Chapter 131 Li Jing’s late night call! 42 is coming again! Who is the prey?

Lin Xian’s idea is simple.

Since it is dangerous to go by oneself, and it is not very rewarding to go there.

It would be better to let Inspection Liu catch them all!

One says one.

Lin Xian feels that since this organization can accept even human traffickers and murderers as members, then other members can’t say that everyone is a scum, at least there must be illegal elements!

Even if not

I don’t lose anything!

At most, inspection Liu was busy for nothing, and let people go as a misunderstanding.

But Lin Xian got the identity information of all members.

This is enough.

Now [Regret Mutual Aid Association] As far as Lin Xian is concerned, it is basically in the state of being a clear card, and there is no secret.

Just need to figure out who the members are.

Do you have a certain connection with yourself?

Can roughly infer the criteria for their selection of personnel.

As for [arrogance] himself, that is George

Lin Xian feels that it is best to find a reasonable and legal reason to detain him for a period of time.


I have enough time to investigate him, interrogate him, and study him.

See how he [foreseeing the future] in the end.


This is Lin Xian’s plan!

It can be said to be seamless.

And he can stay out of danger.

As the saying goes, the mantis man catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and the fisherman benefits!

Over the phone.

When Liu Xiancha heard that Lin Xian was about to “send performance” to himself again, indescribably happy!

The last time the gang of human traffickers was brought down, and more than 20 children were retrieved, it can be said that Liu Xuncha has a good reputation in the system!

All kinds of honors, certificates, and promotion opportunities come to sleep!

He always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to call on Mr. Song and Chairman Dai to accompany him, and thank Lin Xian for a good meal.


Lin Xian is a busy man for the country and the people, it’s really hard to make an appointment!

This is not.

Listening to Lin Xian’s meaning, he must have provided himself with clues to the criminal gang again. Inspector Liu is not even more excited!


Lin Xian said, it is also related to national security!

This is a big deal!

In recent years, the United States has continuously sent all kinds of spies and instigated our country’s personnel, which has brought huge economic and political losses to our country.

If a major case that endangers national security can be solved.

Rewarding honors or something is second.

The most important thing is that this is to do practical things for the country and the people!

When it comes to Liu’s inspection position, there must be a high level of thinking.

“Mr. Lin! I haven’t had a chance to thank you for that matter last time. This time you have provided us with clues for committing crime 807. Thank you so much!”

Lin Xian smiled:

“Maintaining national security and maintaining the tranquility of Donghai City is what every citizen should do.”

“To make a long story short, inspecting Liu, the accuracy of the intelligence this time is very high, and there may be major cases, so I hope that you will get into preparations early, but don’t let them run away.

Over the phone.

Liu Xuncha patted his chest fu:

“Mr. Lin, don’t worry, we are professional.”

After the last cooperation.

Lin Xian was really relieved about Liu inspection, so he started to focus on the key points:

“Tonight at 23:00, on the top floor of the Pearl of East Defense, there will be a secret gathering of criminal gangs!”

“According to the limited information I have, the murderer and human trafficker who was killed not long ago is one of the members of this criminal gang!”

Off …………

Upon hearing this information, Inspection Liu took a breath

Of course he has an impression of that nasty murderer and trafficker.

The nature is too bad!

Therefore, even the death of Xing is urgent.

It is hard to imagine how a criminal organization that can tolerate such members is such a heinous existence!


He was highly concentrated and listened carefully to every word Lin Xian said.

“Mr. Lin, I have already recorded the time and place, you continue to say.”

Lin Xian secretly figured it out.

A gathering of seven people in total.

Two died.Don’t go by yourself.

Should only go to 5 people.

So he continued:

“If there is no accident, there should be a total of 5 people attending this gathering. Anyway, as long as you show up on the open-air rooftop of the East Defense Pearl, you can catch all of them, and you will have a good trial.”


Liu Xuncha also had a bottom in his heart.

The normal closing time of the Dongfang Pearl should be around 21 o’clock in the evening, when tourists are prohibited from entering.

However, the Pearl of the East Defense generally does not clear the venue, and it is a big speaker to remind it.

The tourists were very conscious and left one after another after hearing the broadcast.

Like what Lin Xian said, people who don’t sleep in the middle of the night and gather on the top floor of the Pearl of Dongfang, don’t think about it, there must be problems!

It’s not crazy, or it has ulterior motives!

Therefore, we must strictly investigate and not let go of any of them!

