Chapter 18 Dai Shuangcheng is respectful! The audience was shocked!


Jingle Bell Jingle Bell————

The phone alarm rang.

Lin Xian raised his right hand and patted the bedside table!


Everything is quiet.

Familiar wood feel.

“Huh… this is my home.”

I woke up in the hotel yesterday morning, which really scared Lin Xian.

Lin Xian picked up the phone and started Baidu “Dream of Red Mansions”.

Yesterday he wrote a letter to Cao Xueqin, telling him about the missing 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions”.

If he can really receive letters and take precautions, history should change.

Lin Xian opened Baidu Baike and started to view it.

“Huh? Why is the original work lost after 40 times and was written by Gao E?”

“Cao Xueqin, what’s the matter, you don’t have a long memory!”

Lin Xian looked at a few more search results, without exception, they were exactly the same as when they looked at it yesterday, without any changes.

“Could it be that… this mailbox really cannot write letters to ancient people? Or is there a time limit?”

Lin Xian got up and thought while brushing his teeth.

He felt that it could not be so simple to conclude that Cao Xueqin did not receive the letter.

The reason why history has not changed, there are two possibilities.

1. Cao Xueqin’s last 40 novels were not lost accidentally, but were deliberately ruined!

Therefore, even if Cao Xueqin keeps it carefully, it will inevitably be ruined by someone with a heart.

Perhaps in the content of the next 40 sessions, something that should not be published was written.

2. Cao Xueqin received the letter, and according to Lin Xian’s words, buried the last 40 times under the ginkgo tree, and has not been found until now.

“The second one is more likely.”

The address of Cao Xueqin’s former residence is in the imperial capital, and he is in the East China Sea. If you want to find out, you will have to take a leave of absence after two days.


Lin Xian’s phone rang.

When I opened it, it was a WeChat message sent by Dai Chuchan:

“Hee hee, good morning, senior Lin Xian!”

“Don’t be late for today’s commendation meeting, I will watch it on time!”

Lin Xian casually returned an expression.

When Dai Chuchan said to watch on time, it should be watching live TV.

The staff of the relevant departments have already notified Lin Xian that today’s deeds speech and commendation meeting will start at 10 am, and will be broadcast live on TV, the Internet, and short video platforms simultaneously.

After finishing packing, Lin Xian found a formal suit.

The last time I wore this, my dad bought it when I was a guest host at the university.

“Oh, by the way, the manuscript…”

The city attaches great importance to this conference, and various big figures are present. If you forget to take the manuscript, it will be a small thing to lose your face, and it will be a big deal to lose the face of the people of the East China Sea.

After going downstairs, I was surprised that there was a special car to pick you up.

It is a Volkswagen Passat with the license plate number East A00006.

This kind of car model and car number, you can know which car it is at a glance.

“Mr. Lin Xian, waiting for you for a long time!”

Seeing Lin Xian coming down, a young guy greeted him with a handshake:

“I am Song Lao’s secretary, Song Lao asked me to pick you up to avoid traffic jams on the road and delay time.”

Old Song?

Isn’t that…

It seems that the specifications of this commendation meeting are really high!


The secretary opened the door and Lin Xian took a seat directly in the back row.

Then the secretary got on the co-pilot and let the driver go.

Don’t look at the outside of this car is the Volkswagen Passat shell, the leather seats and decoration inside…not inferior to the general Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

Unobstructed along the way.

Those on duty, after seeing the number of this car, will take the initiative to salute and help direct the way.

In a short while, we arrived at the back door of the Cultural Exhibition Center.

The secretary in the front row got off the car and opened the door to Lin Xian, with a look of sorry:

“Mr. Lin Xian, understand, the front door was surrounded by too many reporters and people who offered flowers, so we opened to the back door.”

Afterwards, he took Lin Xian to the Great Hall of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

After entering, Lin Xian found that, except for the people in the first row, the rest of the representatives from all walks of life, student representatives, and media representatives had all been seated.

I have to say that the media that can enter the hall are all big media, and the reporters are obviously more qualified, and they are not crowded.

But after seeing Lin Xian come in, dozens of cameras still twisted the lens unanimously.

At this time, the door on the other side of the hall opened.

A group of great men with extraordinary bearing, as stable as Mount Tai, and suits and shoes are here!

The positions in the first row are reserved for them, and they are filled with seats.

When they saw Lin Xian, they all smiled warmly and nodded appreciatively.

However, among the two headed, one of them walked quickly, bowed solemnly, and held Lin Xian’s hands tightly with both hands, expressing gratitude:

“Mr. Lin Xian, thank you so much for the little girl! Dai is so grateful!”

Dai Shuangcheng’s voice was so low that no one else could hear it.

But Dai Shuangcheng’s humble appearance, everyone can see clearly!

Everyone was shocked!

Dignified President of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce, national Renda representative, and the underground emperor of the East China Sea!

Why be respectful to a young man in his 20s

This scene was directly captured by countless cameras!

Booked a newspaper headline for tomorrow!

Everyone took a breath and didn’t dare to judge themselves.

Only in the press gallery farther away, the reporters whispered in panic:

“What’s the situation? Why do President Dai and Lin Xian know each other well!”

“This is big news! Could it be… Lin Xian has a lot of power behind? It’s bigger than the Dai family?”

“Quickly check…Quickly check, the arrogant and indifferent President Dai has never been so humble! Lin Xian must have something extraordinary!”

“Can make the underground emperor of animation be so polite…what on earth does this Lin Xian come from? Is it the emperor’s consort?”

“Don’t say… it’s really possible… Doesn’t Dai Shuangcheng have a beautiful and beautiful daughter? It’s just… his daughter is still in college, isn’t it that President Dai has already replaced him? She signed a marriage contract?”


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