Chapter 130 Lin Xian cracked the secrets of the seven deadly sins! Started to fight back! The war begins!

See these last two sentences that are particularly bold:

[However, this time Goddess of Luck failed to take care of George. It turns out that this is the only failed investment in his life–][Because of the emergence of the Longguo revival of electric vehicles, since its birth, Te Sla has been dying on the verge of bankruptcy over the years]

Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing!

One says one.

This is the only investment failure, George can not be blamed.

“It is reasonable to say that his results this time are undoubtedly successful!”

Lin Xian remembers clearly.

In the time and space before the change of history, there is no revival of electric vehicles in Longguo!

The Special Sra Company, established in 2008, has been killing all over the world since it mass-produced its first electric car.

Its market value has also risen, and after ten years, its stock price has soared, becoming the world’s largest company by market value.

Of course, it also helped Tella’s major shareholder Ma Zike to become the world’s richest man.

In other words.

George’s investment in Sela should have been no problem at all, and the return was definitely more than a hundred times!

There is nothing wrong with his language.

The Tesla electric car should indeed sell well all over the world.


“It’s a pity that I went out halfway, so that George’s investment was lost, and it also put a stain on his perfect investment career.”

“If it weren’t for my whim, I wrote to the past to let Longguo deploy the electric car industry in advance. Today’s special Sra is still a big kill.

Lin Xian slid his finger.

Continue to look at George’s perfect investment resume

Microsoft Corporation.



Alibaba, Tengteng, Amazon…

All are stuck in time, extremely precise investment!

It’s exactly the protagonist’s behavior in Feilu’s rebirth commercial novel!

Ordinary people in this world must think that George is “accurate vision”, “Little Buffett”, “good luck” and “inside story”.

But Lin Xian is a “comer” who retains his memory.

Of course he knows the secret behind all this!

Lin Xian casually sighed:

“Good fellow, no wonder there are no traversers in this world! George has done all the work that traversers should do, and he won’t give them a way to survive!”

Now, even a fool can be sure–

[Pride himself, George, must have a way to predict the future!]

“But! The most important point is–”

Lin Xian organized the language and said every word:

“[The future that George can predict is not the real future, but the future before history changes!]”

This analysis.

Everything is clear!

The future is unknown, and it can be changed.

But the [future template] that George got was the [original future] before it was changed.

That is to say, there is no revival of electric vehicles in the world, but the special Serra electric vehicle [original future].


Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang!

If it hadn’t been for the appearance of Lin Xian, which had forcibly changed history and affected the direction of future development, everything in this world would continue to develop in accordance with the [original future].

But no way.

Lin Xian has obtained the [Time and Space Mailbox] and the ability to change history and influence the future.

Therefore, under his operation.

[Original Future], which should have been developed step by step, has undergone some “worldwide” great changes–

The original chip industry of Long Country was laid out in advance!

The special Sra who was originally killed, the Fuxing Group that was killed halfway went bankrupt!

The [Mathematics World Masters] that was supposed to be held has also been cancelled!

The two little girls who should have fallen into the water and died were rescued by Lin Xian!

Two of the people who should have died at the Chiga Opera House have also survived!

The above 5 examples.

The first three changes are obvious and can be directly detected.

The last two have little impact temporarily, but according to the butterfly effect, the follow-up will definitely have a huge impact on the world.

Therefore, it can be said.

A series of actions by Lin Xian.

Let the [original future] be rewritten!

[Original Future] has become a brand new and unpredictable [New Future]!

Do it like this.

George himself must have panicked!

He must be very puzzled:

“What the hell is going on? Why is the [original future] in my hand incorrect?”

“Obviously, it was always correct before, why is it suddenly invalid now?”

“There must be something wrong! That’s why the future that should have happened as promised has changed!”


Lin Xian guessed.

George will take out his [original future] and compare it with the [new future] that has already happened in reality

This comparison found the problem!Many things have become different!

It is precisely because a lot of [history] has changed, so [future] is naturally also affected and changed accordingly.

George is a little big head.

If you let this go on…

Then the [Original Future] in my hand, wouldn’t it become a piece of waste paper!?

“No! w々!”

George made up his mind one-

“Since someone is revising the history, then I will restore the history to its original state!”

“Whoever he saves, I will let whoever die!”

“He asked [Mathematics World Masters] to be suspended, and I will promote [Human Technology Top Sewing Competition]!”

“He made Te Sra on the verge of bankruptcy, so I used quantum batteries to let Te Sra dominate the world again!”

“I want all history to return to its place! Let the future return to its original state!”

Lin Xian is in the room and plays two roles to simulate this sitcom.

A smile crawled to the corner of his mouth.


This kind of reasoning method of substituting oneself into the role and simulating the scene, the standard name is “Profile”.

Generally used in solving crimes.

Lin Xian just now perfectly simulates George’s mentality, personality, and emotions, and in turn, can infer his true thoughts.


