Chapter 169 [Lust] The past with [Rage]! Wen Ling confesses the truth!

the next day.

August 4.

The familiar alarm bell did not ring.

Lin Xian, who woke up naturally, lost his sense of security inexplicably.

“What the hell is this feeling of suffering and loss, I’d better turn the alarm clock back!”

Yesterday I cancelled the alarm clock in order to sleep in.

But human habits are a very scary thing.

Habits and a stable life repeated day by day are the main source of human security.

Once life and habitual things change, humans will become fearful, nervous, and afraid.


Today Lin Xian woke up naturally although he was asleep.

But there is a sense of unreal illusion

“I don’t get woken up by the alarm clock, I always feel like I’m dreaming!”

Lin Xian picked up the phone and set the familiar alarm clock at 06:43.

Looking at the time, it turned out to be 9 o’clock.

Just a few minutes ago, an unread WeChat message came.

Lin Xian clicked and took a look…


“Yes! It seems that the past me has successfully completed the task once again!”

That WeChat message was sent by Wen Ling.

Wen Ling: Lin Xian, I have already boarded the plane, and I expect to be at Donghai Airport in two hours. Where shall we meet?

Lin Xian rubbed his eyes.

Reply directly:

Lin Xian: I picked you up at the airport and contacted me when I got off the plane.


Following the news, Lin Xian also put down his mobile phone, put on slippers, and went to the bathroom to wash.


The tap is turned on.

Lin Xian washes his face 20 while trying to remember what happened yesterday



“No, the memory has not merged at all, and there is no clue!”

He shook his head helplessly and started brushing his teeth.

The mechanism of memory fusion.

What a troublesome thing.

Every time you write to the past to change history, the revised memory takes a day to fuse.

so …

Lin Xian needs to be at night to be able to fully integrate the changed memories.

“It’s really inconvenient…


After brushing his teeth, Lin Xian returned to the study and picked up the phone


Lin Xian found out!

In the notification bar, there are actually two unexpected [phone recordings]!

Lin Xian hurriedly clicked to check.

The first item [Phone Recording] is a phone call between myself and Liu Xuncha. It is not long, less than one minute.

The second item [Phone Recording] is the conversation between myself and Wen Ling. This is a bit long and lasts for 5 minutes.


These two phone calls were not recorded by Lin Xian now.

It was done by Lin Xian in the past!

“I was so amazing!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help giving the past a thumbs up to himself.

“It’s too cautious, it’s really me.”

“The reason why I used to record phone calls is to let me know what I said on the phone with Liu Xuncha and Wen Ling.

“Only in this way can I guarantee that when I meet Wen Ling for a while, I won’t show up or become passive because of the information gap!”

After all, they are all their own.

Lin Xian easily interprets his own purpose in the past.

The past self is very clear, and the memory will not be restored until night, so during this period of day, I am a headless fly that doesn’t know anything.

But he was about to meet Wen Ling during the day, and to get important information out of her mouth.

In this situation

If there is no memory, it is easy to say the wrong thing.


In the past, I took precautions. When talking with Liu Xuncha and Wen Ling, he pressed the phone recording button.

Just listen to these two telephone recordings.

Lin Xian can understand how he fooled Wenling in the past, so that he has more initiative when he is talking about.

“Well, let’s listen to the first recording first!”

Lin Xian clicks on the first item [Phone Recording] to start playing:

Lin Xian: “Liu inspects, have you rested?”

Liu Xuncha: “No, what’s wrong, Mr. Lin, is there any new information? By the way, I will give you some good news.”

Liu Xuncha: “The people from the Disciplinary Committee and mine set out to the villa group before you left. As you said, the biggest villa gained a lot! Such a huge amount of stolen goods might be old Guo. At least life imprisonment has started.”

Lin Xian (laughter): “This can be regarded as an eradication for the people.”

Lin Xian (serious): “Inspector Liu, I do have to trouble you with something. Do you still remember the fat guy I told you? Although he is temporarily innocent, I suspect that he has a little collusion with the previous human trafficker gang , I still need some time to investigate.

Lin Xian: “So as we said, you must have taken good care of him in the past two days! In case he is released to whistleblower and startling snakes, I am afraid that the clues in my hand will be lost again.”

Liu Xuncha (patted his chest): “Don’t worry, Mr. Lin! I have already arranged the things you explained. I sent him to the correctional center to listen to the class. When did you say to release the people, I ordered the release!”

After the polite sentence, the phone hangs up and the first recording is over.

“Well, how can I say it, nothing unusual.”

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you listen to this recording, it’s nothing more than the past completion of the task by himself, and Wang Hao was thrown into the correctional facility to listen to the class.

But this cautious kindness, Lin Xian still has the essentials.

The next second [phone recording] is the highlight!

Up to 3 minutes of recording!

Wen Ling will definitely give out some incredible information!

Lin Xian couldn’t help but look forward to it

He is sitting on a chair in the study.

