Chapter 176 Confirmation of Ein’s survival! Growing against time! Clock that goes backwards!

Liu Xun looked at Lin Xian’s gestures.

I also stretched out my right index finger and tried it.

It is found that if there is no external force, while keeping the lower two joints straight, the first finger can’t be bent in any way.

“If a person’s right index finger, like you said, is like this under normal relaxed conditions, it may only be [bone deformity], and it is likely to be caused by high-intensity work the day after.”

Lin Xian nodded.

He thought the same way before.

Very few people’s fingers are born like this.

In addition, Wen Ling described that the man’s hand was very heavy.

There is a high probability that long-term and high-intensity work will cause the phalanx to be deformed.

And this long time

It would take decades to say nothing.

“But the deformation of the index finger of the right hand is rare. Generally speaking, the kind of high-intensity work requires a lot of strength and lasts a long time. [Bone deformities] generally occur in the wrists, arms, and such large joints. The place.

“If it is this kind of deformity of the small joints of the fingers, I guess…

“[This person should be engaged in high-precision operational work!]”

Heard this answer.

Lin Xian couldn’t help sucking ーロliangpi!


Sure enough, professional things must be done by professional people!

Lin Xian thought about it all the way, but couldn’t think of what kind of work would make people’s index finger deformed like this.

But Liu inspected!

I said it right away–

[Rage] The occupation you are engaged in must be a relatively high-precision operational job!

Lin Xian is not a fool either.

With Liu Xuncha’s reminder, he also wanted to understand.

For example, wrench workers, screw workers, and silver rice metal workers in the factory, their arms and wrists will be deformed by occupational diseases.

But their fingers will not deform.

Because they use a lot of energy when they work, the points of force are on the wrists and arms, and the joints of the fingers are not used.

So …

The result is obvious.

[Rage] Since it is a deformity of the first joint of the index finger, it means that–

[His occupation requires frequent use of this joint! And the work that can often use a single knuckle must be an operator with a relatively high degree of precision 837!]

for example …

The doctor who performed the operation,

Technicians soldering circuit boards,

Master repairing watches,

Chemical laboratory operators,

and many more.

These industries all have relatively high requirements for “precision”, and at least the hands must be stable.

It is inevitable for people engaged in these jobs, because often using knuckle “pinch” tools, it will cause joint inflammation and even pain.

Even if Lin Xian already has the answer in his mind.

But he is a layman after all.

Still intend to listen to the opinions of professionals:

“Liu Xuncha, then based on your experience, what kind of jobs are generally possible for people with deformed fingers like this?”

Liu Xuncha thought with his chin resting on his head.

Slowly said:

“It’s hard for me to guess this. But I can tell you a few cases.”

“Before, in a certain case, we contacted a very top e-sports player in China. E-sports, they have to play games, competitions, and training intensively for more than 12 hours every day.””At that time, I observed that his right middle finger was different from ordinary people. It started to bend from the joints, and the middle and index fingers couldn’t even interfere with each other. This is also a [finger bone deformity], which should be caused by the posture in which they hold the mouse. .”

“Before there was a man who was a famous watch repairer. He had a lot of orders and he worked hard to repair his watch for more than ten hours a day. Because of his frequent pinching of tweezers, his joints were not only bent, but he also had a lot of cellulite. That finger also looks scary.”

“But the case of the right index finger deformity hasn’t been touched yet. I can help you ask criminal investigators in other provinces and cities. If you want to narrow the scope, just follow what I just said, high-precision operation profession–”

“[Mobile phone or watch repairer, physician, senior chef, dentist, laboratory researcher, etc., craftsman]”

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years.

Lin Xian guessed according to Wen Ling’s description

[Rage] It feels like an aristocratic gentleman, a repairman shouldn’t be.

But the “high-end professions” such as doctors, laboratory scientists, craftsmen, and senior chefs are more in line with the temperament of [Rage].

“Okay, thank you for inspection Liu, please help me ask criminal investigators everywhere. If there are similar cases, please let me know.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lin, I will help you ask about this.”


Lin Xian mentioned Wang Hao to Liu Inspection again:

“Remember the fat man I caught the night before. I have confirmed it outside and misunderstood. He is indeed innocent and has no criminal connection with the trafficker.”

“If you don’t need anything, let him out. After all, he didn’t commit any crimes, and it’s hard to explain it after being locked up for a long time.”

Liu Xuncha smiled.

Shows that he thinks the same way.

He told Lin Xian that he was very accurate in seeing people’s eyes for so many years.

“Think about it, when we do inspections, how many guilty and innocent people have to be dismissed in this lifetime! Just looking at their eyes and aura, you can analyze this person’s guilt and innocence.

“That fat guy, I saw early in the morning. He is also a victim of being deceived, not like a person who dares to commit a crime. These days, not everyone has the courage to know the law and break the law.”

After all, Inspection Liu was also very generous, so he took out his mobile phone on the spot and arranged the release of Wang Hao.

After that, Lin Xian and Liu inspected the patrol and left the inspection bureau.

“it’s finally over

After returning home, Lin Xian sat on the sofa and stretched out!

Solving Wang Hao’s matter and also getting the information from Wen Ling’s mouth [Rage], the rewards are not small.


I was preparing to set off to Princeton, U.S., and according to the statement in the [Last Letter], I witnessed the death of Li Jing’s mother and son with my own eyes!

