"It doesn't mean that a champion trainer can beat a non-champion trainer in a match."

"When you are fighting fiercely with Kevin Gasol, once one of the elves falls, it will instantly form a two-on-one situation."

"A champion elves, facing the siege of two champion elves, failure is a high probability thing."

"But the game is different. Even if you defeat an opponent's elf, you can only continue to fight one-on-one."

"So, in a game like this, the barrel effect doesn't matter."

"As long as your ace elf is strong enough, such as my fierce bite land shark, you can completely defeat multiple opponent elfs!"

To some extent, the birth of Uranus is also limited by rules.

As long as the ace is strong enough, it is possible to defeat the champion trainer with a non-champion trainer.

This is also the reason why three of the four heavenly kings have quasi-gods.

Because the field battle is no longer bound by the rules of the game, and the primary purpose is to kill the trainer.

Therefore, elves that are often fast, such as Lucario and Zeraora, are more powerful or useful.

But the game is such a big arena.

Assassin elves have been nerfed to some extent.

After all, in the wild, there is no possibility of detours, and there is no possibility of detours on the field.

"Many of the trainers who participated in the Heavenly King Challenge this time have obtained MEGA evolution stones and key stones."

"It has been determined that there are more than one elves whose strength can be comparable to that of divine beasts for a short period of time after MEGA evolves."

"Based on the prowess you demonstrated in the Genie counter-terrorism operation in June."

"Although the strength is very strong, no elves have broken through the XNUMXth level, which is why you are ranked ninth."

"If it was a normal year, you might really have hope of hitting the king, but now"

Ye Hongyi didn't go on, but a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Ye Chengfeng, who was on the side, also spoke to comfort: "Gu Yu, don't care!"

"Your strength is already very strong! Kill a champion trainer at the age of 23! It's unprecedented!"

Saying that, a look of shock appeared in Ye Chengfeng's eyes.

Gu Yu's record, even as a former Dragon King, is very shocking!

"You had the opportunity to become the youngest Dragon King!"

"Unfortunately, MEGA evolution has become the key to hindering you."

"Now think about the guy named No. XNUMX in the Dragon Temple, what a bastard."

"If it wasn't for him, Gu Yu might have become the new Dragon King this time!"

Hearing Ye Chengfeng's words, Gu Yu was speechless.

He wanted to say that the No. XNUMX of the Dragon Temple is right in front of you.

Gu Yu also did not explain the wrong estimation of his own strength by the outside world.

After all, such poor information is also his own trump card to some extent.

Ye Chengfeng continued: "But even if the hope is slim, you need to work hard. Let this old man accompany you to train with you during this time!"

"Thinking of you, it was only the first day that the Dragon Kingdom fought, and the old man has begun to look forward to it!" Zhi.

Chapter 311 The Confused Old King! !Incredible audience!

Ye Chengfeng fights Gu Yu!

The former Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom confronted the first genius of the Dragon Kingdom!

Although the two sides are only training games, it is enough to make many people look at them.

This news was released by Ye Chengfeng.

The original intention was to let the descendants of the Ye family come to watch the battle between the two and learn.

However, there are no impervious walls under the sky.

The news quickly spread throughout half of Yanjing.

Wait until January 1, when Gu Yu and Ye Chengfeng are ready to fight.

Hundreds of people, large and small, were already crowded around the Ye family training ground.

There are relatives of Ye Mengyao and many members of the Yanjing family.

For example, Lin Xuan and Yan Siyu were brought by their parents to watch the battle.

Originally, the Ye family didn't want to let so many people in.

But I can't stand that everyone is hanging out in Yanjing, it's really too familiar.

In the end, it really couldn't save face, so the competition venue was opened.

The competition venue is right behind the Ye family's mansion, next to the Ye family's family breeding garden.

"Replace the largest geotechnical site."

With Ye Chengfeng's order, the steel floor on the ground cracked open.

Then a field of XNUMX square meters, composed of rocks and soil, slowly rose.

