Chapter 138 Infernal Affairs! The seven deadly sins selection rules! The only thing in common!

Tian Miaomiao…

See this person.

Lin Xian is really speechless!

Although I was psychologically prepared before.

Maybe, really, maybe, all the members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] have something to do with themselves.

But psychological preparation belongs to psychological preparation

Really see the answer at this moment.

It still makes Lin Xian feel uncomfortable with hun’s body!


NM is really speechless.

How do you feel that this [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is tailor-made for yourself?

Could it be that

The criteria for selecting members is whether it has anything to do with yourself?

“No, right”

Lin Xian feels that things are not that simple.

There are too many people who know themselves and have relationships with them, so why are they just these few people?

There must be something in common between them.

Use your brain

think carefully

[Jealous] Lei Haolong

【Lazy】Human trafficker

【Color Gamut】Tian Miaomiao

【Gluttony】Wang Hao


What do these four people have in common?

If you want to say that you have a good relationship with yourself and are closer, obviously not!

Except that Wang Hao has a better relationship with himself.

The rest are completely strangers!

Lin Xian rested his chin.

Keep exploring their common ground “August 20”

Think deeper



Lin Xian’s eyes widened!

He even couldn’t believe these results!

these people

There is indeed one thing in common with oneself-

[Their future lives have been changed because of their own intervention!]

Lin Xian let out a breath of nose.

Finally it is!

Let yourself find the common ground of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] members!

Although it is not 100% confirmed yet.


From what is currently known–

[Unfortunately, the members of the Mutual Aid Association are all people who have changed their lives by themselves!]

Look at them one by one.

[Jealous] Lei Haolong: He was supposed to have died young in 2015. He just saved Liu Yiyi by himself and survived. The future life has obviously changed. Although he died in the end, he lived for at least a few more years.

[Color Range] Tian Miaomiao: In the time and space that hadn’t changed, she escaped from a car accident and was not caught temporarily. Maybe she could really run away. But after history changed, Tian Miaomiao asked Dai Shuangcheng to catch him. It seemed that he was sold abroad and suffered a lot of crimes. It can be regarded as having changed my life by myself.

[Gluttony] Wang Hao: Wang Hao’s life has changed so much! Before it was just a 4S store sales, now it is a high-quality student in Zhijiage, learning rich and five cars, and has a bright future. At the same time, he has done his wish to make up for his youth regrets. It is simply a carp leaping over the dragon gate, and life is disruptively changed!

[Lazy] Trafficker: I don’t know much about this, and I don’t know how to make a conclusion. It can only be said that the two little girls pushed down the river by the trafficker were rescued by Lin Xian. I don’t know whether this kind of cause and effect is considered to be a forced connection. But his life did change because of Lin Xian, and he was killed.

Lin Xian had an epiphany.

Except for the last human trafficker who “forced his explanation”, the remaining few people perfectly verified his conclusion!

[Sorry the members of the Mutual Aid Association are all people who have changed their lives by themselves!]

This common ground.

Make Lin Xian shudder

“but ”

The problem is coming again.

Lin Xian scratched his head.

He came to this conclusion from the perspective of Zhuge Liang.

At the very beginning [arrogant] when choosing members

How is it distinguished?

[Arrogance] How to determine that these people, their lives will definitely be changed by Lin Xian?


Lin Xian feels

There is only one possibility!


42 This kind of power and phenomenon cannot be explained clearly by human cognition at present.

Just like 42’s guidance to Lin Xian. Although Lin Xian doesn’t understand why this is the case, whenever he sees 42 appear, he can feel a power to guide himself.

so …


The sound of iron chains colliding!

Tian Miaomiao was very emotional!

If it weren’t for being handcuffed on a chair, she would have jumped up and bit Lin Xian!

But the staff is very responsible.

She was firmly locked to the iron chair with iron handcuffs, iron chains, and restraint plates, and she couldn’t move at all!

The other side of single-sided glass.

The two staff members stood up vigilantly.

Boom boom boom.

They knocked on the glass and signaled Lin Xian, do they need to control the scene?

Lin Xian waved his hand at the pitch-black single-sided glass.

Signaling it’s okay here.

Then …

He sat calmly opposite Tian Miaomiao.

Smiled slightly:

“Don’t say that, you are looking for all this.”

Lin Xian didn’t sympathize with her at all.

