Chapter 17 Letter to Cao Xueqin! Through 300 years! (May ticket plus more)


Lao Zhang is also kind, Lin Xian intends to take one step at a time.

As the only team leader (deputy president treatment) in the company, Lin Xian selected 10 usually more capable colleagues as team members. This 10-person team was officially established.

Everyone has a clear division of labor and docking with the Shuangcheng Group.

Lin Xian is just in charge of overall planning and check-up, and the work is relatively easier.

The day’s work passed quickly.

Back home in the evening, Lin Xian turned on the TV while eating to watch the local news.

Surprisingly, there was no mention of Dai Chuchan’s kidnapping case.

It was as if the bar fight and the kidnapping planned by Tian had never happened.

This is not surprising.

Dai Shuangcheng’s power surpassed the sky, for him, suppressing these things and then operating secretly was even more deceptive.

After the local news was broadcast, Lin Xian changed channels to watch the show.

In a flash, I arrived at XXTV8 again, and it was still broadcasting “Dream of Red Mansions”!

“What’s the situation? Is it going to be broadcast for one day?”

Lin Xian read the subtitles and understood, this is to celebrate something, so the 87 version of “Dream of Red Mansions” will be played for one day in a row.

In the morning when she watched TV with Dai Chuchan in the hotel, it was broadcasted that Lin Daiyu died of illness.

Now it’s the finale of the last episode.

Seeing this, Lin Xian couldn’t help but think of what Dai Chuchan said:

“If one day, we could see the true ending of “A Dream of Red Mansions”.”

“It would be great if someone could tell Cao Xueqin… so that he can save the last 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions”.”

Lin Xian had a whim!

Since I can write to my past self.


Can you write to others in the past?

“It might work?”

Lin Xian returned to the study and turned out the earliest handwritten explanation.

There are three lines of words written on it:

[This is a space-time mail box, you can send letters to people in the past! 】

[Please be sure to write the recipient, recipient address, and delivery time on the envelope! 】

[Don’t forget to paste stamps! The postage is unified at 1 yuan! 】

Send it to people in the past! !

Written very clearly!

“It turns out that this mailbox is not limited at all and can only be sent to myself!”

Lin Xian patted his head.

It is his own subtlety that constrains his thinking.

Anyone in the past can write to them, as long as the recipient, address, and delivery time are clearly written.

“Think of it this way… there are too many capable things!”

With a 5000-year history of Long Guoyangyang, can he still write to Xuanyuan Huangdi?

It doesn’t seem to make any sense to write it…

It is better to respect history and not to change the course of history arbitrarily.

In case one accidentally deviates from the world line by a large margin, the history of future generations will undergo earth-shaking changes…

Maybe Lin Xian can wipe out his existence!

Thinking of this, shudder.

“It’s better to be careful.”

Lin Xian thought for a while. Cao Xueqin in his later years was a downright old man, who could not influence the historical trend. He was just a trivial existence in terms of history.

So writing to him, there should be no danger of paradox.

“Try it, just to verify that people in ancient times can receive my letter.”

Lin Xian took out a blank paper and pen.

I turned on the laptop, found the comparison table of early Chinese characters and the current Chinese characters, and then began to write to Cao Xueqin.

[Dear Mr. Cao Xueqin. 】

【Hello. 】

[Speaking of which, you may not believe it. I come from China 300 years later. There is no emperor in my era. The people are the masters. It is a very good era. 】

[I want to tell you that your book “A Dream of Red Mansions” has been handed down as one of the four great masterpieces by later generations, and it is also known as the perfect combination of literary and artistic. 】

[But it’s a pity that after 300 years of ups and downs, your work has not been completely eloquent. We can only get a glimpse of the first 80 chapters of “A Dream of Red Mansions”. 】

[It is a pity that such a great book cannot know its true ending. We hope to see the true ending of “A Dream of Red Mansions”. 】

[Therefore, Mr. Cao Xueqin, in order to keep your work intact, are you willing to pass the last 40 chapters of “A Dream of Red Mansions” to me? 】

[If you wish, please write the content of the next 40 novels in rice paper, wrap it in oil paper, and hide it somewhere and plant a ginkgo tree. In 300 years, I will dig it out and publish your great work to the world! 】

[Signature: Readers of “A Dream of Red Mansions” 300 years later]

Lin Xian checked it again.

I feel that I have written very sincerely.

In his later years, Cao Xueqin was lonely and rejected by others. If you see your letter, you should be happy to cooperate with yourself.

Lin Xian folded the letter paper, put it in an envelope, and stuck a stamp.

Then checked the information.

Write on the envelope:

Recipient: Cao Xueqin (Cao Zhan)

Address: Shuangquan Temple, Heilong Bay Valley, Shijingshan District, Beijing

Delivery time: February 12, 1760

At this point in time, it was 3 years before Cao Xueqin’s death, and it was also the most desolate day in his life.


Lin Xian threw the envelope into the red space-time mailbox.

“Turn off the lights and sleep!”


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