Chapter 175 Dai Shuangcheng’s text message, list of the seven deadly sins

Here we must first correct an error in the previous chapters.

Because of the smoothness and carelessness, in the first few chapters describing the plot of [Rage], I mistakenly wrote a few [Rage] as [Arrogance], which caused everyone to have trouble reading. I am really sorry.

[Arrogance] I have received my lunch.

In Wen Ling’s memories, the people who invited her to join the conference, gave her mobile phones, and had weird fingers were all [Rage]!

Wen Ling has only one fate with [Rage], has nothing to do with [Arrogance], and has never seen [Arrogance].

The following text.



The number Lin Xian dialed was inspected by Liu.

Chief Inspector Liu worked step by step from the grassroots level. He has excellent ability and has solved too many difficult and complicated cases. He has also received many commendations.


The details of this occupational disease.

Ask him this kind of experienced inspection is the most reliable.

Toot one


No one answered the phone.

This is a rare situation. Liu answered his own phone very quickly before the inspection.

“Perhaps you are really busy.”

After all, the other party is also a busy person.

Lin Xian hung up the phone, ready to go directly to the inspection bureau to find people.

While driving.

Lin Xian has been thinking about what Wen Ling said.

From the description in her mouth, it is not difficult to summarize the appearance characteristics of [Rage]–

[Tall, very thin, white hair, hooked nose, over 60 years old. 】

[The right index finger is deformed and full of calluses, like an occupational disease caused by long-term work. 】

[Although I look like a foreigner, I can speak fluent Chinese. 】

Lin Xian just understood

At the time, the trafficker told himself in person, saying, “Except for [Arrogance], all the members are from Longguo.”

Now it seems

[Rage] It is impossible to be from Longguo.

But it should not be the trafficker who lied, but he himself understood it wrong.

Everyone said, [Rage] I don’t like to talk, and I never take off my mask during a party.

Plus he can speak Chinese.

And all other members are from Longguo.

Therefore, the traffickers preconceived that-[Rage] must also be from Longguo.

It’s not just him who thinks so.

I’m afraid everyone will think so.

There are very few foreigners who can speak Chinese fluently.

Unless you take off the mask to let others see the hooked nose and blue pupils

Otherwise, everyone must have assumed that [Rage] is the Dragon Kingdom.

Now Lin Xian has been determined.

Regret the seven deadly sins members of the mutual aid association, there are 5 Longguo people and 2 foreigners in total.

“In this way, it seems that only [Arrogance] and [Rage] are in the same group, and the others have been taken advantage of.”

“Since [Rage] can represent [arrogance] to invite members to join, this represents his position within the organization, perhaps second only to [arrogance].”

In order of the seven deadly sins

The first is [arrogance], the second is [jealous], and the third is [rage].


Lin Xian guessed.

Perhaps these three talents are the core members of the entire Regret Mutual Aid Association.

The remaining 4 people are all peripheral members and tool people.

“In that case, the reason why [Rage] was absent from this party must have been intentional and foreseeing the situation of being caught in a pot in advance. Perhaps the secret of this person is no less than [arrogant] n々”


Just as Lin Xian was thinking, the phone rang.

It’s a text message.

This intersection happens to be a red light.

Lin Xian picked up the phone to check.

It was discovered that the text message was sent by Dai Shuangcheng.

Dai Shuangcheng: Mr. Lin, I have already dealt with the person. She will never have the third chance to make a mistake. Thank you again for taking care of the little girl, Dai is grateful!

After Lin Xian read the text message, he understood what Dai Shuangcheng meant:

[Tian Miaomiao, I have been killed. 】

“Deserve it.”

Lin Xian has no sympathy for this woman.

I really don’t know what to do!

Dai Shuangcheng ruined her life, but left her a dog’s life.

But she even dared to return to China and kidnapped Dai Chuchan again!

This is really a bear heart and leopard courage!

Thinking of the rainy night with no one everywhere, Lin Xian is still a little flustered

If it weren’t for the future middle-aged Lin Xian, who appeared in time and rescued Dai Chuchan at the door of the bar.

I really don’t know how humiliated Dai Chuchan will be!

“Do not live by committing sins by yourself.”

Lin Xian replied to Dai Shuangcheng:

Lin Xian: It’s a matter of raising your hand, you are welcome.

This is enough.

Needless to say too much in phone calls and text messages, these things that can leave evidence are always insecure.

At this time, the green light is on.

Lin Xian put his mobile phone on the co-pilot.

Depress the accelerator.

Rumbling towards Donghai City Inspection Bureau

After half an hour.

Lin Xian drove the noble Rolls Royce Huiying to the gate of the inspection bureau.

The security guard at the door is too familiar with this unique car in the world.

So he just raised the parking rod without saying anything.


Greet Lin Xian and stop in the yard.

Lin Xian today can be said to be a household name in the country.

