Chapter 183 Einstein calculated the price of 42! Who saved him?

When Dai Chuchan listened, his tears broke into a smile.

She wiped her eyes.

Shook his head.

“No, Lin Xian, senior, you don’t owe me anything.”

In Dai Chuchan’s heart.

Whether it is Lin Xian now or the middle-aged Lin Xian in the future, she does not owe her anything.

On the contrary, she owes Lin Xian.

Lin Xian, now, rescued himself at the door of the MX bar.

The future middle-aged Lin Xian, once again rescued himself at the door of the MX bar.

Two Lin Xian of different ages.

But saved myself in the same place

She knew it a long time ago.

The secret behind these two things is definitely not that simple!

[There must be something special about this weird situation where dreams and reality are intertwined, and reality and the future travel through!]

“It doesn’t matter, Senior Lin Xian, I’m waiting for you!”

Dai Chuchan looked up at Lin Xian.

The eyes that had just been washed by tears became clearer at this time.

“Hehe, I have been waiting for a long time, I naturally don’t mind waiting for another month!’

Dai Chuchan understood.

Since Lin Xian is not willing to tell the truth to himself now.

That means that he has a reason for it to be difficult to tell.

No matter what the reason.

She is willing to wait!

No matter how long she waits, even if she waits until the end of the world, she is willing to wait!


The sudden loud noise shocked the two of them and destroyed the wonderful atmosphere.

The two looked in the direction of the sound.

It was a football that hit the glass wall.


A boy in shorts and sportswear ran over, folded his hands and made an apologetic gesture, picked up the football and ran away.

It is estimated that he accidentally kicked the ball while playing.

..”Eight Nine Seven”

Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan turned their heads and looked at each other

Only then did Dai Chuchan realize!

The two are so close!

It’s almost pasted together!

Without the atmosphere, this situation instantly made Dai Chuchan blush to the root of his ears!

“I’m right

Dai Chuchan took a step backward in a hurry.

Bow your head…

Use your fingers to wrap a strand of hair around your ear.

One circle, two, three, and then spread out

The frequency of her heartbeat made her almost faint.


You have to say something to break this awkward atmosphere!

“Senior Lin Lin Xian!”

Dai Chuchan said hurriedly:

“You, did you come to pick up Senior Sister Yiyi today? She should be in a music theory class! It’s so hot outside, do you want to wait for her here?”

Lin Xian smiled and nodded.

Those who are sensible will not mention the matter just now.

“Alright, then I’ll just wait here.”

“If you paint with peace of mind, you will treat me as if I don’t exist.”

After all, Lin Xian walked to the glass window and pulled a painting stool to sit down.


Dai Chuchan breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down the heartbeat.Picked up a book on the stool next to it and handed it to Lin Xian:

“Senior Lin Xian, if you are bored, you can read this book.”

“Since you are so interested in Einstein, you will definitely like this book. I bought it specifically to paint this picture.”

“In order to paint a sad Einstein, I think we should first understand what he was sad for, so I bought a biographical study of him.

“But how do I put it. I feel that Einstein has always lived happily! It feels like he has never been sad, so hehe, I can’t find any inspiration in this book.”

Lin Xian took the thick black book.

There are a few big bronzing characters written on it–

“Einstein Biography”

The cover of the book is printed with a portrait of Einstein with his tongue out.

It is the “Naughty Einstein” painted by Camorison in the entire time and space.

“This book seems to be the one that was placed next to the painting when we were watching the exhibition at the Convention and Exhibition Center?”

Dai Chuchan nodded.

“Yes, it’s the same edition. I bought it in the bookstore at the entrance of the school.

“That’s right, I think this book is very familiar.

Lin Xian looked down at the book.

When the two visited the exhibition at the Convention and Exhibition Center and watched the painting “Naughty Einstein”, there was indeed a “Biography of Einstein” next to it.

That is to allow viewers to better understand the painting, and the organizer put it there specially.