All causes and effects are perfect!

The purpose of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is to [Return History]! Restore the [Future] that has gone off track and restore it to its original state again!

This looks

Does it seem to have nothing to do with [Devil]?


Lin Xian blinked, not quite sure of this conclusion.

The current doubts, there are two more–

[1. How did George know the future of the original version? Who told him?][2. How did he get the technology of quantum battery?]

“So for the time being, the connection between [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and [Devil] cannot be completely ruled out!”

After figuring out the reason for all this.

Lin Xian feels particularly relaxed.

At least.…

Don’t worry, worry about being killed by some mysterious power or causal weapon.


Lin Xian yawned.

Although it is afternoon.

The sun is shining brightly.

But it has been almost 30 hours since Lin Xian went to bed last time.

It seems that I must rest.

Lin Xian pulls the blackout curtains in the room, washes and sleeps

“Nourish your energy and recharge your energy.”

“I want to sleep full”

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

The morning alarm rang as scheduled.


Lin Xian reached out and patted the alarm to stop.

Squinted at the date.

August 1, 2021, 06:43.

Look around.

It is indeed still in the Guotai Hotel.

“I’m not dead yet”

Lin Xian sat up.

This time, I slept for more than ten hours.

It’s like bringing back the spirit.

Counting it down, two days have passed since the [Human Technology Summit] was held. If the enemy had a causal weapon, he would have died long ago.

“I’m high-profile enough, right?”

Lin Xian feels that he is already very high-profile, he has already made a splash in front of the world.

Not dead at this time, it is enough to show that all the inferences made last night are correct!

“Brush your teeth and wash your face, go early!”

The reason why Lin Xian got up so early was that he had to catch the plane to Donghai City.

After all, the gathering of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] was in the Pearl of East Defense. I am now in the imperial capital, and I have to fly back.

When checking out downstairs.

Everyone I met rushed to say hello, shake hands, and ask for a group photo.

If we say that Lin Xian before, was just a small well-known person in a small range.

But now Lin Xian.

It can be said to be the most well-known person in the world!

Close the Three Gorges and light up the men of the entire Dragon Kingdom with one’s own power!

Who in the world doesn’t know the monarch?

Fortunately, Lin Xian has entrusted Ding Yi and others to explain to the media–

“Controllable nuclear fusion technology was developed by the Xianlu Research Institute of Central South University. Mr. Lin Xian only published the results as the wholly-owned owner of the research institute.”

“At present, after a series of national conferences and studies, the patent of controllable nuclear fusion is held by the Guixianlu Research Institute. Many national institutions are actively taking over the management with the Xianlu Research Institute and are preparing for friendly cooperation.”

After refuting the rumors.

At least no one will chase Lin Xian to ask for professional knowledge.

Lin Xian can also generously admit:

“I don’t understand academic knowledge, I’m just the boss of the institute! I just spend money!!

Since then.

It will also make their various behaviors appear more reasonable.


The Boeing aircraft engine made a sensation.

The roaring passenger plane took off and flew towards Donghai City.

11 o’clock noon.

Lin Xian sat in his study on time.

On the way back, he contacted Dai Chuchan and asked when she would return to China.

Dai Chuchan and Liu Yiyi have been together.

The two told Lin Xian that because of the time difference, it was still night in the U.S., so they planned to return home in the U.S. tomorrow morning.

And the plane flies directly to Donghai Airport.

“Senior Lin Xian, don’t worry! I will protect Senior Sister Yiyi! I will never let him be taken away! Our bodyguard is not a vegetarian!”

“At that time, you can also pick up Senior Sister at the airport. If you are not available, I will ask the driver to send Senior Sister Liu Yiyi home safely!”

Lin Xian looked at his watch and forgot

In other words, it is calculated according to the time of the Dragon Kingdom.

At 8 o’clock in the morning on August 2, the chartered plane of the Shuangcheng Group will land at Donghai Airport.

“No problem, if I’m fine, I will pick Yiyi at the airport.

After hanging up.

Lin Xian smiled.

“Yes, if I’m not dead.”


Lin Xian opened the cabinet.

Take out the human skin mask from inside.

This exquisite and scary mask was made by Lei Haolong, and it was also the mask he was going to wear when he attended a party.

According to Lin Xian’s original plan.

At 23:00 tonight, he will wear this mask and head to the top floor of the Pearl of East Defense to attend the “Regret Mutual Aid Society” gathering.

but now

Lin Xian hesitated.

“Do I still need to go?”

“Or do I have to risk losing my life and go to this gathering that will definitely reveal my identity?”


Lin Xian put the mask on the table.

Start thinking.

Before his trip to the United States, Lin Xian was caught in a mystery.

At that time, the only way to solve the mystery was to pretend to be Lei Haolong and go to the [Regret Mutual Aid Society] party.

But now his position has changed.

