Chapter 137 [Lexus] Identity exposed! It is Lin Xian’s acquaintance!

Lin Xian told Wang Hao to shut up first, don’t talk.

He needs to sort out his thoughts.

Actually so far.

The method, role, and purpose of Wang Hao’s joining the Regret Mutual Aid Association are already fully understood.

Lin Xian sorted it out in logical order


It was a coincidence of great opportunity, Wang Hao discovered the website of Regret Mutual Aid Association.

Lin Xian asked in detail.

But Wang Hao really couldn’t remember.

Wang Hao’s original words are:

“You think, we surf the Internet every day, how many inexplicable URLs do we open? There are also various advertisement pop-ups. That webpage appeared by accident. After so long, I really don’t remember how to open the webpage!”

Lin Xian couldn’t remember when he saw him, so it was all right.

As he said.

People who surf the Internet now open too many messy web pages every day, and sometimes they really can’t remember.

Then the reasoning continues.

The regret in Wang Hao’s heart is Wen Ling.

In high school, everyone’s dream goddess was Liu Yiyi.

But Wang Hao is still quite a buddy.

He knew that Liu Yiyi had a master.

So his crush is Wen Ling.


Wen Ling escaped from the country because of her father’s troubles, came back to herself, and went to jail.

Wang Hao was also very sad because the white moonlight of his youth had no chance with him, and naturally became the biggest regret in his heart.

Maybe it’s just a moment of fascination.

Wang Hao wrote his regrets on the webpage, left his contact information, and clicked to sign up.


He just forgot about it.

But I didn’t expect that a few days later, I actually received a welcome email!

In the email, a password comparison table is also attached.

From then on, Wang Hao followed the notice on the webpage, changed the password, obtained the real meeting time and place, and then went to the meeting.

According to Wang Hao, there is no regularity in the meeting time.

Sometimes we don’t meet once every six months, sometimes we can meet twice a month.

Except for gatherings, there is never any contact between people at ordinary times.

Their boss is [Arrogance], an old man wearing an Einstein mask, who never takes off the mask, and no one knows his true identity.

But [arrogance] promises everyone one-

“As long as you can complete the tasks I give you and complete your missions, I will use [Mystery Power] to help you make up for your regrets in life!”

Because [arrogance] knows things like a god in many things.

So all the members believe in this, and think he really has some [mysterious power]!

For Wang Hao.

It has no effect on my life anyway.

Besides, [Arrogance] also introduced him to a good laboratory for research, and he integrated his belief into this organization.

Wang Hao thinks that the task given to him by [Arrogance] is to make him do research in the laboratory.

But Lin Xian firmly believes!

[Arrogance] In fact, the real purpose of choosing Wang Hao to enter the Regret Mutual Aid Association is to ensure that he holds [Classmates Reunion] as scheduled!

And every time [Classmates Reunion], it is a time when 42 phenomena are concentrated and explode!

Lin Xian suddenly feels like a spring breeze!


What key point did I really grasp!

It’s no wonder that every time classmates reunion, 42’s appearance can drown oneself.

Could it be…

At that time, the massive 42 and 42 who always appeared as scheduled were to warn myself that this class reunion was a part of being manipulated by [arrogance]?


Lin Xian muttered to himself in a low voice.

“very possible.”

So far

All the clues about Wang Hao are connected, forming a closed loop!

Everything is clear

Wang Hao, it was indeed taken advantage of by 【Arrogance】.

It’s just not to use his so-called “talent”.

Instead, he used his former squad leader status to hold [Classmates Reunion]!

This series of operations.

One link and one link!

Gradually reveal the true face of [arrogance]


After thinking about it.

Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling is like constipation for more than ten days, and it suddenly becomes unblocked!

It’s like a bunch of earphones and woolen yarn that are entangled together, suddenly they will be smooth!

That’s so cool!

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling a little excited.

Only then interrogated [Gluttony] Wang Hao alone, and obtained such a great harvest.

Wait a few days to finish interrogating everyone.

Maybe all the mysteries have been revealed!

Currently, Lin Xian can confirm–

[Arrogance] Absolutely know the existence of 42!

