Chapter 190 Einstein’s past: the summer of 1949

After realizing it.

[Arrogance] and [Rage]’s focus in life has changed.

They determined the three goals of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] –

[1. Find a way to put history back in place. 】

This goal was put forward by [Rage].

he thinks.

The person who masters the power to change time and space must be very powerful and still in the dark. They have no advantage at all.

So if you want to take the initiative, you must let history return to its place!

This has two advantages.

One is that the person who changes history can be forced out.

Secondly, once history returns to its place, the [future template] provided by Einstein will be correct again, and they will have an information advantage.


It is the second goal:

[2. Make full use of the members of the Regret Mutual Aid Association and find a way to find out who disturbed history!]

Although the two did not know what 42 was.

But in Einstein’s intermittent fragments, there is too much about 42.

Since the seven deadly sins members of the Mutual Aid Society are all 42 elected, and they are very clever, all of them are from the Dragon Kingdom.

That means that this must not be accidental, but inevitable!

“Since these members are chosen by God, they must have special meaning!”

“Now that I don’t know what to let them do, let these people help us [Historical Return]!”

“I believe that as long as we follow God’s choice, the [person who disturbs history] will definitely be found by us! In other words, he will appear by himself!”

As for the third goal.

It is also the ultimate goal–

[3. Kill that person, seize his abilities, and become a god who can truly control time and space!]

The ultimate goal is the last to be accomplished.

The biggest premise.

It is to find that person first.

This is the crux of the moment.


Among the 1.4 billion Dragon Kingdom people, it is too difficult to find one.

There is even a possibility

That person lives in a more distant future, not yet born in this era.


That person’s [time coordinate] is more important, but only Einstein knows this information.

“Yeah!!! Wow!!!! Ah!!!!!!!”

The baby cries miserably!

But [Rage] was still very calm, without a trace of mood swings.

He has been listening to this scream for decades, and he has long been immune.

over time.

The effect of hallucinogens is getting stronger and stronger.

The baby has completely lost his mind, can’t even cry, and his whole body is convulsing mechanically.

[Rage] Leaning over to the crib, whispered:

“Einstein, tell me, where did the letter come from?”

“Heavy Ullah Wow”

In the mouth of the little baby, he actually spoke Chinese!

This is simply the smartest baby in the world!

[Rage] It’s not surprising anymore.

He and [Pride] were just to understand the only words spoken by Einstein, so they also studied Chinese specifically, and they are now very proficient.

“Right, right Einstein, continue. From what age did the letter come from / 々?”

“Letter? Letter Donghai

“Yes, yes! God, East China Sea, Long Country, East China Sea, where exactly?”

[Rage] Almost jumped up in excitement!

East China Sea!

This is an unprecedented breakthrough in so many years!

For so many years before, I didn’t get any useful information!

East China Sea

That letter was sent from Donghai City, Long Kingdom!

“Einstein, hurry up! Where did the letter come from the East China Sea!”



! !!!

Another key point!

[Rage] It was accidentally discovered that Einstein, who was in a baby state, seemed to have a weaker sense of resistance!

It’s easier to get useful information!


It may also be due to the increased dose of hallucinogens.


This should be the house number, right?

As long as you know the specific address, this can be directly locked to your home!

“Great Einstein! Go ahead and tell me where is the 802? Which district is the 802? Is it an apartment?”

“Yes uh!!!!”

The baby whose pupils were already dilated, suddenly widened his eyes!

Then bit his lips!

He doesn’t have long teeth, but he bites his upper jaw against his lower jaw!

The pupils contracted, and a trace of consciousness was restored!

“So it’s resisting.”

[Rage] Smiled.

It seems…

Even if he became a baby, was shocked, and injected a lot of hallucinogens.

But Einstein’s consciousness is still preventing him from telling the person’s message.

“It’s really amazing how much benefit did that person give you? オ let you protect him like this, so you can’t say anything?”

After torturing Einstein for decades, he was unwilling to say the name of that person.