First, there is the issue of identity.

Before the trip to the United States, he was at best a small-scale well-known figure in the country, and he was not well-known in the world.

So he can still gamble–

Bet other members don’t know the true appearance of [Jealous].


Even if he had to take off his mask in the middle of the party, he still had a certain chance of being fooled.

after all …

“Maybe [Arrogant] I have never seen Lei Haolong!”


The probability of losing a bet is very high.

The opponent will most likely kill him with a single shot.

But if you lose a bet, you lose, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

I have [Death Insurance].

Even if the bet is lost, it’s okay.

Liu Yiyi will follow the instructions in the mail and send a letter to the past to revive herself.


It was the original plan.

But now

Everything has changed!

Looking at the whole world, who doesn’t know Lin Xian?

It doesn’t matter if others don’t know him. On the American stage, he took off the mask of arrogance in person, can he still know himself?


Lin Xian has absolute self-confidence.

If the current self wears a mask to go to the party.

I guess I can’t say a few words, after removing the mask, I will be recognized by [Arrogance] in an instant!

By the time

*…^FU*K! Why are you still your kid!”


Lin Xian can predict it.

An angry [Arrogant] will definitely kill himself with a shot (assuming he has a gun)!

This is just one.

There is two more–

Secondly, there is the question of the purpose and harvest of the party.In order to find clues and breakthrough points, Lin Xian had to go to the party to try his luck.

But now, that is no longer necessary.

Whether it is the true identity of [Pride], the purpose of [Regret Mutual Aid Association], or the Gold Finger of [Pride], Lin Xian has already reasoned out.

Now go to the [Regret Mutual Aid Society] gathering.

Little gain.

I can only listen to them chatting.

Then took a shot and died.

“It’s a loss!!”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

This wave is really blood loss!

If you can’t get any benefits, you’re in vain!

[Death insurance] Although you can guarantee your own resurrection.

But when he is desperate, Lin Xian is still reluctant to try. Who knows if there will be any accidents?

“Um.. It’s hard to do now..

Lin Xian frowned.

Start thinking.

You don’t need to go to the party for the time being.

But members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association], he doesn’t want to let go!

Let’s not talk about whether these people have committed crimes.

According to my previous guess, all the members of the Seven Deadly Sins are more or less related to themselves.

He is really curious…

Who are the true identities of these members?

A total of seven people:

[Arrogance]: George Bill, the card has been revealed.

[Jealous]: Lei Haolong is dead.

[Rage]: Unknown

[Lazy]: Human trafficker, dead

[Greedy]: A powerful figure in Donghai City, whose detailed identity is unknown.

[Gluttony]: Wang Hao, the card has been revealed.

[色yu]: unknown

So far, there are still 3 members in an unknown state.


Lin Xian is so curious!

Are they all the people around you?

That’s too oozing!

(Money Zhao) “No way, no way, I have to solve this puzzle! Otherwise, my heart is really itchy!”

Lin Xian scratched his head and said to himself:

“Is there any way I can know the identities of these people without going to the party?”


Lin Xian showed a happy smile!

He thought of a brilliant idea!

This idea can not only save yourself from danger, know everyone’s identity, but also kill the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] in one go!

Completely eliminate future troubles!

Slap! slap! slap!

Lin Xian couldn’t help but drum up his ingenuity!

“I’m so smart!

“Hey, arrogant, you have the final say on the American side! But on the East China Sea side, I have the final say!”

Lin Xian took out his mobile phone.

A few operations.

Found the familiar phone.

[Liu Xuncha]!

Press the dial button


Toot one.


The pick up over there is fast!

“Hey! Mr. Lin! Hahaha! I watched the live game yesterday, and you are so handsome! When I saw you light up the whole dragon kingdom, my adrenal glands burst out of excitement!”

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

You can hear it.

Liu Xuncha is very polite to himself.

This kind of politeness, on the one hand, comes from one’s own status and fame. The bigger reason is from personal favors

Lin Xian didn’t take the credit for taking off the human trafficker gang before, and they all piled on Liu Xuncha.

Liu Xuncha not only gained a lot of merits smoothly, but he will also conduct lectures and deeds reports across the country in the second half of the year!

Such a big favor.

Can Liu Xuncha be rude to Lin Xian?

“Liu Xuncha, are you still in the East China Sea? Has your national tour started?”

Inspection Liu over there laughed loudly:

“Hahahaha! This is not all thanks to your service! Thank you Mr. Lin for your concern. The tour will not start until September. I am still in the East China Sea now!

Lin Xian nodded.

Since inspector Liu is in the East China Sea, everything is easy to detain.

Lin Xian no longer speaks polite words, and cuts directly to the topic:

“Liu Xuncha, tell you good news, I’m here to send you performance again!”

“The performance this time is no smaller than the last time we arrested human traffickers! Maybe it also involves national security issues!”.

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