When Lin Xian opened his biography, he saw the “Thank You Letter” written by Einstein to himself.

Because of the nomination of the surname, he said his name.

So at the time Dai Chufeng also joked:

“Senior Lin Xian! Einstein is thanking you!”


Lin Xian denied it directly.

“I am not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense!”



Lin Xian suddenly opened his eyes!

Feel a shudder!

Wait a moment

Since Einstein said his name in the “Thank You Letter”.


Why is it [arrogant] looking for [the one who disturbs history] for so long

Didn’t even doubt it?

This is too wrong!

“Yeah, it doesn’t make sense.”

Lin Xian thought to himself:

“[Arrogance] Although he is very arrogant, it is undeniable that he is also a very high IQ person.”

“He searched for [the person who disturbed history] for so long. It stands to reason that he only needs to open the “Biography of Einstein” and take a closer look, and he can naturally find the number one suspect!”

Thinking of the possibility of revealing one’s own identity.

Lin Xian quickly opened this biography and turned to the page with “thank you” written on it

【Thanks to my friends】

[The mass-energy conversion formula is really the most perfect thing in the world! It can be called a work of art!][Whether it is used as a weapon, or as an energy supply, power generation, or space navigation, it will be a treasure to be discovered. 】

[Now my mind is very clear, and I have researched out many new formulas. But in order to ensure the correct development of history, I did not publish it. 】

[This is an agreement between my friend and I. He saved my soul and I cannot betray him. 】

[Um, but I think I should politely thank this friend from Longguo, thank you, Your Excellency Lin Xian, you let me see hope!][Okay, okay, I can’t write more that will affect history. Time is up, I should go to the party. 】

This [Your Excellency Lin Xian] shouted out! Finally, it also mentioned [It will affect history]!

Doesn’t this mean that the card is directly revealed!?


Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

People, it’s rare to be confused.

Einstein was such a cautious person, and even when he missed something, he even wrote his name on the thank you letter.

If [Arrogance] saw it.

Can you lock yourself directly?

After all, he is so famous!


The problem came back.

Such obvious clues, 【arrogance】 haven’t found it, but it’s really a human confusing behavior.

Where is the problem?

Regret the Mutual Aid Association’s web page background is Einstein, and the mask of [Pride] is also Einstein.

A person so obsessed with Einstein.

It’s impossible not to read “Einstein Biography”, right?

Lin Xian read this “thank you letter” again, and finally found a blind spot!

In the upper right corner of the four words “Lin Xian”, there is a small comment symbol①.

Then Lin Xian posted the book directly to the end of this chapter.

Check the notes of these four words①:

[Translator’s note: The original text of Einstein’s thank you letter is Lord-Linxian. Because the name is written in Chinese pinyin, the real name of the thanked person cannot be determined. To facilitate reading and understanding, the translator will translate it into ” Your Excellency Lin Xian””.]


Seeing this comment, Lin Xian suddenly realized.

“So I said why I didn’t expose it.”

The “Biography of Einstein” read by Lin Xian is a Chinese translation.

But the original “Einstein Biography” is undoubtedly the English version, and Einstein’s “thank you letter” is also written in English.

Lin Xian turned the book forward by two pages and saw the photo of the original “thank you letter” as expected.

This is a scribbled essay in a diary.

It can be seen that Einstein was very casual when writing this diary.

After all, diaries are very personal things.

You really don’t need to be too serious.

Although most of Lin Xian can’t even read English.

But soon.

He found his name based on the location.


Sure enough, it was written in English.

Lord, in English, means noble, lords, and has different meanings according to different usages.

Linxian at the back is naturally his own name.

Then when the translator sees this, the problem arises!

Chinese and English are different

In the broad and profound Chinese, there are too many words with the same pronunciation!

For example, the pinyin of Linxian.

It can be Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin Mei.

There are dozens or hundreds of homophones for xian alone!

The ghost knows which character this xian represents?

It’s not over yet…0

And Lin too!

