Chapter 182 Dai Chuchan’s confession! Lin Xian breaks the dream!

Although Lin Xian was a little surprised.

But think about it instead.

It is not strange that Dai Chuchan painted this picture.

He had speculated before.

Now in this time and space.

The only two people who have seen the original painting of “Sorrowful Einstein” are himself and Dai Chuchan.

Dai Chuchan majored in art and painting.


It’s not a strange thing to be able to “imitate” the paintings I have seen.

After thinking about it.

Lin Xian also eased his mind and looked at this painting carefully.

Um.. …… ……

Take a closer look

I found the problem.

I don’t know if it’s the reason why the painting hasn’t finished yet, or that Dai Chuchan’s skills are limited.

What do you say about this oil painting?

No matter in terms of artistic conception, details, or atmosphere, there is no small gap between the original work in the last global rotation in time and space.

Even Lin Xian, a layman.

It can be seen at a glance that this is just a parody of a parody.


This is no wonder Dai Chuchan.

First of all, she only took a few glances at first, and the memory must be biased.


The original author of this oil painting is the famous Ouzhou modern painter Camorrison!

How can Dai Chuchan and He De compare with this kind of world master

Lin Xian rested his chin.

Continue to examine this painting.

In such a comparison, he found.

Dai Chuchan’s painting is not as exquisite as the “Sorrowful Einstein” on the background of the website.

The one on the background of the webpage has reached the point where it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, and the false is not the true one.

Even Lin Xian who has seen the original work.

I can’t tell the authenticity of the painting on the background of the webpage.

This is what makes Lin Xian feel uneasy

Looking at the entire time and space, it should be only me and Dai Chuchan who have seen the original painting of “Sorrowful Einstein”.

Dai Chuchan’s level is here.

The painting on the background of the webpage was definitely not made by her.

Not to mention it myself.


[Regret Mutual Aid Society] “Sorrowful Einstein” in his hands.

Where did it come from?

This is still an unsolved mystery to this day.

See Lin Xian staring at the painting and thinking in a daze.

Dai Chuchan smiled triumphantly.


She knew it!

Senior Lin Xian has an inexplicable interest in Einstein!

This may be the academic spirit of science students.

In her dreams…

The two visited the exhibition at the Convention and Exhibition Center together.

At that time, Lin Xian was particularly interested in this painting, so she also took a second look.

But in real life.

This picture does not exist.

Instead, there is a set of “Naughty Einstein” also hand-painted by Camerison.

The interweaving of dreams and reality.

For a while, Dai Chuchan wondered which painting was the real one?


When the teacher in the oil painting class left homework for everyone to paint a portrait of a great man.

Dai Chuchan didn’t think much about it.

Immediately decided to draw this picture of “Bad Einstein”!

Originally, she planned to show it to senior Lin Xian after finishing the painting.

How did you think

Think of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there!

Senior Lin Xian unexpectedly came to the door!

Dai Chuchan stood up from the painted stool, then pulled the painted stool aside to make more room for Lin Xian to watch.

“Senior Lin Xian, have you seen this painting?”

Forehead …

Now it was Lin Xian’s turn to be dumbfounded.

Should the answer be seen or not?

Thought for a while.

Lin Xian decided to tell the truth.

I have seen this painting in many places, and it would be too deceptive to say that I have never seen it.

“Sorrowful Einstein, I have indeed seen it.

Hear Lin Xian’s answer.

Dai Chuchan smiled instantly!

“That’s great, Senior Lin Xian! It seems that we two have the same dream!”

Do not know why.

Just had the same dream as Lin Xian.

Dai Chuchan can jump up happily!

Lin Xian looked at Dai Chuchan who was full of excitement and expectation.

There was a burst of mixed flavors in my heart.

Is this okay?

In this way, I kept hiding Dai Chuchan, is it really okay?

Lin Xian asked himself.

This is such a courageous girl.

She dared to express her inner joy and dared to look directly at her inner persistence.

She dared to travel across the ocean alone, raising a red flag for herself in a venue of tens of thousands of people!