However, it is not clear to what extent.

“Let me slowly lift your veil

Lin Xian at this time.

Full of confidence!

“Okay, that’s it.

Lin Xian closed the folder and looked at Wang Hao:

“Wang Hao, what do you plan to do in the future? Are you still planning to have a party with this group of people?”

Wang Hao shook his head like a rattle!

“No, no, no, absolutely not! Don’t worry, since I decided to tell you everything today, it means that I have quit it in my heart!’

“Besides, I am a victim myself! The purpose of my coming to this gathering is also to withdraw from the meeting! Don’t worry, when I go back, I will immediately withdraw from the laboratory of Chigago University. It doesn’t matter if I give Laozi a diploma. I am a traitor. I will definitely not be it!

Lin Xian nodded and closed the cap:

“You are right. It’s boring to stay abroad. Don’t you want to go to the Fuxing Group? Contact me after returning to China and I will introduce you to Chen Qing.

The prodigal son will not change his head.

It’s always good to know how to go astray.

As Wang Hao said before.

Although he is just a little guy in the laboratory, after all he has been involved in the research for so long, he can still bring back something to the country.

Since Wang Hao wants to go to Fuxing Group for research.

He is also the actual controlling shareholder of Fuxing Group.

.0 Seeking flowers…

Then just do it for him.

Save this guy with a worrisome IQ and get cheated abroad again.

“Thanks brother!”

Wang Hao’s eyes are full of gratitude!


Lin Xian pushed the chair and stood up, looking at Wang Hao:

“Remember, don’t tell anyone about our relationship.”

“Don’t worry, you can’t believe me on this point! I’m so tight-lipped!’

Lin Xian is really speechless.

But still choose to believe him once:

“Don’t talk too much here, you will be dumb from now on. Don’t worry, if you can’t shut you down for a few days, I will let you out, and I will intercede with you.”

The two waved their hands.

Lin Xian walked out of the soundproof door.

The two staff members saw Lin Xian come out and saluted:

“Mr. Lin, how did you gain?

Lin Xian smiled:

“Although this person is innocent, he does provide a lot of useful information.”

“By the way, what did Inspection Liu plan to do with him before?”

The two staff looked at each other and said:

“This person has no criminal background, he is very cooperative, and indeed has no criminal plot. Liu’s inspection meant to send him to the anti-fraud center for two days of education, write a letter of guarantee, and let him out.”


Lin Xian nodded:

“Okay, let’s do this, I’m also sure, he really has no problem.”


Lin Xian found Liu to inspect, gave him a brief report, and was about to start interrogating the second person.

“Mr. Lin, the second person, who are you going to interrogate?”

Lin Xian has the answer in his heart:

“Interrogate that woman. Put the two most important ones at the end to save any mistakes.”

“Okay, I will arrange it now.”

After Liu inspection greeted Mian two inspections:

“Send the female suspect to Lawyer Interview Room No. 1, lock it and take Mr. Lin Xian over.”

Lin Xian straightened his tie in the dressing room.

I took a brand new folder and notepad.

Looking at myself in the mirror.


That is [color gamut].

My understanding of her is almost zero.

Lin Xian is very curious.

Does this person also have a certain connection with himself?

“If I regret that everyone in the Mutual Aid Society, that is, a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, has a little contact with me

“Hehe, that’s really interesting!”

Lin Xian walked out of the locker room.

Follow the staff to the lawyer’s conversation room No. 1.

“Mr. Lin, the suspect is already tortured inside. You can go in and start interrogation at any time. If you have any situation, just gesture to the single-sided glass.”

Lin Xian nodded.

Go to the single-sided glass.

A bright incandescent lamp was lit in the conversation room.

So Lin Xian can easily see women’s looks..


Lin Xian couldn’t help taking a breath.

The moment this woman looked up, he saw clearly!

this person

He does know it!

Moreover, she is also closely related to Dai Chuchan’s fate!

This woman

It was the mastermind who planned to kidnap Dai Chuchan in the MX bar,

Dai Chuchan’s classmates,

One of the three missing by Dai Shuangcheng–

[Tian Miaomiao]!


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