Click on the second call to record and start playing:

Wen Ling (anxious): Lin Xian! I’m sorry to disturb you so late! I’m Wen Ling!”

Wen Ling (anxious): “I haven’t contacted Wang Hao for a whole day! Excuse me, do you know where he is? Did he meet with you when he went to Donghai this time?”

Lin Xian (serious): “Wen Ling and Wang Hao are in a very bad situation now! He has been arrested in the inspection bureau and has been interrogated for two days!”

Wen Ling (shocked): “This!! What the hell is going on? Why was Wang Hao caught up in the inspection bureau? You know him, he is a kind-hearted person, he must be innocent!”

Lin Xian (sighs): “. I know this naturally. But the facts are there. Although I am very familiar with Inspection Liu, things are very serious now, even I can’t see Wang Hao. From my point of view, I am afraid that Wang Hao is now It’s a lot of bad luck

Wen Ling (crying voice): “Wang Hao, what the hell is going on! What the hell is so serious? Why did it happen so suddenly?”

Lin Xian was silent for a while, and slowly said, “Well Wen Ling. Now, I don’t hide it from you. According to the information leaked to me by Inspection Liu, Wang Hao has always been a member of a transnational criminal organization! ”

“Although this criminal organization has a small number of people, I heard that it is doing things that violate the law and discipline, abduct and sell children, murder and arson, and endanger national security! The inspectors believe that since Wang Hao is also in this organization, it means that He must also

Wen Ling (interrupting): “Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I know Wang Hao, he is definitely not such a person!

Wen Ling (anxious): “Is the organization you are talking about called [Regret Mutual Aid Association]?! I know this organization! I can testify to Wang Hao! He definitely did not join this organization for crime or fame! Joined for me!”


Lin Xian pressed the pause button.

Hearing this, I came to the point.

It is not difficult to analyze Wen Ling’s anxious tone that her heart is indeed panicked!

It is this confusion, eagerness, and the complicated emotions of worrying about Wang Hao that blurted out the word [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

“Ma Yeah, my acting skills are also great, right?

Lin Xian listened to his sad, sad, and helpless tone in the recording. If he didn’t know the truth, he really thought Wang Hao was going to be beheaded!After concentrating, Lin Xian clicks to play and continues to play the recording

Lin Xian (surprised): “Wen Ling? Where did you know the name [Regret Mutual Aid Association]? The inspection bureau said that this is a very cunning and hidden organization, and they were only pried under multiple interrogations. Opened their mouths”

Lin Xian (low voice): “You won’t be a member of this [Regret Mutual Aid Association] just like Wang Hao, right?”

Wen Ling was silent over there for a long time!

Lin Xian even thought it was the phone lock screen!

Say it quickly…

The answer seems to have come to an end, Lin Xian’s heartbeat is fast!

finally …

After being silent for about ten seconds…

Wen Ling in the phone recording spoke up

Wen Ling (hesitating): “You are Wang Hao’s best friend, and the person who most hopes to rescue Wang Hao! I will tell you everything 837.”

Wen Ling (gritting her teeth): “Lin, when I was wandering in the United States, the people from the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] found me and he wanted me to join their organization.”


Lin Xian’s eyes widened!

He can feel it!

Whether it is him now or in the phone recording! At this time, the heart jumped to the throat!

This information is too crucial!

Could it be that

Wen Ling is really the eighth person out of the seven deadly sins??

In the phone recording, Lin Xian did not speak

Only the sound of his breathing can be heard.

It can be seen that he is also waiting for Wen Ling to continue speaking.

In the recording.

Wen Ling’s voice trembled, and she continued, “That person told me Wang Hao’s purpose for participating in the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and the regret Wang Hao wanted to make up for was all for me!”

“So Wang Hao is not a criminal! Even if he did something wrong, he must have been taken advantage of by those people! I thought that person was not a good person at the time. When he invited me, he said, yes.

“I, I, I, I am a girl! How could I promise him! Didn’t this let me sell Yin? I ignored him at the time! Of course he explained to me later, but I actually thought too much, [ Lust] It’s just a code name, completely different from what I thought.”

“That person gave me a mobile phone and asked me to think about it. But I never contacted him again, nor did he find me again. This is the only time we met.”

Lin Xian (calm): “This information is still very beneficial to Wang Hao. As long as it can be proved that Wang Hao’s motive is not a crime, it may be possible to exonerate him! Wen Ling, think about that who came to you and invites you to join [ Regret Mutual Aid Association] What do the people look like?”

Wen Ling (tangled): “It’s been too long, I don’t remember clearly, but he is very tall! Very thin! His hair is gray and he should be quite young. He looks like a foreigner, but he can speak Chinese.”

“Ah yes! I remember!”

Wen Ling shouted excitedly:

“When he introduced himself! He said his name! That man claimed to be one-”


Let me become the [color gamut] of the seven deadly sins!

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