Chapter 136 Great clue! Classmates reunion! The starting point for all 42!

Wang Haomune shook his head:

“This question was also asked during the inspection. Doesn’t it have any special meaning? I always think that the reason why I was [arrogant] was just to be cool? You may not know how he feels like this person. Second disease!”

Lin Xian nodded.

Write it down in your notebook.

He is not surprised by this answer

There must be a secret to the time set at 00:42.

But this secret, low-level members like Wang Hao, must be out of reach.

“Are there many people who haven’t come today? Are they late?”

Wang Hao counted his fingers:

“I watched the news a few days ago [Lazy Love] It’s not the execution. It’s really fucking. I didn’t expect this guy to be a murderer.”

“[Rage] He came here every time before, is it really late this time?”

“But [Jealous]! He will definitely not be late!”


Lin Xian found a blind spot.

Anyone can be late.

Why is it that only [jealous], that is, Lei Haolong, will not be late?

Lin Xian looked up and looked at Wang Hao’s eyes:

“Do you know [Jealous]?,

Wang Hao shook his head decisively:

“I haven’t seen it. This is his first time attending a party. He has just joined the organization. I definitely don’t know him.”

Lin Xian was even more puzzled:

“You don’t know him at 820, how do you know that he will definitely not be late?”

Wang Hao smiled:

“The new members will definitely not be late, because the passwords about the party time are not told to the new members.”

“So for [Jealous], the party time he knew should be 23:00 as announced on the website.

“It stands to reason that [Jealous] was supposed to arrive at the Dongfang Pearl rooftop to wait for us at 23:00. This may be a prank against the newcomer. I want the newcomer to wait a little longer. When I first attended the party, I was also caught in this way. Played.”

“That’s why I said, [Jealous] There is no possibility of being late. If he wants to come, he must be here at 23:00.

Lin Xian listened.

Suddenly realized!

NM really took it…

I have to say that in terms of confidentiality and cryptography, [Arrogance] is really a genius!

I thought of all the details!

In other words

Lin Xian started thinking.

For new members of the organization, the meeting time is 23:00.

The old members know that the real time is 00:42 the next morning.


Lin Xian recalled that the human trafficker just told himself that he would see you on the evening of August 1, but he did not say a specific time.

It is estimated that he is also very clear that the time when two people should go is different.

Strictly speaking.

00:42 is already August 2nd.


When ordinary people speak less rigorously, they will say that it is the night of August 1st.

“I see ”

Lin Xian figured it out thoroughly.

This is a very useful clue to myself.

Because he is going to pretend to be [jealous] in a moment, and try to compose the words of the other members.

In case they ask, “Do you know what time the party is?”

At this time, you must answer “11 o’clock in the evening!”

Because [Jealous] knows that the party time can only be 11 o’clock.

If Lin Xian’s honest answer is “00:42”, then it is undoubtedly exposed, and the other party will immediately know that he is a fake [jealous]

Lin Xian couldn’t help but want to laugh.

【Arrogance】A shrewd life.


Unfortunately, the defeat was defeated by this mob.

So he couldn’t help but be a little curious, what are the criteria for selecting members of the [Regret Mutual Aid Association]?

What good is it for [arrogance] to recruit a group of mobs like this?

“Wang Hao, does the number 42 have any special meaning in your organization?”

Wang Hao shook his head:

“It shouldn’t be. I haven’t heard anyone mention it, and it’s reflected in the meeting time.

Lin Xian didn’t delve into it either.

After all, Wang Hao is not a core member, and it is normal to not know.

“Okay, then the second question. It seems that there is another member, [Rage], who also didn’t come to the party. Do you know anything about him?”

Wang Hao shook his head again:

“I really can’t answer this. [Rage] will come before, but I don’t say a word every time, just like a dumb. I don’t know him at all.”

“As for the question of why he is absent, I don’t know, but this party is generally not allowed to be absent. [Arrogance] said that once (cafd) is absent, it will be regarded as death and resignation, so his regret will not be affected. make up.”

“Is it possible that, just like the other two people, what accidentally died? It can’t be the wind.”


Lin Xian asked Wang Hao the remaining two questions.

[Regret the purpose of the mutual aid association meeting] What is it?

[Regrets the criteria for the selection of members of the Mutual Aid Association] What is it?

But let Lin Xian disappointed

Wang Hao always asks three questions.

“I don’t know what you said, Lin. I entered this website by accident and wrote an email explaining my regret. I didn’t take it seriously, but someone contacted me later! My password checklist, let me follow the notice on the webpage to attend the party!’

“I told you about the latter thing too. [Arrogance] It was a coincidence that I lied to me to go to the laboratory of Cigago University to do quantum research! You see, after our laboratory completed the research of [quantum battery], I My regret is made up! Wenling is released from prison, and the two of us are getting better!”

“So hey! Sometimes I don’t understand, do you really have any superpowers when you say this arrogance? Or how can everything be so coincidental?”

Lin Xian listened and said nothing.


It’s a coincidence indeed.

According to Wang Hao, at the party, [Arrogance] will assign tasks to everyone.

The motivation for everyone to complete the task is because [arrogance] promised–

“[As long as you complete your mission and work for the organization, I can help you make up for your regrets!]”

This assignment is very private one-to-one.

Information is not shared.

Wang Hao also doesn’t know, [Arrogance] What is the task for others.

But the task for Wang Hao is very simple, there are only two–

1. Research and experiment well in the research institute.

2. Go back to China and start a class reunion.

Lin Xian just wrote in his notebook.

But after Wang Hao saw it, he corrected it:

“Is the class reunion also a task? I also mentioned this accidentally, saying that I was not going to hold it, so he pushed me along the way. It shouldn’t be a task written by you, right?”

“The biggest task he entrusted to me should be to go to the research institute and do some research.

Lin Xian smiled and did not speak.

By now.

Where is there any chance in this world?

Lin Xian has firmly believed in one-

[Accidental is inevitable and inevitable!]

Maybe, the most important task given to Wang Hao by [Arrogance] is [host a class reunion]!

That big quantum research institute.

It doesn’t matter whether there is Wang Hao, a small graduate student, he is just a small grain of sand, and his or her absence will not affect the launch of quantum batteries.

But [Classmate Reunion] is different!

Without the call of Wang Hao, the class leader, [Classmates Reunion] would never be held!

So, although Lin Xian did not say anything.

But he firmly believes–

[Arrogance] The reason why Wang Hao joined the Regret Mutual Aid Association!

Just let him hold [Classmates Reunion] as scheduled!

Although this reason is very nonsense…

But behind it, there must be some hidden secret!

And this secret

It must be related to 42 again!.

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