The power of magic, filled with the universe, is divided into five elements, the golden wood and the fire, the legendary magic power is created by the Creator, Lu Yiqian does not agree, because the Creator has died, and the magic power is still flowing in the universe. At the office. There are five kinds of attributes of Jinmushuihuo, which are mutually beneficial and change with tens of millions. The soil is thick and moral, the soil is wood, the wood is burned, the fire is destroyed, the fire is extinguished, the water is used to extinguish the fire, the soil is watered, the water is raised with wood... Thick soil, wood spirit, fire madness, water softness, gold profit, and each character. Lu Hao looked at the side of the side, and did not delay. In the first place, the green color of the seat was thick, and the flames were raging, and the water was so screaming... Frost, lightning, and purple thunder appeared. If the enchantment of death is not strong enough, the museum has not been demolished.

When I study hard, time passes fast, and in a few months, I have already hanged.

In addition to learning these basic knowledge, Lu Yiqian had to learn "Wan ****" and shocked the world, it was out of the museum and went to the bedroom.

It must be said that although the Dongshu Academy is not small, it is not particularly large. Sometimes, the so-called accidental encounter, the probability is still very large.

The three men rushed, but there was also a pair of people walking under the moonlight, and unexpectedly, it was so simple.

"It's your slut!" There was a gnashing voice from a team of people across the street.

Lu Hao smashed his ears: "Oh, Mr. Pig Dog."

There are twenty people on the other side. The leader is Qiu Jining. His face is cold and arrogant. Qiu Hering is standing next to a slender girl. His eyes are wide and his eyes are proud. He speaks Qiu He copper and can’t think of his three-legged cat. I also entered the college. I think there is one of the top 100 places in the five major families. The masters I saw during the last encounter were not guarded by him, but there was still a breath in the crowd that could not be ignored. Lu Yiqian picked up his eyebrows. The team of 20 people is indeed a little less for a family.

No need to disguise!

"Bronze brother, is she breaking your sword?" the girl asked aggressively.

Qiu He copper hates: "It is this monk!"

"Hey!" A loud slap came, and Qiu Helan’s eyes didn’t seem to move: “It’s really a shame to be defeated by a sanctuary!”

Qiu He copper did not dare to refute, only stared at Lu Yuqian more fiercely. Qiu Helan is a superior god, the genius character in the family after Qiu Jining, and his status is very different, he is not afraid to be angry. However, this time I will see this little monk, he will never let her be better. Qiu Helan is proud of Qiu He's family. Even if he is not for him, just because she broke the weapon of Qiu He's children, it is enough to cause her to kill. This little monk is dead!

However, Lu Yiqian apparently did not have the interest to watch their Qiu He family's management of their own children, and they were going to walk sideways.

Qiu Helan snorted and stopped Lu Yiqian: "The people who moved my Qiuhe family still want to go?"

Lu Yuqian’s mouth twitched and said: “What do you want?”

Qiu Helan said: "Leave you an arm, and give me a confession of Qiu Hejia, and I will spare you!"

Lu Yiqian rolled his eyes and said: "Actually, sometimes I really think that the people in your Qiuhe family are like flies, oh, oh, so hate!"

That autumn Helan had been subjected to this kind of insult. Although she did not know what the fly was, it was definitely not a good thing. She said coldly: "Look for death!"

Lu Haoqian giggled, the night increased her enchanting arrogance, and the eyes of the pair were more like deep pools.

"A small superior god, dare to yell out?!" Lu Hao thousand breath suddenly changed, even inexplicable makes people feel cold and pressing.

Qiu Jining’s eyes, which have been cold and decisive, and unconcerned, have been slammed open, and they have fixed their eyes on Lu’s face and put the leopard for prey.

It is a pity that Lu Yiqian may not be a prey. Maybe it is a hunter who hunts leopards!

Qiu Helan was stunned by the momentum of Lu Hao’s tens of thousands of sorrows. Even if she was ashamed and angry, she was a sacred god, and she was actually a shame!

The flash of killing in the eyes does not evade, who makes her ugly in front of her brother, who is going to kill her!

"Master." Tian Ren gracefully said: "This little character will be handed over to me."

Really, the owner was called a swearing by a person, making him very unhappy or not? I think that he is so devastated, the highest plane, how noble his master should be, these few unknown people, even dare to marry her, even dare to look at her face, really do not put him in the eyes (people Didn't put him in the eye?)

Tianshou's right eye is covered with a gorgeous silver mask. In the moonlight, there is a shining brilliance. The left eye is like a bright moon. No, even more pure than the moon. There is a tear in the eyes, but it is dotted with a different charm. Under the moonlight, this young boy is like a fairy, charming like a ghost!

Qiu Herlan looked at it for a while, but she soon woke up, her heart was already lost on another person, even though the young girl was beautiful, because she was the servant of the woman, she would kill him!

"Slightly, don't kill people!" Lu Yiqian could not help but remind.

The sorrowful secret smiles and restores the first-time magic charm. He reveals a cruel smile: "Reassure the master, I will take it lightly."

At this moment, Qiu Helan is still patient, and has long drawn a snake-shaped knife, radiating a faint luster, seems to carry a certain toxin. I really didn't think that this woman's knife turned out to be like this. Qiuhe's family weights, the instrument has spirituality, and the shape is like a human heart. Is it because her heart is so poisonous as a snake? Is this shape like this?

"Today, you can die under my snake knife, it is your blessing!" Qiu Helan said.

Known as Qiu He's genius, she certainly won't be like a straw bag like Qiu He Copper! This snake knife is also very extraordinary. It was originally an artifact. It was accompanied by toxins during the attack. It can double the attack power. It feeds blood all the year round. The knife and the person have long been connected with each other. The heart is pointing, the knife is in the direction, the power is extremely Big!

Qiu Herlan jumped forward, like a swallow, flying down the road, slashing his knife, and a snake shadow screamed and smashed into the sky.

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