He was originally a moral model.

Once again in the [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition], I maintained the honor of the country of Zu, and he deserves to be the great hero of the Dragon Kingdom!

So for Lin Xian.

The uncle security guard also admires from the heart!

After parking the car and getting off.

Lin Xian realized that something big must have happened in the inspection bureau!

Many other important department cars parked in the yard.

Various uniformed people ran around in the hall.

Liu Xuncha is arguing with some big shots



That’s right!

It is rare to see Liu Xuncha yelling with such excitement and gaffe!

Lin Xian is so far away, you can hear Liu Xuncha’s roar:

“What did your Disciplinary Committee do!? Just because he was a big man, he didn’t follow the process? Didn’t follow the procedure to escort?!”

“His death! You can’t shirk the responsibility! The person is well in our inspection bureau and transported to the interrogation center. This kind of moth will come out halfway and let him bite his tongue and kill himself! I have reason to suspect that you TMD was on purpose!

Faced with the roar of Inspection Liu.

The faces of the big people in front of me are all white

Although everyone is of the same level, what Liu Xuncha said is the truth, and they have no way to refute it.


After Liu Xuncha vented his anger, one of the big figures cleared his throat:

“Xiao Liu, this is the end of the matter, and there is nothing we can do. Anyway, what we found out is enough to convict Old Guo.”

“His accidental death, the Disciplinary Committee is indeed responsible, we will not shirk this point! We will accept punishment in accordance with the regulations!”

“And Xiao Liu, I promise you with my hat! Even if Guo Laowei is guilty of his own shame, this proves that he is guilty of conscience and that there are other chains of interest behind him! We will definitely investigate to the end. Yes, the investigation will never stop with his death!”

After the big man spoke.

Although Liu Xuncha was already glaring at him, he could not speak any more.

The big man talking in front of me

It can also be regarded as his Bole and master.

Liu Xuncha also grew up step by step under his guidance.

Since the master has spoken

Naturally, I can’t reprimand the people of the Disciplinary Committee.

“”Okay, master, just as you said! Even if Elder Guo is dead, the investigation of this matter must not stop like this! Be sure to thoroughly investigate the chain of interests behind it!’

These big figures negotiated for a while.

They got in the car and left.

Liu Xuncha had already noticed Lin Xian in the distance, and then smiled apologetically and greeted him.

“Mr. Lin, when you have been waiting for a long time. I saw your call and thought about returning it to you for a while. As a result, I got busy with all kinds of things and didn’t have time to call you back.”

Lin Xian smiled and signaled that Inspection Liu didn’t care about these trivial matters.

“What’s wrong? Listening to your conversation just now, could it be that Mr. Guo is dead?”

Liu Xuncha sighed.


Tell Lin Xian what will happen

Because of Guo’s special status, the inspection bureau must transfer him to the disciplinary committee, and then the disciplinary committee will interrogate and investigate Guo.

This is a formal process, and there is nothing to say.

The Disciplinary Committee has a special interrogation base.

On the way to escort Guo Lao to the interrogation base, due to the negligence of the Disciplinary Committee personnel, Guo Lao gave his tongue and committed suicide!

This is a major mistake!

Liu Xuncha sighed:

“I think about it and know that it must be someone from the Disciplinary Committee who thinks that Elder Guo is a big man, will not commit suicide, and will definitely cooperate with the work. As a result, he was killed by a moment of negligence.”

“There must be a huge chain of interests behind the matter of Mr. Guo. Once this person died, the clues would be broken!

(Qian is good for Zhao) Inspection Liu said this matter very regretfully.

I can tell.

He wanted to get a big result this time, but because of [Arrogance] and Guo Lao’s death, in the end it was nothing to do with the bamboo basket.

Lin Xian had to pat him on the shoulder.

Comfort him to relax.

After all, if you can get rid of Guo Lao, it can be considered as an eradication for the people. The work has to be done step by step.

Lin Xian thought about it

Currently regret the members of Mutual Aid Society

[Arrogance] Was killed by 42 in the inspection bureau.

[Jealous] Killed by the first messenger in the hospital.

[Lazy love] was executed to death.


[Greedy] bite his tongue and committed suicide during the escort.

[Gluttony] Wang Hao is a silly force.

[Color Range] was killed by Dai Shuangcheng.

So far.

All members of the seven deadly sins.

Except for [Rage], all have been “dead”!


The family should be neat and tidy.

No one can have fewer seedlings!

[Rage] The mystery on the body may be the real key.


He must be found!

“Liu Xuncha, I am here today and I have a question I want to ask you.”

Lin Xian straighten his right index finger, then use his left hand to hold the top of the right index finger and bend it toward the inside (there is a picture in this chapter):

“Liu Xun, you see, if a person’s fingers become such a deformed shape. Then

“[What kind of occupation might he be in?]”.

(The content of this chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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