Chapter 128 The full text of Lei Haolong’s suicide note! Li Jing’s rage!

Li Jing bent down with difficulty.

She has a big belly.

Had it not been for several pregnancy tests, she would have thought she was pregnant with twins!

Today, less than 3 months have passed since the due date.

But her belly

It’s bigger than the average parturient woman!

Although she has controlled her diet very well, the child doesn’t know if it is absorbed well or what to do. She grows faster than others in her stomach!

But the doctor also said that this is a very common thing:

“You don’t have to worry about going back, just control your diet appropriately. Now it’s different from before, and the nutrition is better, especially if you, a rich family, don’t eat or eat less, it’s better than ordinary people’s food!”

“I’ve seen you in this situation a lot. The children nowadays are very heavy and fat at birth. You go back and try to control it. If you can’t control it, you will have a cesarean section when you are born. You will also suffer less. .”


Li Jing didn’t care too much about the child’s size.

She is the same as a normal pregnant woman.

I’m afraid that my child is not well-nourished, and maybe I don’t pay much attention to it when eating.

For her now

As long as the child is healthy, it is better than anything!

If the child is too big to be delivered smoothly, then a cesarean section is not a big deal.


She didn’t care too much.

After coming to the United States last week, she also went to the [Princeton University Hospital] Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology to build a file and do a birth check.

The doctor at the time also joked:

“Your child is developing very well! His head is very big! Just like [Einstein]! Hahaha, have you seen photos of [Einstein]? His head is very big! I believe that after your child is born, Must be as smart as Einstein!”

“Except for a big forehead… everything else is healthy. Haha, a big forehead is also a good performance of the brain development. You don’t have to worry too much, go back and raise your baby with peace of mind!”

.. “Eight zero seven”.


With a little effort, Li Jing bent down and picked up the new seal on the ground.

That’s right

This is the [suicide note] written by Lei Haolong one week before participating in the “Recognition Conference”!

When Li Jing cried and asked Lei Haolong why he had to write a suicide note, Lei Haolong also argued that it was just in case.

Now let’s look at…

Obviously, I had a hunch!

At that time, after writing the [suicide note], Lei Haolong went on a business trip to the United States.

Li Jingren posted a full story at home, but did not find this [suicide note)

did not expect.

It turned out to be hidden in a house in the United States!

“Hiding, hiding, why do you want to hide in a teddy bear?”

Li Jing scratched her head.


If it hadn’t been for the sudden desire to come to this children’s room, maybe when would I find it out!

However, Li Jing also figured it out in a blink of an eye.

According to Lei Haolong’s arrangement, it was only a matter of time before he discovered this suicide note.

After he died, he would definitely come to live in the United States. Her green card, Lei Haolong, has been completed, the house has been bought, the Mi Yuan account, and the birth doctor have all been arranged.

She has no reason not to come to the United States.

And as long as it comes to the United States

Sooner or later, I will come to the children’s room.

“So Lei Haolong planned all this long ago!”

At this moment.

Li Jing suddenly realized!

“Could it be that he even planned Haolong’s death by himself?”

Li Jing recalled all the wrong things before.

The idea is clear in an instant!

Before Lei Haolong left the house, the last word he said to himself was one-

“If I die, it just proves that I am right!”

This feeling.

Just die with Mingzhi! No, no, it’s like using death to prove something!

“Haolong, you are so stupid

Li Jing helplessly shook her head.

There is only one life in a person.

Why is it necessary to use precious lives to test certain things?She couldn’t understand.

As a woman, she can’t understand it at all!

Li Jing picked up the envelope.

Tear open carefully

No matter what Lei Haolong’s plan is, after all, there will be all the answers in this suicide note!

After tearing open the envelope.

Li Jing took out a few pieces of letter paper.

The handwriting above is indeed from Lei Haolong.

In the middle of the letter paper, there is also a small envelope!

This small envelope is very tightly wrapped with tape

Li Jing intuitively felt that this small envelope covered with tape might not be for herself.


She opened the letter paper directly.


She sat in the arms of the teddy bear again and began to read.

