Chapter 172 Wenling’s choice, Liu Yiyi’s message board, the summer that can’t go back (reward plus more)


Wen Ling did not hesitate too much.

He made up his mind.

“It must be a group of liars with bad intentions!

Wen Ling felt that the old man said all kinds of things, it was too ridiculous!

What kind of regret medicine to make up for regrets, as if they could manipulate time and space and change the past.

Wen Ling’s mind is very good.

It’s not like Wang Hao’s kind of stupid mind who studies hard.

Her instinct told her–

[Regret Mutual Aid Association] It is definitely an oblique teaching-organization!

Although I don’t know what the purpose of this organization is, why it wants to-invite myself to join.


“Whoever likes to play with them, play with them, I will not accompany them.”

“Wang Hao, you are such a fool.”


Wen Ling sighed helplessly.

Wang Hao likes himself, but he is not surprised.

When my pear blossoms spread all over the country, there were more boys writing love letters and confessions to myself.

Although he is far less popular than the school flower Liu Yiyi.

However, the temperament of a literary girl and the personality of the daughter-in-law, in the high school era, it was a dimensionality reduction blow to the boys.

But what surprised Wen Ling was

Wang Hao could do this for her!!

Absolutely most boys have a crush on a girl for a period of time, then they have a crush on another girl.

There are also boys who dare to confess, and then after being rejected, they are also quick to commit to the next relationship.

Wen Ling always thought that love is cheap.

Especially the love of adolescent boys.

The purpose is pure and efficient.

That’s why she didn’t want to fall in love in high school. She had seen boys of this age thoroughly.

But Wang Hao is different

His feelings for himself are so persistent!

He is even so persistent that he has gone astray and wants to rely on the “mysterious power” of oblique teaching to make up for his regrets!

at this point

how to say.

Wen Ling felt sorry and contempt for his IQ.

But he was admired and moved by his infatuation.

A trace of warmth ignited from the bottom of my heart.

But fleeting

“Wang Hao, even if you like me again, you can’t join Xiejiao!”

Wen Ling stood there and smiled bitterly.

Before I knew it, I smiled and smiled, tears falling down.

She has never liked Wang Hao.

Not before.

Not now.


The tears at this time were indeed for Wang Hao.

“[We have no chance in this life. Let’s get together again in the next life.]”

Wen Ling wiped her tears.

Looking at the blue sky


If there is an afterlife, let yourself and Wang Hao

Just rely on this silly infatuation.

She would never refuse Wang Hao.

“this life ”

“Just let go of my regret

“May you wake up as soon as possible and get out of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] this boundless sea of ​​suffering.”

Go back to the messy bridge at night.

Mother ate some leftover bread and went to bed.

It can be seen that she is very tired.

Wen Ling walked to the river, opened the letter, and took out the phone card.

As for the letter paper inside, she didn’t even look at it, so she threw it directly into the river.

“Anyway, thank you [Regret Mutual Aid Association]. I decline your kindness, but I will accept this phone.”

As a young man in the new era.

Wen Ling couldn’t refuse the temptation of mobile phones at all!

She hasn’t played a mobile phone for too long!

Tear open the plastic packaging of the box, there are various accessories inside. This is the latest iPhone.

Wen Ling inserted the phone card.

Turn on.

The screen lights up!

“Yes, there is 30% battery power.

Generally, newly purchased mobile phones have a half of the remaining power to ensure the activity of the lithium battery.

Wen Ling didn’t know what to play for a while.

I want to go to QQ.

but …

My mother reminded herself that her QQ number must have been included in the monitoring list by the Internet police long ago, and it will be exposed once she logs in.

Therefore, the smart Wen Ling did not log in to her QQ, but registered a new QQ account.

After the login is complete.

Blank message list.

Blank space.

She doesn’t know where to go

“Why don’t you use this account, go to my own space to have a look?”

After thinking about it again and again, Wen Ling felt that it was not dangerous.

Your own QQ space, the permission is visible to everyone, and you can view the contents of the space without adding friends.

In the past, when Ewha’s body was hot, tens of thousands of people across the country would visit her QQ space every day and comment on it.

So many visitors.

