Chapter 129 The true identity of the arrogant! The power of horror! The clue of the devil! [Decrypted Chapter]

At the same moment.

There are hundreds of fires in the United States.

Therefore, a burning villa in Princeton did not attract much attention.

Not even qualified to appear in the local news newspaper.


In the past few days, the headlines of news newspapers all over the world have been booked by Lin Xian!

After Long Guo won the game.

The US government hastily ended this century war.

The speed of the end is so fast that people are stunned!

Many Longguo netizens have complained on the Internet:

“The pattern is so small! I don’t even bother to do the trick!”

“It doesn’t matter, the whole world has already seen that we have won. In the future, there will be only Dragon Kingdom as a superpower!”

“It must be! After all, we have controllable nuclear fusion! They want to have some soup, but are they not honestly standing behind the Dragon Kingdom?”

“Have you watched the Internet? Many countries’ official twitters have congratulated Longguo! Many of them are former pro-Mi sects!”

“Hehe, we don’t need these horrible things! I believe the country will make the right judgment! The country knows who is our friend and who is our enemy!”

“Does anyone know which institution Lin Xian represents? The Chinese Academy of Sciences? Or a certain university? It should not be a certain university, right?

“It’s hard to say, I saw someone from Central South University posted a post saying that they had seen Lin Xian in the cafeteria. Maybe controlled nuclear fusion was really produced by the research institute in Central South University!”

On countless platforms, Lin Xian and Controllable Nuclear Fusion have firmly locked the top spot in the hot search!

Although it will take a long time for the controlled nuclear fusion to truly enter the civilian market.

But this is enough to make the people of the whole country proud!

This night.

Doomed to sleepless!

After the game.

Lin Xian did not have any chance to contact Liu Yiyi, Dai Chuchan and others.

They had special arrangements and were secretly protected and exited.

And without the slightest stop, fly directly to the country!

This was planned by Longguo officials early in the morning.

Ding Yi, Wang Lei, Lin Xian

These three people are all pillars of the country!

Especially after the release of controllable nuclear fusion, the international situation progresses, and the safety of three people must be guaranteed!

And this is the safest place on earth.

It’s the Dragon Kingdom!

On the plane returning home–

20 “Mr. Lin, the phone is returned to you. Although it is strange to say that, you are now completely free hahaha!

Professor Ding Yi’s smile never stopped.

It seems I am really happy today.

Lin Xian turned on the phone and talked to Dai Chuchan.

as predicted.

She and Liu Yiyi are together.

The three chatted for a while while driving the speakerphone.

Lin Xian then understood what happened on their side.

“Chu Chan, thank you so much.

Lin Xian expressed his sincere thanks.


and many more!

Why did he start to call Chu Chan unknowingly?

Before him!

He was calling Dai Chuchan deliberately! His full name!

Forehead ………

Lin Xian swallowed helplessly.

But the words have already been spoken, and there is no way to change them, and they can only make mistakes.

“Thank you, Liu Yiyi and I both owe you a favor.”

Dai Chuchan smiled over there:

“Hee hee, Senior Lin Xian, you don’t owe me favors! Let’s just be us now and pay it off!

Lin Xian also smiled helplessly.

Hey ………



He owes Dai Chuchan too much now

“When are you going to return home?

“We will return to China early tomorrow morning! The Shuangcheng Group owns the plane and is very free!! Chu Chan’s father is very happy and will host a celebration dinner soon!”

Lin Xian nodded, and ordered the two of them:

“Then you must pay attention to safety, Yiyi, you don’t have a mobile phone, don’t leave Dai Chuchan, you two stay together.”

Afterwards, he hung up the phone.


Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Lie on your back in the seat of the plane, closing your eyes and thinking while resting

This time, “Gamble”.

It is also difficult to say whether I lost or won the bet.So far

In fact, I didn’t get any information about [the devil].

At least for now, he hasn’t been killed yet.

This is not in line with the [Dark Forest Law].

If you think about it in another place.

If you are the [devil], you must have already figured out a way to kill yourself.

“But it’s not right.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

“In fact, at present, it has only ruled out the possibility that [Einstein] is a [devil], but has not ruled out the possibility that [Regret Mutual Aid Association] is a evil demon.

“Strictly speaking, as long as Einstein is not alive. No one knows that I made controllable nuclear fusion. After all, I represent the country!”

The more I think about it, the more messy it gets!

He felt that he needed a pen and paper to write something to aid his thinking.

Habit for a long time.

Let his thinking rely heavily on pen and paper.

But this is on an airplane, and it’s so inconvenient to have someone around!

“Forget it, wait for getting off the plane.”

Thinking of last time, Lin Xian was a little surprised at Lei Haolong’s head against the car glass.

After the plane landed.

Lin Xian was again arranged to the familiar Guotai Hotel.

Some big shots invited Lin Xian, Ding Yi, Wang Lei and others to the celebration party.

But the three of them all refused in unison.

