Chapter 181 Unexpected! Dai Chuchan’s oil painting works!

After eating, Lin Xian drove directly to Tunghai University.

Although it is early.

But there is nothing else to do, just go a little earlier, just to be able to wander around the university campus.

“It’s been a long time since I visited the campus, I really miss it.”


Rolls-Royce Huiying rushed onto the highway, crushing the bumpy national highway, and drove towards Donghai University Town.

Along the way.

Several 42 buses passed on the head.

This is also the only bus in the university town.

Perhaps because it is not school time, these cars are empty.

Lin Xian looked at every 42 bus driver.

But I didn’t see any familiar figure


Never see it again.

The greatest hero of mankind, the middle-aged self, has collapsed on a certain bus forever.

What kind of enlightenment did he hold before he died?

Lin Xian shook his head.

He couldn’t understand it.

Because of his being too cautious, he never had a moment to pass death.

Therefore, it is impossible to realize the feeling of death.

Will you regret it?

Would you regret it?

Lin Xian didn’t know how his middle-aged self chose to become a messenger with a mortal and fearless mentality.

“I won’t let you die in vain

“You three, wait for me in the future!”


Depress the accelerator.

The twin-turbo W12 engine made a roar!

Carrying the noble little golden man all the way south

It’s half past two in the afternoon.

Lin Xian arrived at Tunghai University.

After sending a message with Liu Yiyi to confirm, Liu Yiyi replied:

“Husband~ Why are you here so early this time? We are in music theory class, and we won’t end until 4:30. You can go around on campus first~”

Lin Xian is not surprised.

He came so early that he intended to come to the campus for a walk and relax.

High-intensity interrogation and reasoning over the past few days.

It made his head a little muddy.

Drive to the school gate.

Before Lin Xian honked the horn, the guard pressed the remote control and raised the parking pole.

And waved to Rolls-Royce Huiying.

It seems

A good car is good.

Save a lot of things.

After entering the campus and parked the car in the parking space, Lin Xian got out of the car and walked around.

“Ah, the familiar fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, so I miss it.

Both sides of the aisle on the west side of the campus are planted with sweet-scented osmanthus.

Every time the sweet-scented osmanthus is in full bloom, this place will become a place for the beautiful girls on campus to check in and take pictures. Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi have also strolled on this fragrance trail countless times.

Lin Xian walked along the trail to the campus.

He is so familiar with this place.

Walking here has a kind of relaxation like going home.

“There are so few students on campus, are they all in class?”

Perhaps it was because of the big afternoon. Except for the sound of balls coming from the playground in the distance, the whole campus was very quiet and there were few pedestrians on the road.

Lin Xian guessed that most of the students are in class.

The learning atmosphere at Tunghai University is very good. The study room has always been overcrowded. I think everyone must be studying at this point.

I really don’t know how to pass the time.

Lin Xian decided to go to the playground, maybe he could still meet a familiar schoolboy.

After all, he can be regarded as a supernumerary substitute for the school basketball team.

Occasionally, he played two basketball games.

Thinking of those few basketball games, Lin Xian thought of Dai Chu

have to say.

Fate is really a magical thing.

Who could have imagined that it was because of the cafd of that basketball game.. The two had so many fetters in the past and future time and space.

Even married in the end

“Cough cough”

Thinking of this, Lin Xian’s head got bigger again.

How did Liu Yiyi accept that he married two wives?

It’s incredible how you think about it!

Although Liu Yiyi told herself–

“If one day I die, or we will never see each other, I will only hope that you can be with sister Chu Chan and let her take care of you instead of me.”

“There are so many girls in the world, I only recognize sister Chu Chan alone!”

Liu Yiyi must have seen Dai Chuchan’s sincerity towards him, so he said this.


The meaning of this is not to say that you can accept to marry two wives!

Liu Yiyi just said.

If one day she died.

She was willing to share herself with Dai Chuchan.

If she is not dead, she is naturally unwilling.

This is also very reasonable, and Lin Xian also agrees.

In the current Long Country society, no woman is willing to share a man with other women.

“My lord, the times have changed. The era of three wives and four concubines has passed.

Lin Xian sighed and continued to move forward.

He believed.

Since the future has already been hammered out, I did marry Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan.

That means

There must be some [opportunity]!

What is the [key opportunity]!

Let the two beauties accept this absurd thing.

Only now, this [critical opportunity] has not yet appeared.

“Then let the flow take its course. In fact, I’m also very curious, what kind of [opportunity] can make such a ridiculous thing happen?”

Lin Xian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

With his IQ, he couldn’t figure out how things would develop.

Then you can only “sit and wait to die.”

On the way to the playground along Piaoxiang Avenue, Lin Xian passed the “Crystal Studio” of the Art Academy.

The crystal studio is just the name of this glass building

It is not really made of crystal.

I have to say that the students, teachers, and even deans of the art department are very creative.

