Chapter 139 [Lust] The road to survival! The past that became the seven deadly sins!

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“This is the question you want to ask me?”

“Quickly answer me!”

Tian Miaomiao looked serious.

Despite all the doubts in her heart

But if Lin Xian can really answer this question, it can really prove–

He is indeed a new member of the Seven Deadly Sins, [Jealous]!

Tian Miaomiao thinks he has a good head.

So she knows very clearly that there are two times for the party.

For new members who have joined the organization, the time he knows is 23:00.

This is [arrogance] deliberately.

The reason is so unexplained.

Tian Miaomiao guessed that the reason for allowing the new members to arrive two hours earlier than them might be to test his loyalty, or for safety reasons, and wanted to see if the new members would play any tricks.

What is the specific real reason.

Tian Miaomiao couldn’t guess either.

She doesn’t care either.

At the last gathering, she also attended as a new member.

With gratitude for [arrogance].

She stood silently in the night breeze for 2 hours, and waited until 00:42 before the other 5 members arrived!

Just two months ago

Tian Miaomiao was sold to the border area by Dai Shuangcheng through the means of fear, and was tortured!

Everything was controlled, she was sold as a commodity like a slave, and life would be better than death.

20 Fortunately, she is also more obedient and has never resisted.

Therefore, there were no skin injuries.

It was also a very accidental opportunity, Tian Miaomiao took advantage of Lao Chou’s attention and stole his mobile phone back!

But when you are outside the country, you can’t search for any signal, and your mobile phone is almost like scrap.

Only one-third of the battery is left.

But Tian Miaomiao never gave up the possibility of escape.

She has been waiting for the opportunity!

She knows that this place is not far from the border of Long Country. If you can run a few tens of kilometers to the north, you will be able to search for mobile phone signals!

Tian Miaomiao has rekindled hope for life!

She turned off the phone and hid it, and continued to entertain the guests as she did together.


one day!

She caught a chance! Successfully escaped from the control of the crow!

She ran to the north desperately!

Turn on your phone while running!

Keep searching for signals at all times!

She doesn’t know how long she ran


The phone unexpectedly received a text message!

[Longguo Unicom: Welcome back to your hometown! I wish you all the best!]


Tian Miaomiao cried with joy..

Thank you Unicom!

she knows.

This is a reminder that the phone is connected to the signal tower!

It shows that it is indeed not far from the border of Longguo.

Tian Miaomiao hurriedly started calling!

But all kinds of telephones can’t be dialed!

The signal in the upper right corner is not stable, it is always beating one or two bars.

“The phone can’t get through, I can still use WeChat! or QQ!”

Tian Miaomiao hurriedly opened various software, hoping to send out the help message.


No matter which software it is, it is all in an infinite circle, always showing “receiving” connecting “communication”

Always unable to connect to the network!

Tian Miaomiao is really anxious!

The signal here is really bad!

In desperation, she can only use Sima as a living horse doctor. She stops opening various web browsers, stops entering URLs, and clicks to jump.

She is very much looking forward to an answer!

Even if it is any webpage!

It would be nice to let her send out a distress message!!

But all the web pages are all blank, and at the end, a “page cannot be displayed” is displayed.

When Tian Miaomiao wanted to give up



I don’t know how I ran into a URL, but it started to load the content very slowly!

First dark background

Then it is like a picture scroll, one by one, one card after another!

Tian Miaomiao is very excited!

She didn’t move, holding her phone, she didn’t dare to move at all!

This is the hope of life!

As long as she can connect to this webpage, she can find a way to send her address and encounters!

Maybe someone will see it and save her!

After a long long time

Finally, the web page has finished loading.

In the background is a sad old man with empty eyes.

Pale hair.

Huge forehead.

This is Einstein!

Tian Miaomiao, a tall student, naturally recognizes the great man of this century.

She focused on the content of the web page

“Regret Mutual Aid Association”

Tian Miaomiao noticed that in the member list, she saw the number 5/7.

In other words, this mutual aid association requires a total of 7 members, and so far only 5 have been added.

After 5/7, there is a square button with “”join-us” written in English on it

Tian Miaomiao felt the importance of knowledge for the first time.

Of course she can understand such simple English!

This means “join us”!

She is so excited!

This shows that the resume she wrote must have been read by someone!

After clicking that button.

What came out was a blank web page, similar to writing an email, with a submission at the bottom.

Needless to say, this is for people to write a “resume”.

Tian Miaomiao immediately began to write a distress letter!

She believed that she described her location and the characteristics of the surrounding buildings.

Explain the name of the prostitute that he is controlled, and her pseudonym-[Miao Miao].

Then described the direction of his escape

“Please! Please come and save me! I am willing to do anything for you!”

At the end of the “resume”, Tian Miaomiao also wrote–

[My life is full of regrets! And my biggest regret is that I was not born into a rich family!][If I, like Dai Chuchan, were born in a family of rich responsibility, I don’t have to worry about snacks and what I want, why should I risk breaking the law to do that kind of thing? I’m also forced to be helpless!][I admit that for the sake of vanity, I borrowed a lot of loan sharks, fought with celebrities, and pretended to be a rich lady. But after that time, countless debt collectors blocked me in the corner, and they wanted my life! I really can’t help it, I just thought of kidnapping Dai Chuchan. I was just for a little money. Their family is so rich and they don’t lack the one I want.

Hang zang.

It’s heartbreaking.

She found that she was tied up and thrown on the ground like a fish.

“It turns out that 820 I was caught again

Tian Miaomiao couldn’t help but want to laugh.

But when she smiled, she cried. She could already think of her subsequent suffering.

Soon after.

Lao Ya brought a few people over.

A beating!

Hit to vomit blood!

But after all, no skin wounds were left.

Tian Miaomiao used to be a cheerleader from Tunghai University. He wanted to have a figure, a face and a face.

Lao Ya is also counting on this “top card” to pick up guests!

The rest of life, as always.

Tian Miaomiao looks forward to someone coming to save herself every day.

But in the end

Hope becomes disappointment.. Disappointment becomes despair

Just when she wants to give up completely, or even seek short-sightedness!

Miracle door

It opened for her again!

“Hello, Miss Miao Miao.”

A tall, white-haired old man wearing an Einstein mask, with a few bodyguards, appeared in this fishy-scented room.

The exquisite and elegant white-haired masked old man made this room a little puffy.

What’s more valuable is

The old man still speaks Chinese!

Tian Miaomiao looked up blankly.

She knew that this was not a guest…

Such a distinguished guest will not come to such an inferior place

She looked carefully at the mask on the old man’s face.


Still sad Einstein

This is exactly the same as the background image on that web page!

For a time!

She cried with joy!

The masked old man in front of her, like a brilliance, illuminates her subsequent life!



The old man in the mask took two steps forward.

Bend down.

Reached out to Tian Miaomiao.

The tone is full of tenderness and kindness

“From now on, we will be partners!”.

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