"It doesn't matter." Lu Yiqian touched Yan Hui's head: "It doesn't matter if a battle loses. We win the future life. Xiaohui will definitely become a very powerful person!"

The little guy's eyes suddenly crystallized: "Well!"

I don't know if the little guy's smile is too shiny, or because Lu Yiqian is so perfect, there is a sneer in the crowd: "A bunch of embroidered pillows!"

It is a superior god, with several companions, and provokes.

Lu Hao took a look at Qiu He copper, which was indented into the crowd, and his eyes were cold.

"Xietai, people are weak and strong, and they know at a meeting that what do you mean by screaming here?" But seeing a group of people out of the crowd, talking about a gentle young man who looks good and harmless. It is the person who saw the day of the entrance examination (forgot to see the sixth chapter of this volume). The second level of the superior god, followed by seven people, are the first order of the superior god.

Such a high-level team is not common among the students of the Dongshu Academy. The provocative person screams coldly and dare not say anything more.

The young man turned his head and looked at Lu Qianqian. After a slight smile, he led the seven people to leave.

Lu Yi’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart gave birth to a strange feeling.

"Bump!" Two sound salutes were uploaded from the stadium. The host's heated voice came out from the sound reinforcement equipment: "The 50-year internal student competition of Dongshu College is about to begin. Please pay attention to the number in your hands and play in order!"

Five hundred doors are opened in the competition room, and each door is compared to a competition table.

The high wall on the door shows a large screen that will feed back the situation on the court.

Lu Yiqian looked at his own number, the 50th, the third round.

Yan Fei and Tian Ren played in the first round, Yan Fei was the 35th, and the day was the 132nd.

Yan Fei’s opponent is also a subordinate god. Although the strength of the two is comparable, Yan Fei is obviously more agile. His release of the Eudemons Preda, spit out a piece of ice to seal the other’s road, and he set traps again and again. Let the other party's specialties suffocate the dead, this play is not sinister and despicable, not a few minutes, the man lost!

It’s totally unexpected!

Look at the day of the wreckage, the second step of the next level of God, Lu Yiqian caress his forehead, the mind platform exchanges: "You are a little bit, don't ruin people."

Hey, sometimes, it’s a very annoying thing to collect a powerful subordinate.

Tian Zai returned with an extremely dazzling smile: "Hey, he is so bad, I have no interest in taking his abilities."

Said, he squatted on the stage.

The lower-level **** is still very happy, because it is only from the face of the face, the person opposite is really careless. The person who is so lightly opposed to the battle is of course a good thing in his opinion. He just has a look, he thinks. He summoned a 45-star rhinoceros-like eudemon, with a triumphant smile on his lips, and the two sides smashed, hitting the past with the huge body shape of the Eudemons, and the other party will lose!

He has already made plans to crash the sky, he thought, he will certainly win a full house!

He did not notice the movement of the day... that slight glimpse.

He had already attacked and did not feel anything wrong, until the water rippled on the stage, strangely entangled his feet, and swayed, and he dropped him on the stage.

He and the audience have not understood what happened!

Everyone only knows that he has lost, and he has no reason to lose.

When the audience was cold, I quickly set off a frenzy. People began to play back and wanted to see what happened. What can be seen is that the poor lower **** was left behind the platform, silently...

People couldn’t help but cheer up, and they cheered and shouted in general.

However, Tian Zhan did not look at anyone at all, and walked coldly.

However, his attitude has aroused people's voices, especially the screams of girls.

"This class is really high." Qi Feng is a big man, but he can be a master of Guancheng. How do you say that there are several brushes, a pair of eagle-eyed sharp eyes, staring at the back of Tian Zong. He is the master of the king of the gods, but he has just had the hand of the day, but he can't even see the door.

The vice president pushed the glasses and said: "There are a few talents that are too high, but that person is not one of them."

"How is it possible? Who can escape the talent test of the wisdom ball?" Qi Feng said.

"This person is personally recommended by the Dean. What do you say to the city owner?" The deputy dean squad kicked the ball.

"The dean... can't control it, the adult can often be unexpected." The odds nodded. If the adult decided, there would be nothing like this horrible strength.

The deputy dean smiled and looked like a wave of light: "In fact, the dean planned to sponsor three people."

Oddly opened his mouth, what kind of genius is it, in order to get the recommendation of the dean, as to why only one place was used in the end, and the other two are who, this problem is like a kitten in his heart, however, He looked at the sly man around him, and that person would definitely hang his appetite, and then he wouldn’t say it.

The vice president saw him endure hardship and joked: "It's getting smarter."

The odd seal was scorned with contempt.

The vice president did not take it seriously, saying: "And not to mention this, one of the 30,000 students may have shattered 20,000 smart crystal balls."

Qi Feng’s eyes widened, and an ostrich egg could be stuffed in the big mouth. The ridiculous look made him look completely without the majesty of the master of a city. It was a bit funny: “Shock... shatter... I Mom, my mom, that stuff... are you kidding?!" The lord of the city, who was too shocked to believe, was glaring at the vice president.

The vice president leaned back gracefully: "I also hope that I am mistaken."

Qi Feng almost roared: "Then you announced that the crystal ball is broken?"

The deputy dean did not agree: "Only you believe this explanation." Or, in the subconscious, everyone believes this explanation, because no one ever thought that someone would break a solid crystal ball, let alone Yes... even if he is, he still can't believe it, but the truth is in front of him.

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