From the end of July to the present.

After more than five months of training, Little Lugia's body has grown to 2.3 meters.

Lying on the sofa, a single elf occupied most of the sofa, and it was so crowded that Pokkis had no place to lie down.

[Lugia (super power) (flying)]

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV74 (King of Heaven)]

[Feature: Multiple scales (When HP is full, the damage received will be reduced.)]

[Character Talent: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: wind, blowing, meditation, supernatural power, self-regeneration, cyclone attack, rain, water cannon, predicting the future, mysterious guardian, white fog, surfing, mental strength, air slash, reflection wall, light wall, spirit Shock, Earthquake, Tailwind, Mind Shift, Mind Hammer, Water Tail, Iron Head, Clear Mist, Trick, Cyclone Attack, Rain Seeking, Water Cannon, Freezing Beam, Ultimate Drain, Tide Spin, Hold, Steel Wing, Giant Sound, Seal, Dragon Dive, Frozen Wind, Mystic Guardian, Trait Swap, Blizzard, Sleep, Dream Eater, Snoring, Sleep Talk, Ultimate Blast, Dragon Tail, Charge Beam, Divine Bird Slam, Dragon Wave, Electric Shock Wave , Clear the fog, the power of the earth, the fluctuation of water]

【Carrying items: none】

[Potential: God]

Every time he saw Lugia's information, Gu Yu had to say it.

The gods are really scary!

When Lugia, the god of ocean currents, was asleep, Lugia temporarily became the queen of the god of ocean currents.

The speed of becoming stronger is almost the same as opening and hanging!


At this time, the sound of the keyboard sounded.

Gu Yu knew without guessing that it must be Chao Meng.

As the volume king among the elves, Chao Meng's in-volume also makes 99% of the elves conceited.

Now Mewtwo is modifying her training plan on the computer.

After seeing Gu Yu, he immediately said, "I made a training plan for the winter vacation, and I need a sum of money, about 1."

"Okay, I'm leaving this time and will participate in the King of Heaven Challenge."

"I will stay in the villa with Gengar and Lugia, and you can take care of me when the time comes!"

Gu Yu originally wanted to take all the elves to the Ye family.

Considering that it is on the Ye family's territory after all.

Finally, choose to go with some sprites.

Kirby and Monarch Snake originally wanted to stay with Gu Yu.

After all, the two elves are only Heavenly Kings now.

But considering the Heavenly King Challenge, the players in the first few rounds were generally at the Heavenly King level.

Kirby Beast and Monarch Snake came on the stage, which could gain more rest time for the main players such as Wind Speed ​​Dog and Lucario.

Gu Yu finally chose to bring the two elves with him.

"I see!"

"If you are in danger in Yanjing, don't forget to inform me!"

Hearing Chaomeng's words, Gu Yu's mouth showed a smile.

"I know about Chao Meng! If I am in danger, I will definitely notify you!"

"thanks for caring!"

Mewtwo immediately began to deny it.

"Who cares about you!"

"It's just that if you die, no one will fund me."

"That's it, don't think too much!"

The smile on Gu Yu's face grew even stronger.

"I see!"

"I'll ask you to watch the house during this time!"

Saying that, Gu Yu stretched out his hand and touched Chao Meng's forehead.

Chaomeng didn't evade, let Gu Yu touch it, and there was even a hint of enjoyment on his face.

At this moment, Gu Yu suddenly remembered something.

Some time ago, he gave two MEGA evolution stones to Mewtwo.

Let Mewtwo train MEGA to evolve, and now that I think about it, I ask.

"By the way, how is your MEGA evolution in Chaomeng?"

"I have completely mastered it this time!"

The voice of Chao Meng just fell, and he started to perform MEGA evolution directly.

The energy of Mewtwo and the energy of MEGA Evolution Stone instantly resonated.

Under Gu Yu's gaze, Chaomeng was surrounded by a burst of pink light, and there was a faint colorful glow on top of the pink light.

After a while, when the pink light dissipated instantly, the figure of MEGA Chaomeng Y was revealed!

MEGA evolved Mewtwo Y.

