Chapter 168 Write to the past! Cheating Wen Ling! Lin Xian’s trap!

Combine the above information.

Lin Xian feels that Wen Ling’s probability of being “furious” is unlikely


She must have a deep or shallow relationship with [Regret Mutual Aid Association]!

“Since she can say the name [Regret Mutual Aid Association] very casually, even if she is not one of the members, she is also part of the insider.”

Lin Xian scratched his head

As we all know, there are generally five people in the four heavenly kings.


Who stipulates that the members of the seven deadly sins can only consist of seven?

Maybe there is an eighth hidden trump card!

“Of course this is just my guess. The two mysteries of Wenling’s body need to be confronted with her face to face to get the answer.”

“That’s why the question arises. How can I get past Wang Hao and ask Wenling to meet and talk in detail? Not only do I have to meet, but also let Wenling willingly tell me what I know!

Thinking about going.

Lin Xian found the key–

Wang Hao!

That’s right…

It was Wang Hao who had been making trouble for himself, but he did not expect to become a “hostage” who “threatened” Wen Ling at this time!

It is not difficult to see from Wen Ling’s previous call.

Wang Hao still has some place in Wen Ling’s heart, otherwise Wen Ling wouldn’t panic like that.

It was precisely because she told Wen Ling that Wang Hao was safe and could be released in two “eight thirty seven” days, so she was relieved and no longer panicked.

“Then the key point appears!

Lin Xian took out the letter paper and pen while thinking:

“[If I didn’t tell Wen Ling these things, I would deliberately scare her, saying that Wang Hao’s situation is very bad! He is deeply involved in this case! If I don’t want to exonerate Wang Hao, I’m afraid I will be sentenced to several years!]”

“[Wen Ling, who has suffered under the bars, will definitely feel sorry for Wang Hao, and will inevitably be more panicked at this time! Using her psychology, I can encourage her to confess to be lenient and resist strict, and what clues are there about the regret mutual aid association? It can be said. In this way, maybe it can help Wang Hao get rid of crime.]”

“[Human hearts are always fleshy, Wang Hao is so caring about Wen Ling, Wen Ling will definitely try to get Wang Hao out. At that time, Wen Ling and I are sitting face to face, whether she is telling the truth or Telling lies, I can certainly capture the information I want from her words and demeanor Shenqing eyes!]”


Lin Xian snapped his fingers.

This is a perfect plan

Perhaps Wen Ling’s true identity and the information she has about [Regret Mutual Aid Association] are the key to helping herself find the [Devil]!

He looked up at the clock on the table.

The display is 18:54.

“I don’t know if Inspection Liu has rested, but I still call to ask.”

Lin Xian estimated that with such a big event, Liu Xuncha had not slept well for at least two days.

I didn’t want to disturb him now.

But Lin Xian wanted to understand, why did Wang Hao be released so quickly?

According to what we said before.

Shouldn’t it be released after two days of education in the bureau?

The reason for this must be understood.

Because …

According to Lin Xian’s plan.

If you want to deceive Wen Ling, let her explain everything honestly.

Then Wang Hao must be kept in the inspection bureau for a few more days!

Can’t let him out so early!

“Anyway, Wang Hao has a fat head and big ears. If you eat a few more days of broth and water, let’s treat it as if I helped you lose weight.

Lin Xian took out his cell phone and dialed the number of Inspection Liu



“Hey Mr. Lin!”

Liu Xuncha’s answer to the phone is still fast!

Lin Xian listened to his words, not as if he hadn’t rested for a long time:

“Liu Xuncha, it’s been two days since the incident happened, have you rested well?”

Liu Xuncha smiled softly over there:

“Thank you Mr. Lin for your concern. I slept in a daze for a few hours. Now the game is in a mess. Everyone is relying on coffee and energy drinks.”

“But you don’t have to worry about us, we are doing this job, and we are always ready to sacrifice for the people. So occasionally this kind of work intensity, we have long been used to it.”

Lin Xian nodded.

I can’t help but admire these people’s public servants.

But Liu Xuncha was right.

As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while, this kind of staying up late to work overtime in the face of major cases, they are indeed used to it.

“Then I won’t disturb your work, so I’ll make a long story short. Inspection Liu, I want to ask how some of them have dealt with it up to now? Can you tell me?”

Liu inspected there too.

Just say:

“It’s okay to tell you, I can also believe that Mr. Lin will definitely not say anything.’

“The American old man who died suddenly has been placed in the morgue, waiting for the embassy to pick up the person. Although we are responsible for this matter, the cause of death has been determined to be sudden cardiac palsy, and there is nothing to be held accountable. Just report the situation.”

“Guo has been transferred to the disciplinary agency and the investigation process has been initiated. Mr. Lin is worthy of being a psychologist. The information you provided is completely correct. A lot of things have really been revealed in that villa. Guo is estimated to have started with life imprisonment this time. NS.”

“That woman, I listened to you and contacted President Dai Shuangcheng. Everything was clear. It really is a double identity. And when the fake identity was handled, it was the green light given by Mr. Guo, so Mr. Guo was also a crime. First class. This woman is suspected of using false documents. We need to detain her for a few days and President Dai Shuangcheng also said to wait for her to release

On that day, be sure to notify him to pick him up.”

Lin Xian laughed when he heard this.

Pick up

How kind can Dai Shuangcheng go to pick up Tian Miaomiao?

Don’t think about it.

This is Dai Shuangcheng who came to her to settle the bill!

At the beginning, Dai Shuangcheng left her a dog life, but she even dared to return to China and plan to kidnap Dai Chuchan again!

If Dai Shuangcheng let her go out alive this time

Then this underground emperor shouldn’t do it, or be laughed at by others?