She dared to become the first messenger in the history of mankind in the name of going to death and being the wife of a worthy hero!

Face such a hero with courage and courage.

Faced with such a girl who dared to fight the fire for love moths.

Could it be…

Don’t you even have the courage to admit everything?

Do you want to continue to escape?

Do you still want to continue to escape this 24-year-old self-feeling, escape your heart, and escape this woman who gave her life to death?

Do not!

A flame ignited in Lin Xian’s eyes.

He shook his head firmly.

Even if the future is uncertain

But at this moment.

He does not intend to escape or deceive this happy girl who really opens her heart!

“No, Chu Chan.

Lin Xian shook his head and looked directly at Dai Chuchan’s clear eyes:

“[That is not a dream, that is the life we ​​have experienced!]”


At this moment.

Dai Chuchan’s eyes widened!

The smile still froze at the corner of her mouth.

But her heart was like being struck by thunder!

This sentence

She waited for a long time

Dai Chuchan’s eye sockets began to wet.

Memories emerge from my mind to my eyes.

On the rainy night of the 42 bus.

42-year-old middle-aged Lin Xian told her:

“For you, this is reality. But for me, this may be a dream of the past.”


When Dai Chuchan understood what he meant.

And asked middle-aged Lin Xian:

“[Is it possible that the dreams we have are all the lives we have experienced?]”

But the middle-aged Lin Xian.

Just smiled.

Did not give her a positive reply, nor did she give her the correct answer.

But I didn’t expect it!

In today’s sunny crystal studio

…0 Seeking flowers…

Senior Lin Xian actually told himself the final answer–

That’s right!

That really wasn’t a dream!

That is indeed the life we ​​have experienced!

For a time

The tears of grievance surging like a flood.

Tick ​​tick tick tick.

Follow Dai Chuchan’s delicate face dripping to the ground.

“Very good ”

Dai Chuchan cried in an impersonal form.

She recalled the words of her aunt Li Susu scolding herself

You are a junior!

Love is first-come-first-served!

It was Liu Yiyi who came first!

You are dreaming!

“That’s great ”

Dai Chuchan knew.

At this moment, she must be crying ugly.

What a shame!

Let the senior Lin Xian see himself as a wolf and fox!


She just can’t help it!

For such a long time.

She has been fighting psychologically.

She can’t tell where is the dream and where is the reality.


Those dreams are so real!

The self in the dream, every inch of land and every piece of air I breathe with Senior Lin Xian are so real!

“It turns out that all this happened in reality!”

Dai Chuchan seemed to turn into a butterfly and fly away in an instant.

The long-depressed mood was completely released.


I did nothing wrong.

She looked at the beloved man in front of her with teary eyes.

this moment

She wanted to rush into his arms!

Hold him tightly!

But in the end

Dai Chuchan held back.

There are many things in this world that she can’t understand.

But don’t understand.

Doesn’t mean she can be ignorant.

Regardless of the erratic movement of time and space.

But in this time and space.

Liu Yiyi is Lin Xian’s girlfriend.

Even if she likes this man again and has a close past with him again.

At this time, you must not cross the boundary.

but …

It’s always okay to be a little greedy, right?

Just a little bit

She didn’t expect anything to bear fruit with Lin Xian.

She just hope

Able to express my sincere heart!

To make up for the regret that has been suppressed in my heart!

That’s it.

Dai Chuchan took a step forward and gently raised Lin Xian’s hand.

She bit her lower lip nervously

Make up your mind and generally raise your head!

Looking at Lin Xian firmly and bravely:

“Lin Lin Xian, senior.

Even if you are mentally prepared.

But Dai Chuchan’s voice still trembles

She looked up at Lin Xian, her eyes full of tenderness:

“Those clips with you are the happiest time in my life! Thank you for being able to appear in my life.”

Lin Xian smiled softly.

He rubbed Dai Chuchan’s hair for an unprecedented time:

“I already owe you too much, so let me owe more.”

“Excuse me, please wait a minute. After this August, I will tell you everything!”

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