Chapter 174 If I am young and do not feel inferior, I know what is precious

Lin Xian listened to Wen Ling’s description.

Try to get your right index finger to make the same movement.

Keep the lower two knuckles straight.

Then let the top knuckle bend inward.



“no ”

This is too difficult!

This is not an action that a normal person can make!

Lin Xian found that he could not control the first joint of the index finger.

Want to bend the top of your finger.

You must bend with the lower two finger pads together.

“Wen Ling, you mean, he didn’t mean to bend his index finger like this, but his index finger is like this?”

Wen Ling nodded affirmatively:

“Yes, I’m pretty sure. When he shook hands with me, the crooked paw of his fingers hurt me. The calluses on his index finger were very heavy, and the bones were completely deformed and could not bend normally.”

“I didn’t think of this at first, but in my limited contact with him, whether he was holding things, taking off his hat, or gesturing, the index finger of his right hand always looked like this! So I was pretty sure it was [Bone deformity】!”

Lin Xian lifted his cheek to think.

In any case, this is indeed a very useful piece of information.

A single finger is deformed and has thick cocoons

“This shows that he is not a congenital deformity! It is a bone deformity that has been formed for a long time because of a certain kind of work and a certain action in his life!”

Lin Xian has an epiphany!

For example, a programmer who often uses a computer to type, his wrist will transform into a “keyboard hand”, which is a bone deformity caused by 20 kinds of occupational diseases.

In the glass factory, workers who often blow glass and shape their cheeks are several times larger than the average person. This is a deformity caused by occupational diseases.

For many famous tennis champions, because they often play tennis, large masses of bones will grow on the end of the forearm. This is “tennis elbow disease”, which is also an occupational disease.

“[So the deformed right index finger of Rage should also be an occupational disease caused by a certain profession Wen Ling, can you feel what kind of profession she is engaged in?]”

Wen Ling shook her head helplessly.

“Sorry Lin Xian. I really can’t guess this. Judging from the way his gentleman is rich and responsible, I don’t look like a person in the labor industry, but more like a person from the upper class.”

“So now I look back on it, I am also very surprised, why he has so many calluses on his hands and his fingers are deformed?”

Lin Xian didn’t speak.

This is not to blame Wen Ling.

She can think of this feature, it can be regarded as very useful information.

[Deformed right index finger]

Which profession will make the right index finger deformed?


A screw worker in an electronics factory?

Auto mechanic?


Lin Xian sighed.


Can’t think of it at all.

This is simply one’s own knowledge blind zone.

“Thank you Wen Ling, I can think of this. Although it is not enough to determine the identity of [Rage], it is still helpful to narrow the scope of [Rage].”

“I will help you convey these words to the Chief Inspector. And I will also use my personal relationship to intercede for Wang Hao. I know as much as you that Wang Hao must be innocent. I believe you will be able to meet soon.”

Lin Xian comforted Wen Ling.

Let her rest assured.

Lin Xian did not say

When will Wang Hao be released from the Inspection Bureau, it is all about him.

Now that I got my wish, I got important information from Wen Ling.

The goal has been achieved.

There is no need to shut Wang Hao anymore.

Go out and call Liu Xuncha later.

It is estimated that Wang Hao will be able to release it in two hours.


Lin Xian closed the cap.

Fold the paper with [Furious Appearance] and put it in your pocket.

Then he chatted with Wen Ling.

While sorting out Wen Ling’s narration in his head.

It has been determined

Wen Ling, and the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] are just a meeting together, and there is no other connection.

Before, Lin Xian wondered why, as a wanderer, she had a mobile phone.

Now it is clearly explained.

It was given by [Rage].

Tian Miaomiao’s mobile phone was also given by [Arrogant], which is also right.

They like to give away their mobile phones!

Hey, Laozi is rich, just play!

Through observation of Wen Ling, Lin Xian believes that she did not lie.

First of all, she didn’t need to lie at all.

Wen Ling has returned to China and was saved. All she hopes is a stable life. What is the need for her to lie? What good is it for her to lie?

The second is

Wen Ling’s purpose is to rescue Wang Hao, so she will not lie.

Wang Hao’s infatuation with her is obvious to all.

Her gratitude to Wang Hao is also obvious.

“Actually, I still have a question that I don’t understand.”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and asked a personal question he was curious about:

“Look at you and Wang Hao, they have already been counted. It can be said that it is the kind of relationship between boy and girl friends, right?”

“Don’t mind, this is not what I want to ask. I mean, since you also know Wang Hao’s infatuation for you, and know that he joined the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] for you, then why don’t you directly choose Wang Hao? Where’s Ming?”