Don’t miss it!


Lin Xian’s intelligence continues:

“Of these five people, not all of them are criminals with the most heinous crimes, but the trial must be strictly investigated. If my intelligence is correct, you will catch unexpected celebrities and even, including a certain high-ranking authority in Donghai City. Individuals, as well as the top richest people in the United States.”


The more Liu Xuncha listens, the more things he realizes!

I thought it was just a common crime (cafd) gang.

“Mr. Lin Lin! I am a little nervous about what you are talking about! What kind of organization is this? The members are very complicated! Is this an organized, transnational criminal organization that undermines national security?”

“Oh my god, if that’s the case, then it’s a big case! Do we need to report to the national case first? Or contact the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to act together?”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“Not for the time being. I am not very clear about their purpose. For the time being, it is best not to stun them.

“Anyway, there are only 5 people on the other side. Maybe they will have weapons. Your personnel should wear special equipment and pay attention to safety. As for the other departments you mentioned, it will not be too late to contact them after they have truly determined their identities.”

Liu Xuncha thinks about it carefully.

After all, Lin Xian’s intelligence is highly credible.

But there is nothing wrong with being safe.

There are five people in the area, and the special shu inspection team is fully armed, afraid that they will not succeed?


The two discussed another tactic.

Also in order not to provoke an alarm, Liu inspected finally decided to dispatch all the plainclothes now and lurking to the highest level of the Pearl of East Defense.

He is very clear about the structure of Dongfang Pearl.

Dongfang Pearl TV Tower, 468 meters high, is a landmark building in Donghai City.

At 260 meters and 300 meters, there are two viewing platforms for tourists to visit.

The top floor is at 390 meters.

Further up, there is an open-air rooftop.

Further up, there is no building, it is a towering signal tower.

The place where the criminal gang held their gathering was on the open-air rooftop about 400 meters away.

Under the roof is the top office area.

“Mr. Lin, don’t worry, I will contact the director of Dongfang Mingzhu in advance, let us dozens of plainclothes personnel, put on bulletproof vests, and lie in ambush to the top office area in advance.

“We will pretend to be tourists, enter the venue in batches, and will not be horrified.”

“Wait until 23 o’clock in the evening, when their party starts and people arrive. Our comrades will directly rush to the open-air rooftop and capture them in one fell swoop!”

“For the sake of safety, I will arrange snipers on the roofs of the surrounding Jin Mao Tower, World Financial Center, and East China Sea Center. Rest assured, they are carrying anesthesia needles and bullets, which will not be life-threatening. This is also for In case.

Lin Xian listened.

Can’t help but sigh for the professionalism of Liu Xun’s inspection.


To be able to do the highest-level inspections in Donghai City, there is still a set of this professional level!

The three tall buildings, Jin Mao Tower, World Financial Center, and Donghai Center Tower, are located in the three directions of the Pearl of East Defense.

And because of the late construction, their top floor height is higher than the East Defense Pearl rooftop, which is the best place for snipers to stay.

“Okay, Liu inspects, I can rest assured that this action is directed by you personally. Then, as we said before, I hope that everyone you catch will give me some time for interrogation.”

“After all, you know, do I need my subject!”

Liu Xuncha laughed loudly and readily agreed.

This does not violate the regulations.

As long as it is allowed by the regulations, he can give Lin Xian a convenience.

The two confessed a few more words.

Then he hung up the phone.

Liu Xuncha immediately began to make arrangements.

“Fix it!

Lin Xian hung up the phone and smiled triumphantly.

“Sure enough, personal connections are the biggest resource!”

Facts have proved that at this critical moment, personal connections are more useful than money or force.

Lin Xian only needs a phone call to solve all the problems!

The most cutting-edge patrol force in Donghai City squatted ahead of schedule.

The members of [Regret Mutual Aid Association] are simply hard to fly!


I also agreed with Liu Xuncha.

For his “so-called criminal psychology research topic”, Liu Xuncha allowed himself and every “criminal suspect” to be interrogated for a short period of time.

This is also considered a reward for his favor.

With these inquiries.

Lin Xian can naturally extract the information he wants from each of them!

“People move to death, trees move to live!

Lin Xian clenched his fists.

The eyes are full of flames!

“In the East China Sea, I have the final say! [Arrogance] There are seven deadly sins, and none of you can escape today!”

Time in the afternoon.

Lin Xian didn’t go there either.

I have been sitting in the study, sorting out all my thoughts, and waiting for the night to come

Around 8 o’clock in the evening.

