Chapter 171 Features of [Rage]! Strange fingers!

Downtown of Donghae City.

In a luxurious hotel.

Lin Xian opened a suite for Wen Ling.

The suites are large, with a living room, a game hall, and a small bar.

This is the most expensive suite in Donghai City.

The reason why it’s here

It can be considered Lin Xian feels guilty.

After all, Wang Hao is so good, there is no such thing as a shit.

In order to collect information, Wen Ling had to run so far and shed so many tears, so she could only make up for it materially.

“Before Wang Hao is released, you can live here and wait for him.

Wen Ling nodded.


Wang Hao can be said to be her only relative in this world.

If Wang Hao can’t get out of the inspection bureau safely

Wen Ling had no intention of doing anything.

Lin Xian and Wen Ling sat on either side of the table in the small bar of the suite.

He casually took out two bottles of drinks and put them in front of Wen Ling.

Wen Ling’s face was low and she just nodded, she didn’t mean to drink at all.

“Drink something, don’t worry too much, I believe that as long as we confess [Rage], Wang Hao will definitely get away with it!”

In the eyes of Lin Xian

Wen Ling has always been a poor person.

Now the dark circles are swollen and the mouth is dry

Make Lin Xian feel guilty!

He helped Wen Ling open the drink and brought it to her again.

“Well, you drink two sips of water first, and then tell me all the information you know about [Rage].”

Wen Ling licked 837 thousand dry lips.

Finally drank two drinks.

Speak slowly

“That was about a year or so when I just fled to the United States. I can’t remember the exact time. I’m sorry Lin Xian. At that time, my mother and I had a hard time. It is a day to live a day. We simply don’t have time. concept”

Lin Xian waved her hand, indicating that she didn’t care, and said as much as she remembered.


This dusty past of the United States.

Speak from Wen Ling’s mouth

The time is about mid-2016.

Both Wenling and her mother have accepted the current situation of tragic fleeing, and have adapted to the wandering life of food and clothing.

The two have no fixed homes.

But under the bridge, garbage stations, and abandoned construction sites are the places where the two often live.

Although Wen Ling also had a psychological struggle.

Thinking about whether to return home and surrender

But Wen Ling’s mother knew how serious they had committed, and if they went back, they would never see the life behind bars outside for a lifetime.

“Lingling is better to die than to live. Your parents owe you in this life. Let’s pay it back to you in the next life.”

They come, the security.

Wen Ling also realized that she would have to go to jail when she returned to China. It would be better to hang around here, maybe her life will get better one day.


Every morning.

Both of them went separately to find food, pick up waste, beg, or do some illegal work (cafd).

Go back to the place where you slept in the evening.

For them, the urban area is definitely afraid to go, and they don’t dare to mess with anything. More is better than less.

It is in such a wandering life.


A tall, thin, gentleman, and a neat and tidy man in a suit appeared beside Wen Ling.

“Ms. Wenling, hello. When we first met, my name was [Rage].”

This person is actually speaking Chinese!

Wen Ling was frightened at the time, thinking she was here to catch them.

But when I looked up, I realized that the person who came was actually a foreigner.

Although he speaks Chinese very well, his pale skin, tall hooked nose, and blue pupils still show that he is a foreigner.

“Hello sir, may I have anything to do with you? Why do you know my name?”

The gentleman’s man took off his hat again and saluted.

Then put on a hat.

She didn’t mind Wen Ling’s dirty hands just turning over the garbage dump, and the master shook hands with her.

Wen Ling wanted to hide.

But it was still held by him:

“Miss Wenling, I’m here to save you. I hope you can join our organization and become our companion.”

When shaking hands

Wen Ling felt a little strange.

The index finger of this person’s right hand seems to be not straight!

Although he doesn’t have any nails, they are beautifully manicured.

But the knuckles still hurt myself.

After letting go.

The gentleman began to tell Wen Ling his intentions.

