Chapter 173 Reveal the identity of the rage! A unique feature!

This night.

Wen Ling sat under the bridge and cried for a long time.

She looked at the message board of her QQ space and found that since escaping last year, Liu Yiyi has left messages to herself in QQ space every day.

Never missed a day!

Liu Yiyi always cares about how he is doing.

Even if I never got a reply.

But Liu Yiyi still persuades herself to return home and surrender day after day.

“But Yiyi, I can’t go back.”

Wen Ling, who had been crying all night, wiped her tears.


At this moment, she discovered why so many people are willing to go astray in order to make up for the regrets in life.


Sure enough, they are all nostalgic creatures.

They look back far more often than they look forward.

Wen Ling at this time somewhat regretted it a little bit.

“I knew I wouldn’t throw away that piece of paper

But now it’s too late to think about anything.

Wen Ling turned off her mobile phone and no longer thought so much.

“Yiyi “Eight Three Seven”, let’s see you in the next life. I can only expect miracles in this life.”


Wen Ling’s wandering life continues.

The appearance of mobile phones has indeed made Wen Ling’s life more colorful.

Don’t worry if there is no electricity. There are public plugs in some shopping malls and KFC.

“Then my life remains the same. For me every day, the biggest expectation is Liu Yiyi’s message in my space.”

“As long as she continues to leave messages to me, I will feel that I am not alone in this world, and someone remembers me.”

“Although I can’t reply to any words to her. But the warm feeling and the feeling of being missed are my biggest spiritual support.”

Having said that, Wen Ling on the opposite side smiled after a long absence.

Then she looked at Lin Xian and continued to narrate her life afterwards:

“Later life was nothing extraordinary. I didn’t go to the [Regret Mutual Aid Society] gathering. I even said that I didn’t know when they would hold the gathering.

“Of course, they didn’t come to me again. Just like [Rage] said, since I gave up the only chance to join the conference, they don’t want me anymore.”

Hearing this, Lin Xian nodded.

That’s right.

Wen Ling guessed well.

[Regret Mutual Aid Association] does need the existence of [color gamut], but this [color gamut] does not necessarily have to be Wenling.

Lin Xian speculated that there are three necessary conditions for the seven deadly sins (color gamut):

1. Have a certain relationship with yourself.

2. Engaged in skin and meat business.

3. Because of my actions to change history, my life has undergone an earth-shaking change.

It’s okay to take out one of these three conditions.

If you want to find out who meets all three conditions…

It’s too hard to find!

Therefore, the position of [Color Gamut] was not filled by Tian Miaomiao until more than a month ago.

“Not right”

Lin Xian shook his head secretly.

Although [color gamut] must meet these three necessary conditions.


But when [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is looking for [color gamut] candidates, they do not select according to three conditions. They must have other [member selection rules]!

after all..…

[Arrogance] It wasn’t until I was caught in the patrol bureau that I learned that Lin Xian was [the person who changed history].

Prior to this, Lin Xian’s identity has not been exposed.

Therefore, it is impossible for them to search for candidates for the seven deadly sins according to the standards of [1, have a certain relationship with Lin Xian].

Because they don’t even know the name Lin Xian.

“Forget it, the more I think about it, the more messy it gets!”

Lin Xian shook his head and stopped thinking about such unfounded things.

Regrettably, the [Member Selection Rules] of the Mutual Aid Association is still an unsolved mystery.

But wait for the day when I find [Rage]

Maybe this puzzle can really be revealed!

In these tens of seconds of thinking.

Lin Xian is also listening carefully to Wen Ling’s account of her past.

One mind and two purposes in a short time, for people with high IQ like Lin Xian, it can still be achieved with a bit of brainpower.

Wen Ling held the drink in both hands and said slowly:

“You must have known what happened later. My mother was beaten to death when she was stealing food.. It is a common thing to kill homeless people in the U.S., especially for illegal immigrants who have no legal status. It’s not soft.”