This clank and iron bone is no less than a hero during the war!

[Rage] Can’t understand

What benefit did that person give Einstein to make him so loyal and pious?

Is it money?

Is it power?

Is it a treasure?

Or the formulas that made Einstein famous?

“Einstein, you kept your mouth shut for decades. Is it really worth it?”

The baby twitches all over.

Don’t say a word!

The clenched upper and lower jaws have worn out the skin.

“All right ……

[Rage] Reluctantly shrugged, and smiled sinisterly:

“Then it seems that we can only increase our efforts! Anyway, some hallucinogens are

He got up.

Two more shots of hallucinogens were given to the baby.

Then hold the knob of the electric shock helmet and turn it to the right! The voltage is full!

“Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!”

The screams of babies breaking their throats resounded through this laboratory!

Einstein felt like his whole body was floating!

He can’t control himself

I can’t even control my own thoughts!

Everything in front of me becomes blurred

The dazzling lights made him almost blind!

The last second of his conscious mind made his thoughts float back in the past

Floating back…

That summer in 1949

Princeton is a quiet town.

The detachment in his early years left Einstein, and the external world was always haunting him.

The war has been over for four years.

The two giant mushroom clouds have long since dissipated, and the detonation of the explosion has also been filled.

But the painful damage they left to the world takes decades or hundreds of years to digest

This is the wound in Einstein’s heart.

This unhealable wound caused him pain day and night.

That is just a very small, very simple formula, which only illustrates the relationship between mass and energy.

In fact, before Fermi’s reactor was built, Einstein himself believed that it was fantastic for humans to convert mass into energy at the atomic level!

But did not expect

Humans can use this formula to create such a terrifying weapon!

A city can be wiped out and vanished in an instant.

“I am a sinner, I am a sinner of mankind, I am a sinner of history”

In his recent sleep, he often heard a terrible sound, like a flood, like a volcano.

Finally one night he was awakened from his dream by the sound, and found that it was just the snoring of a puppy in the porch.

After that, the voice never appeared in his dream again.

But last night, he dreamed of a wasteland with remnant snow reflected by the setting sun.

He tried to run out of this wasteland, but it was too big and boundless.

Later, when he saw the sea, the blood-colored sea in the setting sun, he realized that the whole world is a wasteland covered with remnants of snow.

At this time, he woke up from his dream.

A question suddenly appeared in his mind like a black reef at low tide:

“Does mankind have a future?

This problem afflicted him like a fire, and he could barely bear it.

In the future world, the fireworks of nuclear war will blow in his mind.

Make him want to die.

“Cough cough, cough cough

The sky outside the window is still dark.

Einstein has no intention of sleeping.

During this period, his spirit was getting worse and worse, and he felt that his spirit was about to be unable to hold it, and he was on the verge of collapse.


It’s not terrible to him.

Compared with the sins he committed, death is a kind of forgiveness for him.

“But what can death change (Qian Li’s)? When the third war begins, it will be the time when all mankind will be extinct.”

“There is no future for human beings who have committed the [Seven Deadly Sins] under the Gods of Mankind.”

Einstein closed his eyes in despair.

Take a sip of cold water from the head of the bed.

Then got up.

Open the curtains.


The curtains opened.

The warm street lamp outside the door shone into the room.

The hard-working cleaners downstairs are already cleaning the streets.

Seeing this is a vibrant world.

But only Einstein knew

In the face of human desire and the huge lethality of nuclear weapons Q, all this is temporary.

The devil will come one day.

“And I am the one who awakened [the devil]”

Einstein felt that his depression was getting worse.

He turned and walked towards the desk.

Be prepared to take some antidepressant medicine prescribed by the doctor.

That will make him feel better.

“Huh Song?”

Einstein’s eyes widened and looked at the familiar desktop.

There is a letter on it!

He is very clear.

There was no letter here when I slept yesterday!

He picked up the envelope tremblingly.

Look at the English written on it–

【Sender: Lin Xian】

[Mailing address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City][Delivery time: June 10, 2021].

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