“This is a tacit understanding for you two? He joined the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] for you, but didn’t tell you. You know his painstaking effort, but he doesn’t break it.”

“Why is this? Since you know this is a dangerous organization, you should persuade Wang Hao to withdraw as soon as possible.

Heard this question.

Wen Ling was silent.

I can tell.

She was tangled inside.

After waiting for half a minute, she slowly spoke:

“This is also the most contradictory thing I have ever been. It’s probably because after so many things, I have a feeling of fear and low self-esteem.”

“Wang Hao is sincere to me, and I am very grateful to him. But for the relationship between the two of us, I am still a little resistant, or rather cautious.”

“To tell you bluntly, Lin Xian, I don’t think I am worthy of Wang Hao at all.

Wen Ling looked up at Lin Xian, her eyes full of chaos.

She gave a wry smile:

“You said this is really good fortune. In high school, Wang Hao didn’t think he was worthy of me. Now, I don’t think I am worthy of Wang Hao.

“I used to be a fugitive, and now I am a demonstrator after serving my sentence. Although others will not say anything, this inferiority is engraved in my heart. And Wang Hao is a promising student, I was even worried, and I Together, will it affect his future?”

“So I have been contradictory! I am afraid in the contradiction, afraid that I will lose him. I will also feel inferior and feel that I am not worthy of him. So under this pressure, I never dared to mention it to Wang Hao. ”

After Wen Ling said, she lowered her head and looked at the drink full of drops of water outside the bottle.

Smooth the water droplets with your hands

But then.

She raised her head, lifted the hair of her temples, and then looked at Lin Xian and smiled:

“I assure you that I don’t tell him about this, it has no special meaning. It’s just my own entanglement in this relationship. Maybe after we have been together for a long time, our hearts will open up, and this will naturally be said. Out.

“I believe you will understand me too?

“[People with very different identities will always be cautious when they fall in love or like someone.]”

This sentence

Go straight to Lin Xian’s heart.

He couldn’t help sighing.

That literary girl once had a solid foundation.

In a word, it sums up so well.


How could Lin Xian not understand him?

On the contrary, he is very empathetic

Isn’t this the case with Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi at the same table?

[People with very different identities will always be cautious when they fall in love or even silently like someone. 】

Lin Xian was a poor boy.

Facing Liu Yiyi.

Even Liu Yiyi has already opened up all the big moves to his face!

But at that time, 18-year-old Lin Xian was also self-critically resisting the feelings of this adolescence.

How is he worthy of Liu Yiyi?

What did he give Liu Yiyi a good life?

How dare he like this episode of the school girl with thousands of favorites?

Boy in his youth.

Always full of inferiority and lack of confidence.

There is a good lyrics

“If I am young and do not feel inferior, I understand what is precious.”

But there are so many ifs in life?

A child is a child.

He can’t have the self-confidence and city government of an adult.

It is precisely because of this 837

Lin Xian, who was once young, never thought that Liu Yiyi liked him, so he copied homework and brought yogurt.

“Liu Yiyi definitely thinks I am poor and pitiful, so she takes care of me like this.”

He can only believe so deeply.

Even at the birthday party, Liu Yiyi confessed that the 18-year-old Lin Xian turned down!

Now think about it

Maybe the self at the time was not just a dead wood knot

But it is very clear in my heart–

How can you dare to enter the prosperity when you are poor?

How dare the two-sleeved breeze mistake the beautiful woman.

Falling into the red dream for no reason, waking up from the dream is already a stranger.

But fortunately.

I got a space-time mailbox.

Make up for the regret of youth.

Therefore, Lin Xian feels the same for Wen Ling’s thoughts.

“Well, I understand your cautiousness.”

Lin Xian smiled, adjusted his clothes and got up, looking at Wen Ling:

“But I also want to remind you at the same time”

“Not everyone has the opportunity to choose life again and make up for regrets. Now that the miracle has appeared, be bold! Be brave!”

Lin Xian strode to the door of the living room outside.

Did not look back.

Wen Ling hurriedly followed:

“Lin Lin Xian! Where are you going?! What should I do?”

“Just wait here.”


Lin Xian unscrewed the door and went out.

Then looked back at Wen Ling.

The smile that I have grasped appeared:

“I will help you get Wang Hao out.”

“And you are responsible for taking care of him in the days to come, and don’t let him do stupid things anymore.”


The thick door closed.

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

While walking to the elevator, he took out his mobile phone to dial.

[Rage] That strange deformed finger

What is the cause of it?

Lin Xian decided to ask the professionals!

[Thanks to Wuchen and Feng Dao for the huge reward of 10,000 points! Add more tomorrow! Enter the Einstein story!).

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