There is an extra line extending from the head, similar to the tail.

The original height of 2 meters has also become 1.5 meters.

Immediately, the message of MEGA Chaomeng Y appeared in Gu Yu's eyes.

【MEGA Super Dream Y (Super Power)】

【Gender: ♀】

[Level: LV105+5 (God)]

[Characteristic: Insomnia (Because it is a physique that cannot sleep, it will not become a sleep state.)]

[Character Talent: Introverted (+Special Attack, -Attack)]

[Individual Value Qualification: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Immobilization, Mind Power, Mysterious Guardian, Instant Amnesia, Mental Blade, Mental Strong Mind, Power Swap, Defense Swap, Mental Smash, Self-Regeneration, Predicting the Future, High Speed, Magic, Meditation, Mind Hammer, Mental Field, Speed ​​Swap, Gravity, Mental Shock, High Speed ​​Star, Wave Missile, Hold, Tile Split, Feature Swap, Trick Space, Wide Area Combat Power, Sharp Stone Attack, Big Character Explosion, Earthquake, Frozen Beam, XNUMX Volts , Thunder Fist, Fire Fist, Frozen Fist, Shadow Clone, Kick Down, Iron Tail, Mind Shifting Object, Magic Space, Wonderful Space, White Mist, Kick Down, Hold Back, Shadow Ball, Ultimate Impact, Rain Begging, Sunny Day, Ghost fire, bodybuilding, energy ball, juggling space, acting, sucking punch, storm, electric ball, speed swap, acting, snatch, jet flame, light wall, reflecting wall, electromagnetic wave, destroying death light, swallowing, hard support, charging Light beam, instant amnesia, blizzard, sandstorm, triple attack, rock avalanche, diving, wild swing]

[Carrying items: MEGA Evolution Stone X (Super Dream), MEGA Evolution Stone Y (Super Dream), Super Power Gem, Magic Slate]

[Potential: God]

MEGA Mewtwo Y is equivalent to a special attack and speed-enhanced version of Mewtwo.

All in all, still a mage.

"Evolve into X form! Super dream!"

Hearing Gu Yu's words, MEGA Chaomeng Y shook his head.

"The X form is biased towards melee combat, and the sudden change made me a little uncomfortable with the power of that form."

"I don't care if you want 1, you are also preparing for strength training."

"When your winter vacation is over, I guess I will be able to completely control the power of the X-form, and I will show it to you at that time."

Mewtwo X is a super power system plus a fighting system.

MEGA Mewtwo X is like a combination of warriors and mages.

Super strong physical attack coupled with good special attack.

As far as combat is concerned, MEGA Mewtwo is the more terrifying elf to some extent.

But reality is not a game after all.

Mewtwo is more accustomed to the original form and fighting style.

It does not mean that it can be changed immediately after evolution, and it is perfectly controlled to fight in this form.

Hearing Chaomeng's words, Gu Yu nodded.

"Then I'll wait and see your X form! Super dream!"

After finishing the conversation with Chaomeng, Gu Yu immediately began to prepare breakfast for the elves, while he simply ate a bowl of wontons.

Finally, put the pieces of Lie Kongzai, the pieces of Sidoran and other props into the backpack.

After waving goodbye to Mewtwo, Little Lugia, and Gengar.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao boarded the plane to Yanjing.

Gu Yu didn't find out until the plane landed.

The Ye family's welcome array is so big!

It was so big that even Ye Mengyao was a little confused.

He stared at Gu Yu for a long time, and then said with emotion: "Gu Yu, you are really majestic now! With this posture, I don't know which country's champion is visiting!".

Chapter 310 The shock of Ye Laotianwang!A nationwide welcome ceremony!

Yanjing Airport.

In order to welcome Gu Yu's arrival, the Ye family also took great pains.

The original airport advertising space has been replaced by a video of Gu Yu fighting.

In the qualifiers, Zeraora vs. Bangira, MEGA Bangira defeated Boscodora, and the wind speed dog vs. the emperor ~ Nabo

In front of the VIP channel at the airport.

Dozens of fire-breathing dragons are already standing.

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