He said that his organization, called the “Regret Mutual Aid Association”, is an organization that can help members complete their regrets.

“Join us, we can provide you with sufficient living expenses, and even get you a legal identity, so that you mother and daughter will never have this kind of wandering life.”

[Rage] That’s what it said.

At the same time, he also told Wen Ling:

“In [Regret Mutual Aid Association], there is also an old classmate of your Long Country named Wang Hao. Do you still have an impression?”

Wen Ling was surprised!

Of course she has an impression of this name!

This is the monitor of the class next door, sitting in the back row of Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian in the classroom.

Wen Ling had a good impression of Wang Hao.

This is a very honest, simple, kind, and enthusiastic boy.

At that time, the classmates of Wenling, because of envy, jealousy and hatred, both boys and girls excluded Wenling.

But the classmates in Wang Hao’s class accepted her generously.

Therefore, every time Wen Ling finishes class, she will go to the next classroom and sit in Lin Xian’s chair and chat with Liu Yiyi.

Squad leader Wang Hao

Wen Ling didn’t communicate much with him.

All I know is that every time he sees him, he smiles at Mimi and lets himself come to the class often.

“Hehe, if I come often, then Lin Xian won’t bother me! He has no place to sit when I come!

“He dare! If Lin Xian doesn’t give way to you, I will help you get rid of him!’

This is probably

It’s the only communication between the two.

“I remember this person.”

Wen Ling raised her head and looked at the tall and thin white-haired old man in front of her:

“He is also a member of you? Did he ask you to come to me?”

[Rage] smiled slightly.

Did not admit, did not deny, did not make any reply:

“The regret of this companion is you, ma’am.”

“[Gluttony] Oh, that is, Wang Hao said that he was just a poor boy, and he never dared to show his heart when facing the unattainable you. But I didn’t expect this hesitation to be a farewell.”

“He hopes to see you again, so in order to make up for this regret, he joined our organization.”

“Actually, I shouldn’t disclose this information to you before you are sure to join our organization. But you know very little about us, and this is to make you trust us more.”

“So, now I officially send you an invitation to join the club-madam, I hope you can join the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and become our partner… [Color Space]!”


Wen Ling cursed on the spot!

This year’s wandering life has allowed her to master the most quintessential curse words in the United States!

Make you look like a dog

Let yourself be [color gamut]?

What a mess!

After scolding, Wen Ling gasped:

“Go away, I have nothing to say to you.”

“Speaking of regret, how can it be possible to make up for it if you make up? Do you still regret that the medicine will not work? You can really make up for regrets, then you can use magic! Send me and my mother back to China, let my father do not have an accident, so that we can Live like before!”

[Rage] Unmoved, polite and gentleman smiled:

“If you join us and become one of us, you may not be able to make up for your regret.”

“[Sorry Mutual Aid Association] is very powerful, far beyond what you think. But before you confirm to join us, I’m sorry, I can’t give you more information.”

“And I want to make it clear that [Color Space] is just a code name for the seven deadly sins, and has nothing to do with what you think, just like I am [Rage] and Wang Hao is [Gluttony], this is just a code name within the organization. .”

Talk about it.

[Rage] I took out a brand new iPhone from my arms, and the plastic package on the box was not opened.

Then, he took out another envelope and handed it to Wen Ling:

“In the envelope, there is a phone card, and a letter paper with the website of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and a password comparison card for the information on the web page.”

“I hope you will seriously consider it for your life. If you want to join us, please attend the next gathering on time. We will welcome you to join us very much.”

“Ms. Wenling, please be sure to cherish this precious opportunity. If you are absent from the party that day, we will regard you as giving up this honor, and you will always lose the opportunity to become our partner.”

After speaking.

[Rage] Smiled.

Take off the hat.

Went a farewell ceremony.

Disappeared in a black Lincoln sedan in the distance

And Wen Ling.

Looking at the brand-new mobile phone and envelope in his hand.

Fallen into deep thought…

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