The full text of the letter is as follows:

[My dear baby][When you read this letter now, I must be dead. I don’t know that I will die that way, but please don’t be sad for my death because we will meet again!][First of all, I want to tell you a clear point–][Please remember clearly!!!][No matter when and where I die, no matter what incredible way I die! Then the one who killed me must be Lin Xian! Yes, it is our classmate, Lin Xian!][Don’t panic, don’t be surprised, please calm down, and after reading this letter patiently, I will tell you all my goals and future plans][Baby, do you know? In this world, there are too many things that cannot be explained by science. The most amazing thing is that-some people, they can predict the future! Even, they may be able to change the past!][Imagine if we can master this power to change the past and predict the future, wouldn’t it be that the entire world, everything, is under our control? We will become the supreme god and enjoy the worship of everyone! And we can make up for all the regrets in life!][However, it is a pity that this power is not in our hands. We have been looking for this power for a long time. Now that you have read this letter, it means that I have succeeded! I finally found someone with that power!][Yes, it’s me who killed me, Lin Xian!][Now, you should be able to understand, why I was killed by him? I used a series of clumsy and not evidence methods to irritate him, test him, and test him!]

【As the saying goes, don’t do bad things, don’t knock on the door. If he really has a ghost in his heart and is afraid that I will release all the evidence, then after the commendation conference or even before that! He will definitely try his best to kill me!][Don’t believe Jingcha’s words, Lin Xian’s mysterious power is incredible, he can easily kill anyone, and then get out of the business like a okay person. I guessed it right. Now everyone thinks that my death has nothing to do with Lin Xian. 】

[But the fact is, the murderer who killed me, the murderer who killed your husband, and the murderer who killed our child’s dad is Lin Xian! There is no need to question this!][Remember! Don’t be impulsive! Don’t face off with Lin Xian! In front of people with such supernatural powers, any human being is as weak and humble as a building ant. Since he can kill me, naturally he doesn’t mind killing one more of you!][Fortunately, in this world, I am not fighting alone, I have my companion! My comrade-in-arms! What I need you to do is to convey this key message to our comrades-in-arms-members of the Mutual Aid Association!][This is an organization with mysterious powers, and their abilities are almost the same as Lin Xian! Although I haven’t actually attended the party, they have verified to me countless times that they can indeed predict the future! I believe they are the same There is power to make up for our regrets! For example, revive me!][I don’t want you and your child to be in danger, so I don’t tell you too much. You just need to know, do as I say-send the tape-wrapped letter to the leader of the Regret Mutual Aid Association “Arrogant”!】

[The Regret Mutual Aid Association stipulates that only those who have completed the task and made significant contributions to the organization can be rewarded for “compensating for regrets”. If you send me that letter to “Arrogance”, this credit is enough to exchange for a chance to make up for my regrets! By then the power of God will bring me back to life!][If you read this letter before August 1, then you only need to go to the top floor of Dongfang Pearl in Donghai City at 23:00 on August 1 to attend the party. At that time, remember to wear a mask casually. When someone asks you, you will say that you are “jealous”. 】

[If you read this letter after August 1, you will have to wait for the next meeting. For the time and place of the meeting, you need to log in to the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX website with the IP of Yuhailanting, Donghai City. There will be prompts on the time and place of the next meeting, but it is just an illusion. The real time and place requires a password conversion. Password conversion comparison table,

On the last piece of letter paper. 】

[After sending this letter for me, you will return to the U.S. to concentrate on raising your baby. If everything goes well, before our child is born, I will successfully resurrect our happiness, rely on you!][Signature: Haolong who loves you forever. 】



Tick ​​tick tick.

Li Jing’s tears were like broken pearls, ticking on the letter paper

“Horong, what are you doing?

The moment after reading the letter.

Li Jing was a little desperate.

She is not a fool, she can feel it a long time ago, Lei Haolong is very jealous of Lin Xian!

It’s not hard to feel it.

When the two were chatting, Lei Haolong was always talking, and he abducted Lin Xian.

In words

Full of disdain and jealousy.

Especially when it comes to Liu Yiyi.

In Lei Haolong’s eyes, it seemed that a flame could burst out!

Li Jing loves Lei Haolong very much, so she can also understand him.

At that time, it was not strange that the boys in the class liked Liu Yiyi, but it was strange that they did not like Liu Yiyi!

She is just an ordinary-looking girl.

Never expect to be the white moonlight of boys.

But Liu Yiyi is undoubtedly the white moonlight of Lei Haolong.

Whose youth has no regrets?

Li Jing didn’t care that Lei Haolong was hiding this innocent secret love in her heart.

the most important is

After graduating from high school, Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian had a life-long private appointment.

Li Jing thinks she is already very big.

But what she didn’t expect was!