I even felt that Dai Shuangcheng was quite soft.

According to his original understanding, Dai Shuangcheng might have sunk them into the sea a long time ago, but he did not expect to save them for their lives.

Lin Xian firmly believes.

Tian Miaomiao was able to have what happened today, she was completely asking for it, and she did not deserve any sympathy.

Think about it in another way.

If he hadn’t prevented the kidnapping in the first place.

Maybe Dai Chuchan’s fate was worse than Tian Miaomiao’s current situation!


Tian Miaomiao on the opposite side was furious!

“You get out of me! I have nothing to tell you! You liar! You are not a lawyer at all! I haven’t done any bad things in China! I can’t shut me down for a few days!”

“You get out of me!!”

Lin Xian was unmoved.

Ha ha.

It’s time for acting


He took out the phone and put it on the table.

Then unlock the lock screen–

[Regret Mutual Aid Association]’s black and white webpage is on the screen.

Sad Einstein’s empty and silent eyes looked like staring at the souls of the two

“you you you.

Tian Miaomiao’s eyes widened!

Can’t believe it for a while!

Is this person in front of her her companion?

But soon

She denied this answer…0

She had attended a party before and met all the members except [Jealous].

She was pretty sure that Lin Xian was not one of them.

Even though [Rage] did not take off the mask and did not speak, he was tall and thin, very tall! Very thin!

And Lin Xian are completely two body types.

Therefore, [Rage] cannot be Lin Xian!

Then, there is only one possibility–

Lin Xian is [Jealous]!

Tian Miaomiao stared at the person in front of him

Is this a great person who is famous all over the world and a hero in the eyes of the people of the Long Kingdom, is it really [jealous]?

After all, Tian Miaomiao was the one who entered Tunghai University in the college entrance examination.

An upright college, IQ is still guaranteed.

She quickly denied the answer.

Lin Xian, it can never be [jealous]!

[Jealous] I should have waited on the rooftop as early as 11 o’clock last night.

According to [arrogance].

not coming.

That is dead.

After thinking about it, Tian Miaomiao laughed:

“You liar still want to play with me? Do you think I will believe you?,

“Do you want to pretend to be [jealous]? I have seen you through!! Hahaha!”

Although Lin Xian was a little surprised in his heart.

But you can’t lose a confident smile.

He swiped the phone screen up and down to indicate Tian Miaomiao, this is not a screenshot or a picture, but a real web page.

Then, the clever Tian Miaomiao still shook his head:

“Although I don’t know what method you used to open this webpage. But the inspection captured all of us and the mobile phones were confiscated. There is always a way to access the webpage through the IP of our phone card?”

“Perhaps, for example, the calling card installed in your mobile phone may be my calling card!”

Lin Xian laughed and said nothing.

Unexpectedly, this guy is really smart.

Fortunately, she didn’t let her kidnap Dai Chuchan away that day

Otherwise, it is estimated that after receiving the ransom, it will be difficult to return Dai Chuchan intact by the means of a smart person.

Tian Miaomiao was right.

Now [Regret Mutual Aid Association] members’ mobile phones are in the inspection bureau.

There are indeed many ways to “borrow their IP address” to log in to the web page in 5.3.

For example, changing mobile phone cards, opening network hotspots, etc.

But it’s okay.

Lin Xian also has the ultimate killer copper.

“You are very smart.

Lin Xian imitated Lei Haolong, but did not smile, continued:

“Then why are you no longer smarter? Think about it, if I and [Rage] both come to the party, then now, who is going to fish you?

Tian Miaomiao is dumbfounded!

at this point

She really didn’t expect it!


Yesterday’s party, [Rage] didn’t come either

[Regret Mutual Aid Association] The internal hierarchy is strict, [Jealous] Although joining the club is the latest, it does not prevent him from being the “second in command”!

Is it…

Opposite this famous man, really [jealous]?

And the reason why he and [Rage] didn’t come to the party was to keep a back-up??

Tian Miaomiao bit her lower lip.

She still finds it hard to believe the answer.

She must verify it!

She wants to verify an answer that only the insiders of the organization know!

“[envy] ”

Tian Miaomiao leaned forward and stared at Lin Xian.

This question is very important!

This is the answer that only [jealous] can know..

“tell me ”

Tian Miaomiao said seriously:

“Tell me what time was the meeting time yesterday?”.

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