Chapter 167 The last one of the seven deadly sins-[Rage]!

Hear what Wang Hao said.

Lin Xian did not rush to conclusions.

“Never said it to Wen Ling!” “Not mentioned a word~!”..

In other words, Lin Xian might believe it.

But the other party is “Ro Ruoxuanhe” “Wang Hao who can’t keep a secret”!

Lin Xian thinks who is the cause of the problem.

Let’s check with Wang Hao first.

“Wang Hao.”

Lin Xian’s tone is serious.

Because this matter is very important, it involves Wen Ling’s true identity.

“Wang Hao, please remember, have you ever told Wen Ling about [Regret Mutual Aid Association].”


Wang Haoyi said rightly over there:

“Absolutely not!”

Lin Xian scratched his head

He decided to ask the question in another way:

“Then have you told Wen Ling, for example, did you say that the biggest regret in your life is Wen Ling? Did you tell her about it?”

as predicted

Wang Hao on the phone smiled:

“This, you want to talk about this, I’m still a little bit embarrassed.”

“What you asked is too direct! Forget it, if you are my good buddy, just tell you. After the class reunion, didn’t I hook up with Wen Ling? I will always be the winner in the follow-up?”

“Then in the process of our relationship, boy and girl friends, it is inevitable to talk about love, right? So I must have told Wen Ling about this matter. Doesn’t this happen to show that I am infatuated?

“But! Regarding the [Regret Mutual Aid Association], I absolutely never told Wen Ling!”

Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing

Wang Hao does not lose it is Wang Hao.

This life is defeated by this mouth, and it is really impossible to keep a secret!

Lin Xian can already guess

Although Wang Hao kept saying that he hadn’t leaked it to Wen Ling, 80% of it had leaked out of his speech and behavior!

This person really can’t count on it.

“Wang Hao, don’t talk nonsense with me. Hurry up and tell me what you said to Wen Ling. Don’t be too jealous and embarrassed. Just tell me what you said to Wen Ling.”

Lin Xian paused.

Continue to add:

“This is also for the sake of Wenling’s safety! You also know very well that although most members of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] should not be arrested. However, [Rage] is still at large! You let an outsider know this secret, and be careful of being retaliated against. !’

Lin Xian deliberately said very seriously.

It was for Wang Hao to be more serious and to repeat to himself the original words leaked to Wen Ling.

Sure enough, “Zhizi Morufu!”

Wang Hao is a grandson

Hearing Lin Xian frightened him so much, he immediately caught the bait, so nervous:

“Yes, maybe? They won’t retaliate against Wen Ling, right? What you said is too scary!”

“Let’s think about it, cough cough, let’s say it first, you must not think that I am numb! I dared to say it only when I faced you. Listen well, this is what I said to Wen Ling in the first place–”

“[Lingling~Do you know? I have been thinking of you again after you left the Dragon Kingdom without any news! I regret it, why did I not express my heart to you at the beginning? This sudden parting became an inscription for my life Regret in my heart]”

Lin Xian listened to this pretentious voice, with blue veins everywhere! Clenched his fists!

Hold back…Hold back!

Can’t disturb Wang Hao!

His request to Wang Hao is just to repeat the original [original words] untouched!

I didn’t let you express your feelings and tone in a vivid way!

This guy is so fucking!

Did Wang Hao go to Zhijiage to study abroad and leave his brains broken?

but …

In order to accurately understand the intelligence and determine if Wen Ling has any problems, Lin Xian decided to endure the nausea and listen.

On the phone, Wang Hao’s tone of pretentiousness and imitation of the overbearing president continued:

“[Lingling~Don’t blame me for idealism. When I was studying in Zhijiage, I accidentally joined a small group. The people in this small group have all kinds of life regrets, and they all want to make up for their regrets. But there is nothing I can do.]”

“[I understand their helplessness very well, so I joined them too. Everyone can be regarded as a group to keep warm, all as a spiritual sustenance. But I have to say that the boss of the small group is very capable and not only takes care of me academically. He also taught me a lot in life. He persuaded me to organize this class reunion.]”

“[So Lingling, we really need to thank this small group if we can meet again and come to this point today. Ah, of course, the first thing we have to thank is Liu Yiyi. Without her, we would probably not be able to see each other in this life. NS

“Okay, that’s all.”

Wang Hao’s performance came to a halt, and his original tone was quickly restored.

Lin Xian couldn’t help but the urge to beat Wang Hao!

“I really convinced you Wang Hao! Didn’t you explain everything? Although your expression is more euphemistic, there is no difference between it and everything!”

It’s really 1 serving YOU!

Lin Xian has never been so speechless

There are people in the world who are so lax and who don’t know themselves.

“Wang Hao, let me add, have you joined the party?

“No, I am studying abroad and I have no chance to join the party. But I always have a red heart! When I return to China, I must write an application and apply for the party!”

“Don’t don’t!”

Lin Xian quickly solved the problems for Zu country:

“You still don’t cheat people! Your mouth ba doesn’t follow your brain, no matter how red your heart is! But if your mouth doesn’t shut the door, the enemy doesn’t need to be tortured to extort a confession, you will recruit everything!”

Heard this sentence.

Wang Hao was not happy anymore.

He felt that his personality was insulted!

“What I said to Wen Ling is euphemistic enough! You can’t help but let me express my love and dedication? And I tell you clearly–”

“[Regret Mutual Aid Association] This name! These five words! I never told Wen Ling! I still have this awareness!”

“So 80% of you have misheard it, and it is impossible for Wenling to know the name of the organization.”