On the phone, inspector Liu drank slobber and said the point:

“As for the fat man, he is very clean, but he is a little simpler and cheated. Plus you said that there is no problem, we downloaded a “National Anti-Fraud Center APP” on his mobile phone. After a few sentences of education, I let him go.”

“Actually, it stands to reason that it should be a two-day warning education. But this is also a highly educated talent. In addition, we are busy in a group and have no manpower, so this step is omitted and let him go home and log in to the “National Anti-fraud Center APP” has gone to study.


Lin Xian suddenly realized.

Now I understand.

To put it bluntly, Liu inspected the place where there was a shortage of manpower, coupled with Wang Hao’s innocent history and no previous convictions, it was more or less a victim of being deceived.

So Liu Xuncha opened the net and let him out directly.


Then Lin Xian and Liu Xuncha exchanged greetings.

Just hang up.

“Okay, now that the information is complete, it’s time to write a letter!

It can be seen that Inspection Liu still trusts Lin Xian.


As long as Lin Xian insists that Wang Hao has a problem!

Let Liu inspect him for a few more days!

Liu Xuncha will definitely not refuse!

“Wang Hao, this will help you lose weight, don’t blame me!”

After laying out the letter paper.

Ready to write.

“I stayed up all night last night and stayed in the study. I don’t know if this letter can be delivered on time if I don’t sleep.

“Forget it, to be on the safe side, I’d better post it to the morning of August 2nd! August 2nd I spent the whole day waiting for Liu Xunzhen to call me a call in the past, which is relatively idle.”

After confirming the date.


Lin Xian began to write:

[Dear me yesterday]

【Hello][When you read this letter, you must be waiting for the call from Inspection Liu. Don’t worry, it will take some time to interrogate the members of the Regret Mutual Aid Association over there. He will probably not call you until after dinner. So, take a relaxing walk, take a walk, eat and eat during the day, and read this letter carefully!][Interrogation of the Seven Deadly Sins at night, I will not give you any hints and interference, just follow the process you prepared before, you will naturally know a lot of information you want to know…0][But there is only one point, you have to keep it in mind–][Never tell Liu Xuncha, that Wang Hao is innocent! Innocent! I was deceived!][Remember this sentence! Although we are very clear in our hearts, Wang Hao is innocent. But when you receive Wen Ling’s call tomorrow morning, you will understand my intentions–][The person in question is not Wang Hao, but Wen Ling! But in order to get information from Wen Ling, we need Wang Hao to cooperate with us and stay in the detention center for a few more days. 】

[Anyway, Wang Hao is so fat, let him squat for two more days this time. 】

[Next, I will tell you how to do it. 】

[First of all, after you have finished interrogating Wang Hao normally, you need to tell Inspection Liu: “This person needs to be detained for two more days. There is no need to interrogate him. It can be detained or sent to study and education. I need a few days. Go outside to obtain relevant evidence.”][Liu Xuncha trusts you very much and has already regarded you as a famous detective Shinichi Kudo, so he will definitely listen to your words. In short, Wang Haoduo must be detained for a few days! When to let him go, let Liu Xuncha wait for our reply. 】

[After the first step is completed, you only need to wait for Wenling’s call. 】

[Wen Ling’s call will probably be called at 4 o’clock in the morning. At that time you were staying up late thinking about the problem, and her phone call surprised you. 】

[This call is very important. You must deceive Wenling! You must deceive Wenling and say: “Wang Hao’s situation is very bad. He has too much involvement with regret mutual assistance, and maybe he will be sentenced to jail! “】

[Don’t need to say too much about other things, the friendship between these two people in private is much deeper than we thought. Wen Ling would be very worried about Wang Hao, she definitely didn’t want Wang Hao to go to jail. At this time, just follow Wen Ling’s words and keep emphasizing that the situation on Wang Hao’s side is severe. Then we want to have Wenling for an interview!]

【Only in the face-to-face interview, we can find clues from her speech and deeds to judge whether what she said is true or false. Therefore, when Wenling wants to chat about some information on the phone, you use the phone to talk about these unsafe reasons, and ask her to come to Donghai City on August 4 for a face-to-face interview!][The rest, you naturally know what to do. In short, please make sure that Wang Hao is not released from prison in advance and that Wen Ling will come to Donghai on August 4 and have an interview with us!][May we find the devil as soon as possible, save the lost messenger, and save the future world!][Signature: Tomorrow’s you]


After writing.

Lin Xian reviewed it again, and there were no logical errors and no key information was leaked.

As smart as you are, you can definitely handle this.

“Okay, that’s it. My past self has never let me down, and can always complete tasks perfectly.”

Lin Xian folded the letter paper, put it in the letter box, and then affixed a stamp.

Write on the front of the envelope:

[Recipient: Lin Xian][Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City][Delivery time: August 2, 2021)

Then he reached out and dropped it into the space-time mailbox.

Only when.

With a sound of landing, this letter is considered to be delivered.

When I go to bed at night, the letter will disappear from the space-time mailbox and appear on the desk in the study room on the morning of August 2nd.

Lin Xian checked his watch.

It is already 10 pm on August 3, and it’s time to get ready to go to bed.

“I asked the past me to make an appointment with Wen Ling for a face-to-face interview on August 4.”

“If everything goes well, as soon as I wake up, Wen Ling may have flown to Donghai Airport!”

“Wen Ling’s secret is about to be revealed soon!”

Lin Xian packed his things, after handling the paper, turned off the light in the study, and looked at the empty curtains

“Alright, I will find [the devil] soon!”

“Yiyi, Chu Chan, and the future me, please wait for me again, I won’t let you sacrifice in vain!”,

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