Chapter 16 Lin Xian is promoted to team leader! All employees have a salary increase! (10th more)


Lin Xian looked at his watch and found that it was indeed time to go to work.

Go out and take a taxi.

Go directly to the company.



The elevator came to the 22nd floor. Before Lin Xian entered the company, he heard the noise inside.

Lao Zhang’s loud voice was clearly heard outside the door:

“The few of us are very good! Follow Lin Xian to the hero to save the United States! Directly beat the non-mainstream to get on the ground!”

“What about taking a knife? When I’m making a joke with this capture technique? I took the yellow hair with my empty hand and subdued that yellow fur!”

“Lao Zhang, don’t blow up, okay? After they took the knife, you withdrew faster than anyone else, or the bar security used equipment to subdue the yellow hair.”

“Where did I blow? Hey, Xiao Li, do you still want the bonus this quarter? Although I didn’t make a direct shot, I can be considered righteous, right?”

“Unexpectedly, things really gather together, and Lao Zhang has become just as brave as Lin Xian!”

“Brother Zhang, get off my desk…Please, step on my keyboard.”



After Lin Xian pushed open the company’s glass door, he saw Lao Zhang standing on the table bragging.

“Oh, Lin Xian, you are here! Hey hey, you don’t know who you saved yesterday! I tell you, you met a noble person!!!”

“Okay, okay, all the staff will have a meeting in the conference room!”

Having said that, Lao Zhang leaned over and put his arms around Lin Xian’s shoulders, with a smirk and held out his little thumb:

“Boy, where did you take that beauty yesterday?”

“Send someone home.”

“I’ll go to you! Are you so kind? Do you know who you saved? Everyone!”

“It’s…you know.”

“Haha! It turns out that you had planned for a long time!”

“Fart! I see uneven roads, okay?”

Lin Xian pushed Lao Zhang away, no longer forced him, and put things on his desk.

Along the way, Lin Xian’s memories have merged a lot.

He has figured out the ins and outs.

Last night, everything was normal in the early stage, and Lin Xian had no chance to contact Dai Chuchan.

When they were pulling the Chu Chan mountain bike, Lin Xian took Lao Zhang and a few around them.

As a result, before saying anything, Huang Mao, who had a guilty conscience, took out the knife directly.

So Lao Zhang and the others called for security while covering Lin Xian and the others to escape.

At that time, Lin Xian only told Lao Zhang and the others that this was his own school girl, and he couldn’t look at it, and he didn’t say much about it.

Lao Zhang and the others are worthy of being loyal, so they followed Lin Xian without saying a word.

The follow-up memory, Lin Xian has not yet been integrated.


In the meeting room, more than 20 people from the entire company have already been seated.

Vice President Zhang presided over the meeting.

In fact, although Lao Zhang is the vice president, he is no different from the president.

The nominal boss is just a nominal legal person.

“Ahem! There is a big happy event to be announced for a sudden meeting today!”

After looking around for a week, Lao Zhang slowly said:

“Yesterday, I, Lin Xian, Xiao Li, and Xiao Wang, met with bravery at the door of the MT bar and saved a young woman.”

“You must have never thought of it! The father of that young woman turned out to be Dai Shuangcheng, the president of the East China Sea Chamber of Commerce!!”

Having said that, Lao Zhang thoughtfully left 30 seconds of “talking” time.

The colleagues were naturally surprised, and the meeting room instantly became lively!

No one knows the name of Dai Shuangcheng in the entire East China Sea.

The Dai family is the first family in the East China Sea. They want power and power, and assets are the only ones in the East China Sea.

To be able to save Dai Shuangcheng’s daughter, it would be a great kindness to Dai Shuangcheng!

Everyone looked at Lao Zhang expectantly.

Lao Zhang was very satisfied with the effect, raising his hands up and announcing loudly:

“So! President Dai Shuangcheng, in order to thank us, decided to invest 5 million in our company!”

“And all the design projects of the Shuangcheng Group will be handed over to us!”

“Starting today, everyone will have a 50% salary increase!!!”

Hearing the last sentence, cheers in the conference room! !

The investment company has nothing to do with ordinary employees.

But the salary increase is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And still add 50% all at once!

It’s too smart! !

Several young people rushed up and threw Lao Zhang up.

Lin Xian smiled slightly, no wonder Lao Zhang is so happy, this is the rhythm of the nobles on the list to make a fortune.

Dai Shuangcheng’s investment of 5 million yuan is basically the same as giving it for nothing. It is impossible for him to point fingers at this small company, and he may forget it after he has invested.

Shuangcheng Group is a large-scale listed company that radiates multiple industries and can take over their design orders. The performance of Lao Zhang, a small company, has increased by at least 10 times!

However, Lao Zhang’s character didn’t have to say, he even gave all his staff a 50% salary increase at once. This is definitely a philanthropist among capitalists.

After the excited crowd let Lao Zhang fall to the ground, Lao Zhang dressed up and continued:

“For the business of the Shuangcheng Group, I decided to set up a team of 10 people to take charge of it.”

“The team leader is Lin Xian, the personnel are selected by Lin Xian, and Lin Xian is solely responsible for everything in the team!”

“At the same time, Lin Xian will enjoy the same annual salary system as me, and will be evaluated based on business performance!”

The entire conference room once again thunderous applauds!

For this decision, everyone is convinced.

Gold will always shine.

After working together for so long, everyone can see that Lin Xian is the most capable one in the entire company.

Moreover, it is Lin Xian’s credit that everyone can get the current salary increase of 50% and the company can have the current business volume.

All this is what Lin Xian deserves.

“Lin Xian Lin Xian! You must choose me! I will follow you!”

“Brother Lin! Let me join your group! I promise to do it for you!”

“Wow! If Lin Xian also implements the annual salary system of the vice president… the annual income has increased by at least 10 times!”

“Lao Zhang, in order to keep Lin Xian, really willing to pay for it! But then again, Lin Xian is really the lucky star of our unit!”

“Yes, thanks to Lin Xian, we can get a 50% salary increase! I am so happy!”



Everyone gathered around Lin Xian to congratulate him.

Only Lin Xian smiled awkwardly on the surface, but his heart was bitter:

Laozi obviously intends to resign soon…

This is a promotion and a salary increase…

It’s hard for me! !


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