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

At first glance, it was a video call played by Dai Chuchan.

After connecting.

Sure enough, there is Liu Yiyi on the video.

“Husband! Can you hear me? Can you see me?”

Lin Xian waved his hand:

“I heard, are you coming by plane?”

Liu Yiyi shook his head:

“It’s morning on our side, and I have calculated the time difference with Sister Chu Chan. By the time we get to the East China Sea, it will already be August 2nd!!”

Lin Xian was puzzled.

This is normal, what’s the surprise?

Liu Yiyi smiled over there:

“Hehe, I knew you didn’t understand what I meant! We were fainted by jet lag before! August 2 is Monday! We should go to school for class! We thought it was the weekend yesterday!”

Lin Xian suddenly realized that it was what he meant.

Then understand.

Yesterday, they said on the phone that they would take Liu Yiyi back here.

They all thought it was the weekend.

The jet lag has not reversed.

“I understand. In other words, do you and Chu Chan plan to go back to school directly? Then I won’t go to the airport to pick you up.

“Yes, yes, that’s what we mean! You guess the jet lag hasn’t reversed, right? Remember to take a good rest! In my school dormitory, there is an old mobile phone that can be used as a backup machine. Go back and get a mobile phone card and we can contact you normally. La!”

After a few chats, the two hung up the phone.

fair enough.

No need to pick up Liu Yiyi tomorrow.

I have more time to deal with the [Regret Mutual Aid Association] and the seven deadly sins.

Also convenient.


Lin Xian waited silently in the study.

Sometimes close your eyes and rest your mind.

Open your eyes from time to time and swipe your phone casually.

He actually didn’t want to play and think.

He kept waiting for the call again.

Waiting for Liu’s call for inspection.

He looked up at the clock on the desk

23: 19


at this time

[Regret Mutual Aid Society] The gathering should have already started, right?

When is Liu Xuncha planning to close the net?

Do you have to wait any longer?

Lin Xian did not understand their strategy of action.

Can only guess, maybe for safety and security, the network will not be closed immediately

“Forget it, keep waiting.”

Lin Xian was a little nervous for some reason.

He knew in his heart.

Liu Xuncha will definitely not cause problems.

But don’t worry about him, it is impossible to call Inspection Liu

God knows what Liu Inspection is doing at this time.

Don’t break the phone because of it.

Close your eyes…


Open your eyes,

Close your eyes…


Open your eyes

The jet lag has not completely reversed.

Lin Xian is indeed a little sleepy.

Lie on your back in a chair, and always get lost for a while from time to time.

Looking at the phone lying on the table, it doesn’t light up, it doesn’t ring

Look at the clock on the desktop.

00: 31

“Isn’t it? The meetings have been held for an hour and a half! Don’t you still receive the Internet??”

Lin Xian picked up the phone.

Confirmed several times, there are no missed calls, no mute, no arrears, and good signal.

Is it…

Is what happened to Liu Xuncha?

“probably not ”

Lin Xian felt a little too nervous.


What are you nervous about!

“Wash your face! Cheer up!”



Lin Xian turned on the faucet of the washbasin and washed his face with facial cleanser.

Then go back to the study again.

Quietly waiting for Liu Xun’s call

Lin Xian lay on his back in the chair.

The phone is placed on the desktop.

Still motionless and silent.




Two faint noises came from behind!

Lin Xian turned around abruptly!


He heard it clearly!

This is not an auditory hallucination!

There is indeed a sound!

Lin Xian turned his head and looked around.

The windows are closed, and the curtains have long been removed and placed at the foot of the bed!

Nothing can make a sound at all!

Where did this sound come from?

Could it be that

There is really a second person in this room!?

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

The phone rang.

“Huh, Liu Xun has finally called.

Lin Xian turned around, ready to get the phone on the table.

But a moment of turning around!

He was stunned!

The clock on the desk…

The displayed time is one-

00: 42

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

What a long-lost 42 ah

It didn’t show up anymore.

Reminiscent of the buzzing sound just now, what does this mean?

With a horrified mood.

Lin Xian looks at the phone on the table

The caller ID is not actually Liu Xun!

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Urging ringtones

00:42 on the clock

Rustling just now

Let Lin Xian feel that there is something surrounding him in this small study room!


Lin Xian swallowed and foamed.

Hold the phone in front of your eyes.

On the lit screen, the caller’s name was clearly displayed–

Li Jing!.

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