Lei Haolong has actually been stunned to this point!!

Even joined the oblique teaching!? Began to believe in metaphysics!?

“Aren’t our lives bad?”

“Lin Xian’s life, is that so worthy of your jealousy??”

“Your so-called making up for regrets is plain! Isn’t it Liu Yiyi!! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

The more Li Jing cried, the more sad she became!

She actually knows everything

All along, she suppressed the “dissatisfaction” in her heart with “magnanimity”..0

She just used sensibility to suppress negative emotions

Lei Haolong

Why come to Donghai for development?

Why go to the class reunion?

Why always compare with Lin Xian?

Why don’t you forget the so-called regret??

“Lei Haolong, you are not jealous of Lin Xian at all! You are just jealous that he has Liu Yiyi!!!!”

Li Jing’s hysterical shouts echoed in the children’s room

This sentence has been pressed in the bottom of my heart for a long time.

Finally shouted out!!

She suddenly remembered!

June 8, 2015

This is the most important day for Lei Haolong!

All his important passwords are these eight numbers!

but …

He did not remember this day because of the college entrance examination date!

Li Jing suddenly realized

this day

It is Liu Yiyi’s 18th birthday!!!!

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Li Jing couldn’t see her expression.

But she knows.

At this time, I must laugh more ugly than cry!

She feels

The dolls in the room are laughing at her!

Laughing at her for being a cheap huo!

It’s not worth laughing at her!

Laugh at her for loving a man whose heart is full of others!

Laughing at her for a lifetime than that white moonlight!

“Don’t laugh at me”

Li Jing clutched her head and roared!!

“Don’t laugh at me!!!!!!”

Her cry was like her tears, hysterical!


At this moment, she can no longer deceive herself! Lei Haolong doesn’t love her at all! She is just a substitute!


At this moment, she resented Lei Haolong so much! Why did she come to provoke herself!


At this moment, she is very jealous of Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian! Why can you easily take everything from me!!


At this moment, she felt extremely angry! Feeling like a clown!

Open your teary eyes.

All the dolls in the house are laughing at her!

They are wheezing!

Earn face by face!

They are all laughing at her life being played with!!

“Don’t!!! Don’t laugh at me!!!!!”

Li Jingjian slammed her hair!


She grabs the door!

In the meeting room on the third floor, find a cigarette lighter!

Run back to the children’s room again!



The flame of the lighter quickly spread to a few pieces of letter paper!

With the small envelope inside, it burned directly!




Li Jing threw the burning letter paper on the 3 meter high plush bear.

The raging flame burns directly along the plush toy to the roof!!

The entire children’s room is full of flammable plush toys and plastic toys.

A few minutes of work!

It becomes a sea of ​​fire! 5.3


Li Jing laughed wildly in the sea of ​​fire!

She looked at the dolls that burned cotton and laughed!

“Laugh! Laugh!! Keep laughing at me!!”

“Go and die!!!!”

.Ha ha


The flames followed the luxurious carpets on the ground and quickly spread to other rooms!

Li Jing glanced at the fiery red room last.

Turning to the elevator.

Go straight down to the basement.

Get in a Cadillac and drive out of the underground garage with a kick!


Several rooms are spraying fire dragons from the windows!

The United States is vast and sparsely populated.

Especially this luxury villa located in the suburbs, if the fire is not reported in time, there will be no time to put out the fire.

Li Jing has no attachments, stepping on the accelerator to the end!

this moment.

She just wants to destroy everything!!

Her eyes were crying blood red.

Clenching your teeth:

“Go and die!”

Resurrection after death?

Predict future?

Mysterious power?

Make up for regrets?

“Go to hell!!”


The roaring Cadillac ran wildly on the suburban roads!

Li Jing opened all the windows.

Let the wind blow through his embarrassed face.

Make up for regrets

This was the last straw that crushed Li Jing.

Those in front.

Li Jing can also be regarded as Lei Haolong, a ghost who is obsessed with his heart and asks God to believe in Buddhism.

Those nonsense.

Li Jing didn’t believe a word!

Make up for regrets

Li Jing knew that the regret in Lei Haolong’s mouth was definitely not referring to herself, 100% referring to Liu Yiyi!

This is for a woman.

It is the biggest insult of personality!


Cadillac has sunk into the night and drove towards Princeton

And that luxurious high-rise villa

At this time, it was all shrouded in the sea of ​​fire…

When the firefighters arrived, it had burned into ashes.

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