Ding Yi and Wang Lei are all focused on controllable nuclear fusion! They don’t even bother with jet lag, so they directly arrange a special car to the Long Science Academy, and they are eager to start research!

And Lin Xian also took this opportunity to lie that he was tired, jet lag, and need to make up for sleep, and came to Guotai Hotel.

“Okay. Now, no one will bother me!”

Lin Xian checked the phone time.

Because of jet lag.

The current time of the Dragon Kingdom is 8:23 in the morning on July 31.

In other words.

Tomorrow night, it is time to go to Dongfang Pearl to attend the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] gathering.

“Time is tight!

Lin Xian sighed.

In such a tight time, he must hurry up and start reasoning in order to understand a few questions early!

“Start! A good memory is not as good as a bad pen!”

Lin Xian took out his pen and paper and began to write down a few questions that were still in doubt at the moment–

[1. The purpose of the devil is to destroy the world, what is the purpose of the Regret Mutual Aid Association?][2. How do you understand “this era” in your arrogant mouth?][3. Why haven’t I died yet?]

These questions should come one by one!

First of all, the first question.

What is the purpose of [Regret Mutual Aid Association]?

What you do must have a purpose!

From the current point of view, in the [Regret Mutual Aid Association], there is simply a group of mobs!

Wang Hao Trafficker Lei Haolong

What is the use of these people as members?

Especially this human trafficker!

It’s completely rounded up!


Lin Xian can’t figure out the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] criteria for selecting members.

It stands to reason, how can an organization with such a high level of compulsion make an illiterate human trafficker a member?

“Forget it, anyway, the party will be announced tomorrow, first consider their purpose!”

what ……

Lin Xian wrote on paper:

[The purpose of the devil-destroy the world!)

[Regret the purpose of the mutual aid association-restore history to its original form!]

The first one is certain.

The second one is Lin Xian’s guess.

“After all, the world is really destroyed, and it is not good for the Regret Mutual Aid Association!”

Lin Xian feels like he has found a blind spot


Analyze from the perspective of purpose.

[Regret Mutual Aid Association, maybe it has nothing to do with the devil at all!][Everything is what I think it is too complicated!]

Just like Lin Xian said just now.

Regrettably, the members of the mutual aid association are all people with desires.

They want money, they want power, and they want to make up for their regrets.

For them, the world is really destroyed in ruins and all human beings die. Are they happy? Are they happy? Are they profitable?


This is contradictory.


“Either my conclusion is correct! Otherwise, the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] has another purpose!”

This will not be announced until tomorrow.

Lin Xian looks at the second question–

[2. How do you understand “this era” in your arrogant mouth?]


The arrogant middle-aged man, [absolutely there is a problem!]

There is a problem with this.

Refers to problems in time and space.

[The first possibility is that he is a traverser from the future, so he knows that controllable nuclear fusion cannot occur in this era. 】

[The second possibility is that he has a way to know the future information, so that he also knows that controllable nuclear fusion needs to occur in the future, and it should not happen now!]

“This person must have a problem! The biggest problem lies with him!”

Lin Xian wrote “Arrogance” on the paper.

Then draw a circle with a pencil.

Lin Xian has seen two [messengers] one after another.

They all traveled from the future.

Compared to people of this age, they are “all-powerful and all-knowing people” with a God’s perspective.

Therefore, if [Arrogance] is really a translator, Lin Xian can also accept it psychologically.

But judging from the panic and panic of [Arrogance]

He is not like a traverser from the future.

It’s too uncomfortable!

Think about [the first messenger Dai Chuchan] and [the second messenger middle-aged Lin Xian], the two of them are like traversers.

Regardless of what you encounter, you always look like you are in danger, in control, and calm.

“So I guess–”

“[Arrogance], there should be some means to [foresee the future]! Or to [foresee the original future]!


Lin Xian slapped the table with excitement!

If this guess is correct, everything is reasonable!

“[It is because he knows what the original future looks like, that’s why he wants history to return to its place!]”

“[But because I have a space-time mailbox, it has changed history and changed the future! That’s why he became so surprised!]”



Lin Xian drew several numbers on the name “Pride”.

If so…

Then this person is a threat to himself!

Must find a way to get rid of!

It’s just that these speculations still need to be confirmed at the party.

Next question one-

[3. Why haven’t I died yet?]

This question is easy to answer now.

to be honest.

It’s because I haven’t revealed my identity.

Just like what I thought before.

The whole world would not think that controllable nuclear fusion was invented by Lin Xian.

He was just acting as a representative, a spokesperson, to release this result on behalf of Longguo.

Only a fool would naively think that someone can study controllable nuclear fusion by himself!

This idea is ridiculous!


Except Einstein.

“Wait, there is another possibility!”

Lin Xian’s thinking went back to [arrogance].

If the special shu ability of [Arrogance] is only able to predict the future, then he has no ability to kill himself!

“Wait again!! There is still another possibility!”