“My mother was not beaten to death on the spot. She was sure that the internal organ rupture was not minor at the time, but she still held her last breath, vomiting blood in her mouth, and crawled to our residence, under the bridge.”

“I still remember very clearly. Mom, she handed a squeezed bread to me and said–‘Lingling has eaten the bread. Then she fell to the ground and couldn’t wake up anymore.”

Speaking of here.

Wen Ling’s tears fell again ticking:

“I can’t understand what she is supporting now, why didn’t she return to China and surrender? Although in China, her crimes are lifeless. But it is better to die than to live! Isn’t it better than tragically dying on the streets of the United States?”

“I carried my mother’s body, found a suitable place, created a pit and buried her. That day, I couldn’t stop it anymore. I told Yiyi in the QQ space that I wanted to go home and then the ambassador The people in the museum and the relevant domestic departments took me back to the country for trial.

Wen Ling wiped her tears, and smiled as if sorry:

“Anyway, I still have such a free and beautiful life now, I still have to thank the country. Before I went abroad, I felt that the United States was better than the Long Kingdom. But after I really went out, I found that the best and safest country in the world. It’s our Dragon Country!”

After Wen Ling’s mood stabilized.

Lin Xian directly asked him one of his most concerned questions:

“So it is very likely that the biggest envoy behind the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is the [Rage] who invited you to join the club! If we find out the identity of [Rage], we will definitely help Wang Hao get rid of crime, and at least it can be done. what!”

“Wen Ling, if you think about it carefully, what does that [Rage] look like, and what special details are there! This is very important. You should think about it slowly and carefully!”

Heard this question…0

Wen Ling nodded in cooperation.

“Actually, since we talked on the phone yesterday, I have been reminiscing about his characteristics. I said, do you need to remember?”

Lin Xian has confidence in his memory.

But now that Wen Ling proposed it, I still have to do it to make it more formal.

So he went to the suite living room.

I took memo notes and a ballpoint pen.

Instructed Wen Ling to start telling.

“Um. ……

Wen Ling rubbed her temples and began to describe:

“[Rage] is a white man with white skin and blue-green pupils. He should be about 60 years old. Although he has a good spirit, his hair is completely gray.”

“But the hair is only white, not bald. This is obviously different from our old people in Longguo.

“[Rage] is very tall, I can’t describe how tall it is. But I just noticed it, it’s about half a head taller than yours anyway, at least taller than you, very oppressive.”

“He is very skinny, but he is not the kind of unhealthy, addict-like skinny. It looks like a bamboo pole and makes people feel like he falls when the wind blows. It should be considered thin, it’s hard to describe, it’s roughly like this. ”

“As for whether there are any special details you said.

Wen Ling frowned and thought.

But soon! She raised her eyebrows:

“Ah!! I remember! He does have a unique characteristic!”

Lin Xian5.3 also followed the spirit!

This is what you are waiting for!

The fact that he is tall, thin and white hair, he has heard countless people say, it is not new information.


Moreover, there are 6 billion people in the world. There are too many people who meet these three points, and there is no way to find a needle in a haystack.

But if there is a unique feature.

It’s much easier to find!

Lin Xian was holding a pen and preparing to record, urging Wen Ling to speak quickly!

Wen Ling first straightened the index finger of her right hand, and then used her left hand to break the belly of the index finger of her right hand and bend it 45 degrees.


At this time, Wen Ling’s right index finger became a very strange shape–

The lower two knuckles are straight, but the top finger is unnaturally curved at 45 degrees.

(There is a picture in the upper right corner of the software.)

“Lin Xian, look [Rage] His right index finger is like this! Very unnatural! Very strange!’

“do not know why

“[The tip of his right index finger is bent to the inside! And this is not intentional, I’m pretty sure–]”

“[His finger cannot be straightened at all! It is deformed!]”,

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)



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