After the geotechnical site was ready, Ye Chengfeng took the lead in dispatching his elf.

Blazing Roaring Tiger!

[Flaming Roaring Tiger (Fire) (Evil)]

【Gender: ♂】

[Level: LV89 (Champion)]

[Characteristic: Intimidate (intimidate the opponent when playing, make him retreat, reduce the opponent's attack)]

[Character talent: cautious (+special defense, -special attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (28), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Grab, Scream, Spark, Stare, Roar, Grab, Stand-in, Hell Thrust, Flaming Teeth, DD Golden Hook Arm, Bodybuilding, Cross Split, Bite, Double Kick, Flaming Teeth, Tongue Lick, Ghost Face, Bravery, Jet Flame, Flame Fist, Sword Dance, Thunder Fist, Tarzan Overhead, Destruction Death Light, Earthquake, Flaming Charge, Flame Vortex, Sunny Day, Big Character Explosion, Hot Wind, Hold On, Hold, Shadow Clone, Vampire, Sleep, Snoring , Sleep Talk, Repayment, Awakening Power, Hard Support, Tile Cleave, Provocation, Overheating, Evil Wave, Ultimate Impact, Shadow Claw, Bottom Kick, Charged Flame Attack, Chi Bomb, Loud Roar, Self-motivation, Wild Swing Hit, Reverse Scale, Brute Force, Explosive Flame, Snatch, Drain Fist, Double Chop, Desire, Jealousy, Vent, Hot Sand, Megaton Punch, Megaton Kick, Resurrection, Crushing, Flame Kick , reckless, reckless]

【Carrying item: Charcoal】

[Potential: Champion]

Seeing the appearance of the flaming roaring tiger, everyone at the scene was also discussing.

"Is King Ye so serious? The flaming roaring tiger is his former ace!"

"I thought it was just normal training, but I didn't expect that the firepower would be full as soon as I got up!"

"I wonder which elf Gu Yu will send to fight?"


Listening to the surrounding discussions, watching the flaming roaring tiger on the field.

Gu Yu sent Lucario directly.



After Lucario appeared, the two elves looked at each other, and war intent appeared in each other's eyes.

"Red Flame Roaring Tiger! Bodybuilding!"

【Bodybuilding: Use your whole body strength to tighten your muscles to improve your attack and defense. 】

"Lucario! Godly speed!"

Ye Chengfeng's Gu Yu sounded almost at the same time.

Compared with skills such as Dragon Dance and Sword Dance, the biggest advantage of bodybuilding skills is that they are fast!

Compared to the Dragon Dance, which takes several seconds or even ten seconds to perform, bodybuilding skills only take an instant.

Blazing Roaring Tiger instantly tightened his muscles, and his attack and defense increased at the same time.

At this time, Lucario had already killed the Fiery Roaring Tiger.

Split tiles!

Lucario's claws were covered with dazzling white light.

Towards the flaming roaring tiger!

At this time, it was too late for the flaming roaring tiger to protect it.

Therefore, Ye Chengfeng directly chose to exchange injuries for injuries!

"Flaming Roaring Tiger! Reckless!"

[Reckless: Inflict damage to make the opponent's HP the same as your own. 】


The blazing roaring tiger let out a painful roar as he took Lucario's tile-splitting forcibly!

Then the right paw clenched a fist and swung it directly towards Lucario.

Lucario's reaction was quicker.

Spiritual strength!

An invisible thought force went straight to the blazing roaring tiger.

Blazing Roaring Tiger is immune to super power skills, but that doesn't mean it won't be affected by the side effects of skills.

At the moment when the reckless skill was about to hit Lucario, the Blazing Roaring Tiger was directly knocked into the air.

With a bang, the flaming roaring tiger fell heavily to the ground, smashing the ground into a three-meter-deep pit, and countless smoke and dust mixed with soil and stones splashed.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was instantly stunned, with surprised expressions on their faces!

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