. But didn’t you let me refuse it for you?”

“Is it? It seems that there is such a thing. Is it time for me to change my mind now?,

The assistant over there is silent!

He didn’t feel embarrassed!

I was shocked!

It’s hard to happen! Einstein, who has suffered from depression for so long, has not appeared in the public eye for several years.

He is willing to go out of the house and face the society!

This is amazing!

“When of course it is too late! Oh my god, I must hurry up and forward this news to the organizer!

“Your Excellency, do you know? Although the United States excluded you from the Manhattan Project, people all over the world know that you are the hero who ended the war!

“If you are willing to attend, there must be a lot of your admirers coming here!”

Einstein nodded happily:

“Well, let’s arrange it quickly! By the way, send my suit to the dry cleaner. Forget it, buy me a new set!

“I want to give this world a whole new hope!”

That night.

It was supposed to be a scientific dinner for small gatherings.

But because of the arrival of Einstein, it became crowded!

Countless people have come to admire this world’s greatest scientist and the true hero who ended the war!

Einstein also had a pleasant night after a long absence.

Where he can see it.

He is happy for this peaceful and prosperous age that will last for a long time!

And where he can’t see

There is a man and woman who should never meet in this life, but because they are the same admirers of Einstein, they met at this dinner party.

They fell in love with each other, met late and settled in love overnight.


A life that shouldn’t exist in this world.

On this night

His parents walked together.

And he.

There is also the possibility of coming into this world

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