The sky is full of self-defense, steady and very good, it is a trick of lore attack, but also different peaks.

The snake shadow will be played on the sky!

Qiu Helan was a hi, did not expect the other party to be so easy to recruit, but could not help but despise, and everything dared to go to the table.

Once again, the knives are raised, and a giant cockroach stands upright, and the mouth is smashed into the sky. The sharp teeth will bite the wreckage around the snake shadow!

Qiu Herlan is very particular about this trick. The giant python is a phantom, but it also has the real effect of a positive attack. If the blow is not in the middle, the blade that comes immediately will definitely take life!

However, her back hand is obviously superfluous, because whether it is the afterimage or the snake shadow, it has actually attacked the wreckage. Generally speaking, he is now very poisonous!

Qiu Helan couldn't help but sneer: "Things like this, dare to challenge this lady? I will send a good heart, send your slaves to the West!" The figure moves obliquely and cuts off.

"It really disappoints me!" But I saw a white, bright hand in the snake shadow. When I pinched it, I pinched the phantom into a fragment, gracefully lifted my foot and kicked the belly of Qiu Helan. In the meantime, they will fly 20 feet away. "What, I dare to put on the table!" Goodbye, he is long and standing, and there is a little bit of injury and poisoning.

The people of the Qiuhe family all had their eyes wide open, and the light in the eyes of Qiu He Ning became more and more prosperous.

Lu Yiqian was extremely helpless: "All said to be light, you see, a good prostitute, let you fly."

Tian Zai is very wronged: "I have been very restrained."

Lu Yi felt that such a ruin was so cute that he couldn’t help but touch his head: "Hey."

I am afraid that the Liangzi of the Qiuhe family is completely closed, but now in the college, they are not afraid of their troubles. As long as it is not Qiu He’s nesting, she can still enjoy it. Besides, those masters may not be able to enter Dongdong College to find her trouble. In fact, she is just afraid of trouble!

Qiu He Ningbo looked at Lu Haoqian with a glare: "I can't think of the girl, you are hidden. Last time I actually looked away!"

Lu Yiqian knows that this Qiu He Ning is harder to deal with than Qiu He copper and Qilan. The hair is awkward and stinky and narcissistic: "Oh, don't dare, actually, I am so embarrassed!" For the savvy person, It is time to take out the attitude of the shrew.

Sure enough, Qiu He Ning really did not know how to talk.

However, Lu Yiqian spoke up: "The strong man, girl, I am now trapped in two eyes, I really want to sleep, can you make a way?"

That autumn, Hunning’s mouth was quietly pumping. Obviously, he was a young master for so many years, and no one had called him a “strong man”, but at this time, he really did not want to use any reason to leave her: “Girl please He gave up a road and even hanged a slight smile. He had to say that at this time, he really had the noble elegance of the family.

"Big brother, you can't let her go!" Qiu He copper did not expect it would be such an ending.

Qiu Hunning stared at Qiu He copper, and the inexplicable pressure made him unable to say anything extra.

Lu Hao swayed and swayed with death and heaven.

When the three figures disappeared, Qiu Jining’s face once again stayed on the iceberg-like chill, and the chill in the eyes was even worse than the face: “My identity is Qiu He, the master, not your big brother, from the palm of your hand. Hundreds, offending such a talent, so that I lost the opportunity to recruit, from the palm of my face five hundred." Indifferent voice from his mouth: "To be loud, not to finish, do not follow me "Looking at the direction of the fall of the autumn, Helan: "If you haven't died yet, give me up."

Qiu He copper did not dare to show his hatred. Although he had a raging anger, the Lord could have his life in one sentence. He did not dare to make jokes about his life, but he could turn all these hates to Lu Yiqian. !

"Hey!" One after another, slap in the night, it was very clear in the night. With the slap in the face, a girl climbed up in a wolf, with incomparable humiliation and resentment in her eyes, and a snake.

Lu Hao went to the museum to study madly in a thousand days, like a sponge, absorbing all kinds of knowledge, one day, two days, three days... In the state of not listening to the window, one month passed quickly, after a During the training of the month, Dongshu Academy ushered in the competition day of the elite students. On this day, the students will have to make great efforts, climb through the layers and climb to the top to establish their position in Dongshu College!

Challenge others, accept challenges, win honors, and win privilege!

This will be a battle for thousands of people, it is vital!

The four major families will certainly not miss this opportunity, and other colleges are also full of horsepower!

Even if it is not a victory, facing the challenges of various students, it is an excellent learning opportunity!

A burst of fireworks burst into the sky, the college's million people challenge, finally arrived!

Different from the previous doorstep of Dongshu College, it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to enter. It is specially invited by all the famous people from Wanguan to participate in the challenge. It is also extremely important for Chengda in the future!

Paying attention to strength and attaching importance to talents has become a tradition in Daewoo!

Daewoo Heavy Weapons, the fighting competition has strict specifications.

On the first day, there were five hundred competition tables on the field, with an average of three hundred battles per platform. On the second day, there were three hundred tables, each with an average of 250 games, the third day with 50 tables, each table with an average of 75 games... and so on, until the seventh day. The strongest ten!

This is the best platform for students to examine, not only strength, but also luck!

The winner will undoubtedly lay a role in the college, and can also be affirmed by the major forces. Of course, it is extremely beneficial for his future!

This is one of the important reasons why everyone came to the college to study!

However, in order to be fair, the college will try to stagger the battle between high-level students and low-level students. The battles of high-income and high-skilled people, such as the five hundred platforms, the four major families, the few masters have little chance to meet, and the superior **** and the lower gods The same downfall will not occur. The lower level gods are against the lower level gods, the intermediate gods are against the intermediate gods, the superior gods are superior to the superior gods, and the same type of middle and high talents are not allowed to fight. This directly retains the high-level talents of the high-level students into the next battle, making the battle more exciting. In this way, the day of the duel on the last day will definitely be the final matchup of the high-level talent in the college!

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