This is definitely an impulsive day. If you don’t experience it yourself, you can’t think of the enthusiasm of Daewoo people anyway, whether it’s improving your own, growing your horizons, or just witnessing the top level of fighting and excitement. It is a great opportunity. Soon, the entire venue was packed, and the top four family members served as special guests, while thousands of small families were sitting down. The owner of Shangguan City, Qifeng, took his wife to a high position, and served as a judge with the vice president and ten senior teachers. This shows the importance of this fight.

The ten judges were solemn, cough, and so on. One of the judges even wore the robes of the water lotus, and the eyes were half-squatting. It seemed to be too lazy to sleep, but it was too lazy, but the other judges turned a blind eye.

"Ha..." This yawned.

Look again, this guy is not a departure and who is, can not think of his supernatural powers, actually mixed the identity of a judge. So what is his purpose?

"Ah, I have to see you again. I don't know if you will win, can you take the opportunity to touch your little hand?" There is no such thing as a teacher should have.

However, his blue silk waterfall is scattered on the clothes, lazy look, charming look, no matter what kind of movements are charming men, although the heart is thinking of something that is not shameful, but it is glamorous.

"Look at you, the judge is so beautiful!" A young girl burned red to her companion.

"Yeah, yeah..." Another girl has been fascinated.

At this time, the magnetic creatures that are closer to the environment, in the state of semi-vertigo, can be seen in this glamour.

Moving away from the distance, I have to sigh the scene of the Dongshu Academy, a million-something audience, which is hard to imagine, and it’s a sea of ​​people! In addition, we must also feel that the development of Daewoo's magical civilization is high. Don't say anything about the stadium that is hanging in the venue. It is just a huge screen that plays a wonderful hit, and the viewers can choose the screen of the platform to explain. This is not a big deal. The insiders will see that those battle stations, those audience seats, do not depict the law, do not have a strong defense, the key moments, of course, can stop the battle, prevent both losses, the audience has The banned device prevents malicious confusion and so on.

In the competition room, 30,000 students were dressed in costumes and warmed up to play.

They are all young people, the heat of the group, the war of the child, it is extremely strong!

"Sister, sister!" Yan Hui ran over his brother's hand, and disappeared for a month. The little guy's eyes were brighter.

Qin Xingluo and Yaohong also came over, and Qin Xingluo’s eyes were more determined.

The beautiful men gathered around the stars to form a beautiful woman, and Lu Yiqian was particularly eye-catching.

Lu Yiqian wore a neat set of black warrior suits, waisted and legged, slim and graceful, and the long night-like soft hair was tied by the black dragon with black silk, big eyes, red lips and white face, dazzling, but better than From her appearance, her inner body has an indescribable temperament, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

The atmosphere of death is not exposed, the tall and handsome figure is wrapped in a black robe, and the right hand is holding a gorgeous sculpting knife filled with black lightning. He is invisible in the eyes of everyone, because he does not care about everyone, he only clearly shows in the eyes of the owner. You can do it yourself. If anyone wants to spy on his face, just look at his hand outside his black robe and he will be deeply fascinated by it! With such a pair of hands, his face is definitely a lifelong imagination, and it can't be reached! At this moment, he is watching the master insanely. It seems that he has not seen enough. He has to look at it for a thousand years, 10,000 years, for a lifetime.

A long hair made of flowers and plants, it seems that the fairy in the forest, a pair of bright moon-like eyes, that is, passionate and ruthless, perfect and fascinating face, perfect body, he is a masterpiece of creation. At this time, he was squatting, his head resting on Lu’s legs. He didn't have any interest in the game. If he took the abilities of these people and killed the audience, he might be interested.

There is a soft smile in the eyes of Wei Mo Peach, and he is the two souls, or like spring, or as summer, or gentle, or public. At this moment, he stood quietly, like a blue lake, and unexpectedly calmed down.

Qin Xingluo leaned against the wall, and the exquisite military uniforms set him up with extravagance and spirit. His eyes followed Lu Yiqian, and his opposite side stood Yan Fei, and he stood under the demon red.

This is a group of men with different temperament and different atmospheres. Anyone who is will attract people's attention. Nowadays, the eyeball attraction is not strong!

At this moment, above the height of 10,000 meters, Qinglong stood quietly, watching the bottom, the blue hair fluttering, the star-like beauty was calm and waveless, he seemed to dream, and it seemed to be illusory, but anyone who saw him Will leave a deep impression, even if it converges all the pressure, he still has a very majestic atmosphere. That breath is like a natural awe of nature.

He just stood, but no one found it below.

"God Lord, why don't you go to see the master?" An old man squatted respectfully, behind the old man, screaming at countless masters, every momentum is quite amazing!

"Oh." Qinglong said faintly: "You don't understand."

"Yes." The old man respectfully said that he did not understand the thoughts of the Lord God.

"Follow the plan, I am here to see."


The breeze passed by, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be a blue figure of independence.

"Everyone is working hard to win the game and win the championship!" Lu Yiqian said with a fist and said that he would look out and see what effect it can cause.

Master, you can be willing to point out... Qinglong picked up her black hair in the morning and said in her ear.

"Hey, color girl, I will not be merciful!" Qin Xingluo cold and cold, very proud look.

Lu Yiqian walked over and took a shot of Qin Xingluo's shoulder: "It's okay, try your best."

Qin Xingluo twisted his head to one side: "Hey." The face is red.

"I will definitely lose." Yan Hui twisted his fingers, although his talent is extremely high, but after all, it is nine, and Lu Yiqian and other metamorphosis, can not be compared.

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