Lin Xian frowned slightly.

Brotherhood for so long

He chose to trust Wang Hao one time at the end:

“you sure?”

“I’m sure!”

Wang Hao said words and sentences firmly:

“Don’t worry about how I express other things, I dare to pack a ticket for you! [Regret Mutual Aid Association] These five words, I have never said to Wen Ling!”

“Lin Xian, you have to believe me! Do you remember the last time we had a barbecue? I didn’t even tell you that we had a barbecue. Can I tell Wen Ling that it was not successful?”

“Brothers are like brothers, and women are clothes! Since I didn’t even tell you, I can’t tell Wen Ling! You must believe me on this!”

Lin Xian thought for a while.

I think it’s the same reason.

Wang Hao is just simple and easy to deceive, but he is not stupid.

After all, it is the second in the first grade in Hangzhou, and Zhijiage recommends the top students. The basic IQ is still there. Such low-level mistakes should not be made.


That sentence convinced Lin Xian.

“I didn’t even tell you, can I still tell Wen Ling that it won’t work?”

Lin Xian can still trust the relationship between the two.

When the two of them had a barbecue some time ago, no matter what Lin Xian said, Wang Hao did not give out the specific information of [Regret Mutual Aid Association].

Just keep using “small groups”, “party”, “organization” instead.

Wang Hao, who drank a lot at the time, could be so cautious

Lin Xian believes.

He would definitely not tell Wen Ling the name of the organization.


The words come back again.

On the phone call this morning, Lin Xian heard clearly! Wen Ling did say the name of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] casually.

That kind of casual, familiar, and inadvertent feeling.

As if she was a member of it


“Fuck! What’s wrong with you Lin Xian? Suddenly yelled!”

Lin Xian’s sudden shouting scared Wang Hao on the other side:

“Oh, it’s all here, it’s time to eat.

“Why don’t we make an appointment for the barbecue that day? How about? In the patrol bureau these days, I have all Chinese cabbage in the soup and water!”

“My brothers have a drink, don’t talk on the phone, let’s talk in person!”

…0 Seeking flowers…

Lin Xian decisively refused

Now there is only one step left to reveal Wen Ling’s true identity!

How can there be time for barbecue!

“I’m not going anymore, I have something to do.

“Wang Hao, don’t run around, hurry up and fly back to Hangzhou to find Wenling. I won’t be with you today.”

Toot toot–


Lin Xian hung up the phone directly, no matter what Wang Hao was talking over there

This familiar feeling.

Cold back!

Lin Xian suddenly thought of a possibility–

Since the name [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is known only to the members of the Seven Deadly Sins and myself.

Moreover, Wen Ling would say this name at will


Why can’t Wen Ling be one of the members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association]!?

Lin Xian opened his eyes wide.

Just because this conclusion is too absurd, Lin Xian subconsciously didn’t think so before.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s not difficult to find

Wen Ling’s body.

Full of doubts!

Lin Xian began to enumerate in his heart:

1. [Wen Ling was unable to eat or cover her body during her escape in the United States. How did she see Liu Yiyi’s message on QQ space?]

I didn’t delve into this issue before.

Because I didn’t know the existence of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] at that time, I didn’t think much about it.

But thinking about it now, you will find that this is a very serious loophole!

What kind of life Wen Ling lived in the United States, Lin Xian witnessed with his own eyes, it can be said to be both poor and miserable.

And in order to avoid arrest and network positioning, Wen Ling dare not use any electronic products at all.

at the same time.

Her financial situation does not allow her to own a cell phone and computer.

Her stowaway status does not allow her to apply for a phone card with Internet access.


How did she read the messages on QQ space and how did she get in touch with Liu Yiyi?

This is full of doubts!

Then there is a second doubt.

2. [Wang Hao didn’t tell Wen Ling the full name of the Regret Mutual Aid Association, why could Wen Ling blurt it out?]

This is the biggest doubt!

Regret Mutual Aid Society is an extremely mysterious, extremely hidden, and very strict small group.

Wen Ling does not have any channels to know the name of this organization.


She is one of the members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association]!

Lin Xian suddenly discovered

If [Regret Mutual Aid Association] selects members of the Seven Deadly Sins, the standard is “must have a relationship with oneself.” “And because oneself change time and space behavior and change destiny.”

Na Wenling can be said to be fully qualified!

“Do not ”

“It’s better to say that Wen Ling is perfectly qualified!”

[Wen Ling has an intricate relationship with herself and Liu Yiyi, and because of her act of rescuing Liu Yiyi, her life’s destiny has changed drastically!]


All the seven deadly sins members of 【Regret Mutual Aid Society】, except for 【Rage】, all died or were brought to justice.


Connecting all the clues now, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion-

Wen Ling, maybe it’s [Rage]!

“But the reasoning of the problem here has become contradictory again.”

According to Wang Hao, Tian Miaomiao, and previous human traffickers, [Rage] is a tall and thin foreigner who has never spoken and is suspected of being dumb.

This is too far from Wen Ling’s image.

so …

Who is Wen Ling anyway?

“who the hell are you?”

Lin Xian took a deep breath

He walked out of the bedroom.

Go to the study.

From behind the picture frame, Mian took out the small key, opened the cabinet under the desk, and took out the space-time mailbox.


The red space-time mailbox stands on the tabletop.

“have not seen you for a long time.

Lin Xian said with a smile.


It’s been a long time since I wrote a letter to my past self

But now, the time has come!

“I want to write to me this morning!”

“Let me in the past find out Wen Ling’s true identity!”

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