This is the welcome ceremony that appears after the elves come to the world-.

When Gu Yu walked here, dozens of fire-breathing dragons would all swarm into the sky, spewing flames up to the sky.

It means red hot.

Such welcome ceremonies are generally used for champions from various countries to visit the Dragon Country.

Or some major welcome ceremony.

For example, Ye Hongyi, who was influenced by killing Anubis, was arranged such a welcome ceremony when he returned to Yanjing.

This is also the reason why Ye Mengyao is emotional!

Because of such a grand welcome ceremony, the airport is already full of people

As Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao got off the plane, the cheers at the airport instantly surged like a tide!

"Gu Yu! It's Gu Yu! He has come to Yanjing!"

"Finally met me! So handsome, so handsome!"

"I'm more looking forward to the start of the King of Heaven Challenge now."

"Who is the woman beside Gu Yu? She looks so beautiful!"


While everyone was talking, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao had already come to the VIP channel.


Dozens of fire-breathing dragons standing in two rows roared in unison, raised their heads quickly, and spewed red flames from the sky.

The surrounding temperature rose instantly, so that the VIP channel, where the temperature had already reached minus zero, quickly began to heat up.

The expression on Gu Yu's face did not change, and he had already guessed the purpose of the Ye family.

Walking out of the VIP channel of the airport, a black red flag car was already waiting for Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao.

After the two got into the car, the car slowly started and drove towards Ye's house.

On the other hand, Gu Yu came to Yanjing for a huge battle, and also successfully entered the hot search on the entire Internet.

Does Gu Yu deserve such high-level treatment?

It has become a topic of heated discussion among many netizens.

"This battle is too big! I feel a little too proud of Gu Yu!"

"Don't be ridiculous! Gu Yu even killed Kevin Gasol. I really thought Gu Yu was just a junior. No, now it should be said that he is a senior student?"

"If you say that Gu Yu is unworthy, let's kill a champion trainer one-on-one first."

"Am I the only one who noticed Gu Yu's female companion? She looks so beautiful!"


There is no airtight wall in the world, and of course it may be intentional by some people.

When the news that Ye Mengyao was Ye Hongyi's biological daughter was revealed, the entire Dragon Kingdom was in an uproar.

In 5 minutes, it will directly rush to the top of the Longguo Internet Hot Search List!

Gu Yu's girlfriend is the daughter of the Heavenly King!

Let many netizens leave envy words again.

"A lot of lemons appeared in front of my eyes! Gu Yu is simply a winner in life!"

"There are shining fairies, magical beasts, and Bangira who can evolve into MEGA. His girlfriend is beautiful, and his father-in-law is the champion of the Dragon Kingdom! This Nima is simply outrageous!"

"If I had such a wife, I would choose to lie down and eat soft rice."

"I'm just curious, if Gu Yu climbs to the top of the Heavenly King Challenge, will there be a scene of a prospective father-in-law fighting a prospective son-in-law?"


Ye family.

When Gu Yu got off the car, the scene he saw was white snow.

The elves who used to play and play have no idea where they are going.

A sense of desolation and desolation pervaded the courtyard.

At the door of the Ye family mansion, Ren Manyun has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao getting out of the car, they hurried forward to speak.

"Gu Yu, Yaoyao, you guys are here. The old man and your father are already waiting a little anxiously!"

Ye Hongyi, as the prospective father-in-law and the Dragon King, naturally would not come out to welcome his son-in-law.

When Gu Yu walked into the house, he saw Ye Hongyi and a white-haired old man in a black tunic sitting on the top.


Seeing the old man, Ye Mengyao took the initiative to speak.

The old man is Ye Mengyao's grandfather, Ye Chengfeng, the predecessor of the Dragon Kingdom.

Ye Chengfeng nodded with a smile, and then looked at Gu Yu.

"Not bad! It really is a talent!"

"The king praised it!"

Gu Yu also responded politely.

Ye Chengfeng did not continue to speak, and first motioned Gu Yu to take a seat.

After Gu Yu was seated, he spoke again.

"Are you satisfied with this welcome ceremony?"

Gu Yu replied, "Is it too high-profile?"

The corner of Ye Chengfeng's mouth became more curved, and he replied, "My son-in-law of the Ye family, the future King of the Dragon Kingdom will naturally use such a welcome ceremony!"

To a certain extent, these remarks have already indicated the attitude of Ye Chengfeng or the Ye family.

To tie Gu Yu to the big boat of the Ye family.

The expression on Gu Yu's face did not change.

Before coming here, he had already vaguely guessed it.

After all, such a grand welcome ceremony is completely unnecessary if it does not have a purpose.

Ye Chengfeng or the Ye family used this ceremony to tell everyone!

Gu Yu is from the Ye family!

Looking at Ye Chengfeng with a smile on his face, Gu Yu thought to himself.

"The white wolf with empty gloves doesn't have such a set!"

As Gu Yu walked all the way, did the Ye family provide him with any big help?

Ye Mengyao did give Gu Yu Ye Hongyi's plan to cultivate elves, and Gu Yu lived in the Ye family's villa.

These are not worthless, but generally have limited value.

After all, Gu Yu and Ye Hongyi's elf types are completely different and can only be used as a reference.

A villa is just a house after all.

It is no exaggeration to say that the help of the Ye family to Gu Yu is not as great as the help of the Kuailong clan of Sanlongshan to Gu Yu.

After all, that also gave Gu Yu three items related to the divine beast.

Now that Gu Yu has grown up completely, the Ye family relies on Ye Mengyao to directly want to pick peaches.


Gu Yu married Ye Mengyao, not the entire Ye family.

Brothers still have to settle accounts!

Besides, we are not brothers at all!

"Me and Mengyao have not graduated from University yet, and we are still early for marriage."

"I'm still not the son-in-law of the Shang Ye family!"

Hearing Gu Yu's answer, Ye Chengfeng's smile froze.


He heard what Gu Yu meant.

I'm not yet the son-in-law of the Ye family!

Ye Chengfeng is also an old man, and immediately said: "You are not too young! You will be 24 years old after the new year!"

"If this age was in the previous feudal empire era, the children would have been running all over the place!"

"However, you really shouldn't be distracted by these things now. The most important thing for you now is to be the champion of the King of Heaven Challenge."

After speaking, Ye Chengfeng turned to look at Ye Hongyi.

"Hongyi, tell Gu Yu the information about the players in this Heavenly King Challenge that you know."

Gu Yu knew that this was a benefit given by Ye Chengfeng, and he did not refuse to start listening directly.

"This time, there are five champion trainers who have been confirmed to participate in the King Challenge."

"Half of the elves have reached the championship level of trainers, and there are currently fifteen."

"I will give you the information of these trainers later, so that you can know a little about them in advance."

"Gu Yu! You are currently ranked ninth in the Dragon Kingdom Elves Alliance, a trainer who may reach the top."


Gu Yu did not expect that after killing Kevin Gasol, he was only ranked ninth.

Perhaps seeing Gu Yu's doubts, Ye Hongyi immediately explained: "Gu Yu, you must know that there are rules for the game!"

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