Although the letter said clearly, the residual DNA of Li Jing’s mother and son was found under the cremation site.

but …

At this time, you should think with a skeptical attitude.

The discovery of ashes and the DNA of burned tissue fragments must mean that I am dead?

Lin Xian shook his head.

Because of the DNA characteristics of the placenta (both mother and child DNA), the discovery of DNA in the crematorium does not necessarily determine the death of a person!

“At least I should have seen it with my own eyes before I believe it!”

This is the purpose of Lin Xian’s visit to the United States.

[It is necessary to witness the death and cremation of Li Jing’s mother and son, before he dares to rule out the suspicion that the two are demons. 】

“Before I witnessed Li Jing’s death and being cremated, Li Jing was still the first suspect of [Demon]!”

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was from Wang Hao.

It seems…

This guy has been released.

Press the answer key.

Wang Hao’s loud voice came:

“Good brother!! I was released! Go! Come out to have a barbecue! The broth in the patrol bureau is dwarfed, and I am going to die!”

“Burn your sister!

Lin Xian cursed secretly, this person is really a rice bucket with fat in his head!

“Have you called Wen Ling back? (cafd)”

“Not yet, I don’t want to come out, I will report to you first.”

Lin Xian put down his phone and opened WeChat.

Send a position to Wang Hao’s account.

“Look at your WeChat. It’s a hotel. I have arranged Wen Ling to live there. Go find her.”

“Nani!? Wen Ling has come to the East China Sea!?”

Wang Hao was surprised.

But in words, it is also full of surprises!

“Oh my God, Lin Xian!! She is worried that I am so worried! It seems that her cold heart has been influenced by me! Hahahaha!!

Lin Xian sighed.

But instead he was amused by Wang Hao’s carefree character.

Originally wanted to teach Wang Hao a few words.

Think now

never mind.

From now on, someone will take care of Wang Hao and don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Wen Ling is also a smart person.

With her, Wang Hao will no longer suffer and go astray.

“Forget it, I won’t tell you so much. Wang Hao, I have something to do, so I won’t accompany you to dinner this time.

“Wen Ling is very worried about you, she has been washing her face in tears these past few days, so please comfort her, she is scared and stupid.

Lin Xian paused.

Slowly said:

“Wang Hao Not everyone has the opportunity to make up for their regrets, you must cherish it. Don’t do such stupid things in the future.”

Wang Hao over there smiled:

“Don’t worry, brother, to see Wen Ling again, my life is already complete.”

“This time I won’t be as inferior and entangled as I was when I was young!,

The two chatted for a while.

Lin Xian urged Wang Hao to hung up and contact Wen Ling.

It’s not too early.

Lin Xian ordered a takeaway, and after washing up, he went to sleep in the house.

Since entering August.

Although only 4 days have passed.

But Lin Xian’s fatigue feels the same as four years of fighting.

“Go to bed early today and take a good rest.”

at the same time.

Princeton, United States.

In an underground laboratory

“Wow, wow, scream, scream–”

The instruments here are messy and complicated, with incomprehensible bottles and jars everywhere, and the tables are full of papers for calculations.

The bright cold light illuminates the place like daylight.

“Wow, wow, wow.

The heart-piercing cry of a baby is the only sound in this closed laboratory.

A gray-haired, scrawny old man was sitting in a computer chair.

Say nothing.

He frowned.

His face was sad.

Tightly count down the numbers on the display.

That is a series of countdowns.

Every second passes, the countdown will decrease by one second

The old man began to sweat on his forehead.

He stretched out his right hand and wiped his sweat.

His right index finger is different from others. The first segment is [deformed] and cannot be straightened.

So when he wiped the sweat, this small stretch of fingertips also gathered his messy hair together.

“Wow wow wow wow!!!! Wow wow!!!!!!”

On the other side of the laboratory.

The cry of the baby is getting louder and louder!

I don’t know if I’m hungry?

But [Rage] turned a blind eye to the cry of this baby, as if inaudible!

As time goes by.

The countdown on the display is much less.

Still no sign of stopping


The cry of the baby is getting louder and louder! The cry is getting more and more heart-piercing!!

“Wow!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!”

The gray-haired old man’s restless heart is now more irritable!


He slammed his hands on the table and yelled angrily:

“Don’t cry!!! FU*K!! Shut me up!!

Then wave his hands!




The bottles and jars on the table were knocked over by him directly on the ground!

Broken into one piece!

Liquid powders of various colors are mixed together to give off a disgusting smell and turn into a disgusting color

“Wow!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!”

The cry of the little baby is even more heartbreaking, as if to scream out!

“Call calm, calm down”

[Rage] Close your eyes, press and rub your temples and take a deep breath

“calm down ”

He tried to calm himself down.


Reduced heart rate

Calm down

Facing the cry of the baby, he sighed again.

He knew in his heart.

The infant state of human beings is the most unreasonable.

This small human figure does not speak, understand the rules, does not listen to advice, and is not threatened

all in all.

Is to be invincible.

[Rage] Realizing that it’s useless to be in a hurry.

Had to submit.

So he expertly walked to the cabinet, took out a can of milk powder, and rinsed it with heated water from a baby bottle.

Tried the temperature.


Walk to the crib at the other end of the laboratory and hand the bottle to the baby’s mouth:

“Don’t cry, come and have milk. It’s been decades and you still refuse to speak. You are really torturing.”

“【Albert Einstein ]”.


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