It will not be exposed.

Wen Ling clicked on the QQ space where she applied for a new account, and then made changes in the URL bar, changing the last string of numbers on the URL to her original QQ number.

In this way, you can directly access your original QQ space.

After clicking the jump.

The familiar QQ space interface has appeared!

“I miss it so much”

Looking at this familiar background and dress, Wen Ling smiled after a long absence.

This is all her surprise arrangement at the beginning.


I always like to dress up my QQ space just like dressing up myself.


Now my yellow diamonds and red diamonds have expired.

Because there is no renewal, some space backgrounds, space accessories, and space pendants exclusive to Yellow Diamond members have been cancelled.

It seems a little empty in the space.

As the web page is loaded, the background music of the QQ space starts to play one-

“The love flower you said is sprouting in my heart.”


“Think every minute and every second, you are by my side”

This song is “Love Flower” sung by singer Ben Xi.

In high school, Ben Xi was a very popular online singer, and everyone liked to listen to her songs.

As a literary girl, Wen Ling naturally likes Ben Xi and is a loyal fan of her.

“I took a pen to secretly write down what I said on the phone last time.”

“When you are unhappy, just read it to you”

Listen to this familiar melody.

Wen Ling actually had a feeling of dreaming back to high school.

I miss my dear classmates.

Recalling the green years.

I think of the summer that I can’t go back.

Wen Ling couldn’t help but start from the heart

“If I take the college entrance examination normally, I should also be in college now.”

“I don’t know which school Liu Yiyi went to.”

…0 Seeking flowers………

“I don’t know if Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi are ready for such a well-prepared birthday party, Lin Xian will definitely be touched?”

“I don’t know if anyone remembers me. If they can’t remember me, will they remember my pear blossom body?”

“I don’t know if Ben Xi has released a new song? He will definitely release it, after all, she is so popular!”

With that, Wen Ling opened the Baidu webpage and searched for Benxi.

The moment the result popped up.

Wen Ling was stunned!

I thought it would be new albums, new awards, new concerts and so on.

But she never expected it!

The news full of the screen is–

[Ben Xi passed away for some reason! Youth born in the 90s!][Music magnate, girl with folded wings. 】

[Famous online singer Ben Xi, passed away on X, X, 2016. ]

Wen Ling looked at this date

Switch to the lock screen again to see today’s date

It turned out to be a few days ago!

“Why? She’s only 20 years old

For a time.

The grief is surging out like a scourge!

Wen Ling’s tears fell like broken pearls..

She felt an unprecedented sense of despair.

why …

Why this world

Will there be so many human sufferings?

She couldn’t help but think of a line from a famous movie “This Killer Is Not So Cold”

Little girl: “Is life always so painful? Or is it only when I was young?”

Killer: “Always.

In grief.

Wen Ling subconsciously clicked on the message board of her QQ space.

She wants to see

Even if I have been abandoned by the whole world.

Will anyone remember her?

She thought no one would leave a message for her

She has disappeared from the world for so long.

The trend of pear blossoms has long passed.

No one will remember a fugitive



In the message board!

But it is full of heart-warming messages:

September 17, 2016, reluctant to give up: I miss you so much, how are you doing? No matter where you are, you must take care of yourself!

September 16, 2016, reluctant to give up: Wen Ling, today in law class, I asked our tutor Zhang San, he said that you can’t do a few years in prison in this situation. Do? I miss you so much.

September 15, 2016, reluctantly: Good sister, don’t give up hope I will always wait for you to come back, we will always be sisters!

September 14, 2016, reluctantly: Wen Ling, do you remember the pomegranate tree we planted when we were young? Now it is full of pomegranates!

September 14, 2016, reluctantly: You must be good. Will anyone bully you over there? Will anyone discriminate against you? I miss you so much

September 13, 2016, reluctant to give up: I dreamed of the time we used to talk and laugh in the classroom again today, how good it was then. Carefree, no worries.

September 12, 2016, reluctantly: Wen Ling, let’s go home.

Only the Dragon Kingdom is your eternal home.

It may discipline you, punish you, educate you

However, it is just like our mother.

forever …

I won’t abandon you!

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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