After this “Crystal Studio” was completed, it became a landmark building of Tunghai University.

It refers to the Louvre of F country in its design. This crystal studio is also a transparent pyramid made of tempered glass.

From the outside, you can clearly see the scene in the studio.

Quite artistic.

General painting courses in the art department will be taught in this studio.

It is also open to students when there are no classes at ordinary times. Everyone can come here to set up a canvas and paint.


Lin Xian blinked.

He found

In the studio of this glass pyramid.

There was a familiar figure sitting!

She was wearing a light yellow rippling dress and sitting on the painting stool.

Straighten your waist.

While smiling softly at the corners of his mouth, he picked up the paintbrush and dangled on the canvas.

She was the only one in the entire huge crystal studio.

The silky hair was rolled into a ball and tied behind his head, exposing his white neck against the edge of the glass window, so that people could see this beautiful and condensed picture at a glance.

Although only a silhouette.

But Lin Xian recognized at a glance, this girl is Dai Chu!

“I really want Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here.”

think carefully.

The last time I was alone with Dai Chuchan was in the last time and space.

I don’t know what power is driving

Originally intended to go to the foot of the playground, Gu Zi walked towards the crystal studio.

The door of the crystal studio was wide open.

Because the smell of oil paint is relatively strong, generally the doors and windows here will be opened for ventilation.

Dai Chuchan paints very seriously.

Sometimes the brush is rinsed in the bucket, and sometimes the ink is adjusted on the palette

It can be seen from her proficiency.

She is very professional.

Well, how should I say, at least in the eyes of Lin Xian, a layman, he is very professional!

Lin Xian had already guessed it.

Although Dai Chuchan danced very well and was also the leader of the cheerleading team at Tunghai University, her first major should be painting.

When I visited the exhibition at the Convention and Exhibition Center.

Dai Chuchan kept giving Lin Xian all kinds of painting knowledge.

These things that seemed to her to be common sense to Lin Xian sounded like a fantasy!

I don’t know how bad it is!

Lin Xian has never seen Dai Chuchan’s paintings.

I was also curious for a while.

What else is she painting?



Abstract painting?

The curious Lin Xian didn’t want to disturb the beauty of this girl’s painting.

He took a gentle step.

Walked towards Dai Chuchan from the door of the studio–

“Hehe, senior! You are here!

Lin Xian stopped in place.

I thought that walking was already very light, plus Dai Chuchan’s painting is so serious, it shouldn’t bother her.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered.

“Excuse me, did you bother you?”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and apologized.

Dai Chuchan shook his head happily:

“How come~~ I feel you are coming as soon as you enter the house!”


Lin Xian tilted his head.

She used feelings, not hearing or seeing.

Is this the sixth sense of a woman’s horror?

Lin Xian walked towards Dai Chuchan:

“Why do you draw here by yourself? Didn’t you finish your homework?’

“Senior Lin Xian, your guess is accurate!”

Dai Chuchan put the paintbrush in the bucket and rinsed it.

After shaking off the water, I re-dipped a tuft of white paint on the palette.

Start to color.

As she adjusted the paint, she raised her head and said:

“This is already last week’s homework. The homework left by the oil painting teacher is for us to paint a painting of a great man.”

“But last week it was a football team game and a basketball team game. The cheerleader work took me to a halt, so I took advantage of this afternoon when there was no class to make up my homework here~”

Talk about it.

Dai Chuchan’s eyes rolled.

As if thinking of something, he raised his head and looked at Lin Xian grinningly:

“Hehe~ Senior Lin Xian! Don’t you come to see what I painted? I believe you will be interested in this painting!”

Dai Chuchan’s eyes were full of mischievous mischief.

Lin Xian was also infected by this optimist, and his smile unconsciously crawled to the corner of his mouth:

“Why are you so sure that I’m interested? Let me talk about it first, I am an artistic insulator, and I may not be able to appreciate your paintings.”

However …

Dai Chuchan shook his head confidently:

“No, no, no, you will be interested! We used to be, yeah, yeah, yeah, we used to be in our dreams. Oops! No, I, I, and I. What should I say?”

Dai Chuchan scratched her hair in a panic.

The intensity is so great that it almost scatters the dumplings on the top of the head!

I can tell

She is very tangled inside!

Hesitate to tell the story of the dream!

But at this moment

The curious Lin Xian has already walked across the drawing board and turned to look at the canvas.

The more Dai Chuchan hesitated, the more he wondered what painting was it?

The moment Lin Xian turned his head!

He opened his eyes wide and froze in place!

On the canvas.

Dark background

Forehead and gray hair occupying most of the screen

Hollow and lifeless eyes

this painting!

Lin Xian is so familiar!

He has seen it in many places!

But I didn’t expect it to appear on Dai Chuchan’s drawing board–

“Sorrowful Einstein”!.

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