The last name of the person that Einstein thanked can be Lin, Lin, Lin, Lin, Lin, Lin, Lin, Shit,

There are dozens or hundreds of homonyms for Lin!

Combine these homophones

The ghost knows who Einstein is thanking!

Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin Xian, Lin

It can be combined into hundreds of thousands of different names!


Even more desperate came again.

Yangyang Longguo is a big country. Among 1.4 billion people, every name has more or less people with the same name.

Lin Xian checked it on the official public account before.

There are more than 6,700 people in the whole Long Kingdom just by the name of Lin Xian.

How can I find this?

Not to mention the Pinyin of Linxian, which can correspond to hundreds of thousands of names.

Even if the uncommon surnames and first names are removed, there are at least tens of thousands of possible names.

So Lin Xian can think of

When [Pride] looked through the English version of “Einstein Biography” and saw the title [Lord-Linxian], how desperate it was!

“Thank Long Guo! Thanks for Chinese characters! Thanks for Hanyu Pinyin!”

At this moment, Lin Xian sincerely appreciates the profoundness of Chinese!

That’s right.

It was this broad and profound Chinese character that saved his life!Even in the Dragon Kingdom.

You tell the police uncle Cha the pinyin of a prisoner’s name, and he will never find the prisoner’s real name.

Because there are too many people with homophones and the same name!

“The translator of the Chinese version of “Einstein’s Biography” also explained that he did it for the convenience of reading, so he translated “Lord-Linxian” into “Lin Xian”, a very common name without authorization.

“Among the many homophone combinations, Lin Xian is indeed the most common and common name.

This is just for the convenience of reading.

Does not possess any authenticity.

I have to say that all this is a coincidence.

Even the translator himself couldn’t believe it, his casual translation turned out to be the correct answer!

“So it’s no wonder [Arrogance] couldn’t find me.

Lin Xian smiled.

It seems that a more common name is good.

If I am called Lin Qianqian,

Chinese Pinyin is called linyangqianxi

No need to bother to find it.

It is directly locked to the individual!

How could Lin Xian live to the present?


,Etc., etc!

,Etc., etc!

Lin Xian recalled that when Einstein’s descendants gave themselves a safe, they also kept saying “linxian” without directly indicating that it was “Lin Xian”.

It seems

When they look for people, they also look for them according to the pronunciation.

Anyone who reads “linxian” is their goal.

Lin Xian has read the letter written by Einstein to his descendants (Chapter 39).

That letter is written in German.

Lin Xian also used mobile phone translation software when he watched it.

Lin Xian couldn’t read the German in that letter at all.

But when writing his 5.3 name, Einstein also used Linxian’s way of writing.

“Niu P.

Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

Einstein deserves to be Einstein!

What I think is rigorous enough!

I completely blamed him just now, thinking that he was confused for a while and accidentally exposed his identity.

I only reacted now.

Einstein deliberately wrote his name as “Linxian”, simply to protect himself!

“It’s worthy of being the ceiling of human intelligence, one word, service!”


Lin Xian was convinced that he closed the thick book of biography.

At this moment, another anxiety was relieved, and the mood was a lot lighter.

“But there is one more thing I don’t understand.”

Lin Xian recalled Einstein’s reply to himself.

In the manuscript, a cosmological constant -42 is written.

This shows that Einstein had already calculated 42.


Here comes the new question!

The moment Liu Lu calculated 42, a mysterious force wanted to kill him, and 42 saved him, but the sequelae was that he lost the noise and became half dumb.

[Arrogance] The moment when 42 was calculated, it was also a mysterious force to kill him, because no one saved him, so he died.

One can imagine.

When Einstein first calculated 42

There must also be a mysterious power to kill him!

It is very possible that another 42 shot will save him.

“It doesn’t matter who saved Einstein.

Lin Xian shook his head.

Stroking the uneven cover of The Biography of Einstein, whispered to himself:

“The important thing is”

“Einstein calculated 42, and what was the price he paid after he survived?”.

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