Lin Xian was shocked by his thoughts.

He wrote stroke by stroke on the paper–

[There is another possibility-the devil, has not yet been born in this world at this time!]

This kind of thinking made Lin Xian shudder.

Birth does not just refer to the kind of birth extended in October.

He never believes that a newborn baby is capable of destroying the world.

Even if it is a space-time mailbox for a baby, will he use it?

What’s more, even if you have an air mailbox, you can’t destroy the world!

Lin Xian racked his brains and couldn’t think of one-

“Who am I writing to to make Donghai City a ruin? To make the Pearl of East Defense collapse? This is simply impossible!”

Perhaps by writing a letter, the Pearl of East Defense can be eliminated in this world.

However, Lin Xian couldn’t think of a feasible way to collapse the Pearl of East Defense through a letter.


[Birth of the Devil], it should refer to [Some people suddenly got a certain power].

Just like what Liu Lu said at the beginning–

“God is a person who has mastered extraordinary power.”

“If an ordinary person has mastered 42, then he is a god!”


Such an analysis.Lin Xian can think about why he is not dead yet–

[Devil] Now, he is still an ordinary person, he has not obtained extraordinary power!

“That means I am safe for the time being, even if it is exposed, it will be fine.”

Lin Xian shook his hand.

Use a match to light the paper of reasoning.


The flame spread throughout the paper.

Lin Xian let the ashes fall into the toilet and pressed the button to flush away.

Destroy the corpses.

Cross the sea without hiding the sky.

After reasoning about the three answers, Lin Xian’s thinking became clear instantly, and he also had a certain control over the current situation.

“Next, as long as I finish attending the [Regret Mutual Aid Society] meeting tomorrow, I will be able to understand everything!’

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

It is Professor Ding Yi.

Lin Xian presses the answer button.

“Hello, Professor Ding Yi.

“Lin Xian! The identity of the person wearing the Einstein mask has been found!”

” So fast!”

Lin Xian was a little surprised!

It only took a few hours to find out? The power of the country is really strong! 807

Just listen to Professor Ding Yi over there laughing:

“Is this fast? Actually, I found out the later work at the beginning, just to exclude similar people.”

“The reason, of course, is that this person is too famous! This person is very famous in the United States. His name is George Bill, who is called Little Buffett, and he is an investment ghost!’

“I don’t need to give you the information anymore, you can search it directly on the Internet!”

Lin Xian responded.

This result

He didn’t expect it!

I thought it was a mysterious person, but I didn’t expect it to be a social celebrity!

After hanging up.

Lin Xian opens the search engine and enters George Bill.

After reading some information and news, Lin Xian not only exclaimed–

“I guessed right!! This guy! There is definitely a way to [foresee the future]!’

Lin Xian looked at George Bill’s resume on XX Encyclopedia:

George Bill was born in 1953.

He is known as an investment ghost, he is very accurate, and he has the title of Little Buffett!

In 1979, George invested in Bill Gatz to create Microsoft with very little capital, helping him to tide over the initial difficulties and becoming the only major shareholder of the two founders.

In 1996, George made a huge investment in Apple, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, to help it tide over the difficulties, and stepped forward to invite Jobos to return as CEO.

In 1999, George invested in a number of overseas Internet companies, online shopping companies, and communication software companies.

A series!

Full, all super successful investment resumes!

This person’s vision is accurate!

He can make huge investments every time when a certain company is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Then, without exception, in a few years, the market value of these companies will increase by tens to hundreds of times, becoming the world’s top unicorn companies!

One or two coincidences are fine.

Able to accurately step on every tuyere!

Lin Xian absolutely does not believe that this is all accidental!

Only those novels that rebirth commercial essays dare to write this way!

“This is little Buffett?”

Lin Xian slapped his lips and not only redressed him…

“This is so much better than Buffett’s grandfather!”


Lin Xian continued to look under the encyclopedia.

It stands to reason that George has long been the world’s richest man by far, but he has invested heavily in many advanced laboratories.

Asset shrinkage is also serious.

So far, no laboratory has achieved profitability.

But George’s money never hurts!

Smash hard!

Crazy kuang smashed!

Just like his investment, full of confidence!

See here.

Lin Xian has basically concluded his guess

This product, without a doubt, has the means to [foresee the future]!

Lin Xian has slid the XX encyclopedia page to the lowest end.

The last paragraph, don’t be interesting–

[Throughout George’s entire investment career, only one experience of Waterloo! Lost money is lost!][That is, in 2008, George was confident enough to invest in the Te Sla company of Ma Xie Ke!][At that time, George made a bold statement! The electric car of the Tesla company will sell well all over the world! At the same time, in ten years, the market value of the Tesla will become the world’s first!][However, this time Goddess of Luck failed to take care of George. It turns out that this is the only failed investment in his life–][Because of the emergence of the Longguo revival of electric vehicles, since its birth, Te Sla has been dying on the verge of bankruptcy over the years]

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