Behind him, the clouds make up a huge face! That face exudes great pressure!

First, the clouds, and then the big faces of the clouds, people think of miracles, and bow down one by one.

More than a hundred six-winged angels were destroyed, and the light **** came to the pope personally.

"Bold mortal, let go of the man, thank you for your sin, I will forgive you, let your soul be accepted by heaven!" The clouds are one by one, and the huge Hongzhong-like voice is blowing.

Lu Yiqian swept the demon red, and then did not want to, even the light gods are interested in him.

The demon red head is deeply lowered, she will definitely give up on him, who will betray God for him...

He even has to break away from the help of the ink.

"Trust her, she won't give up on you." Wei Mo smiled and said, reproduce and help the demon.

Demon Red does not believe that he has been abandoned too many times, it is hard to believe people...

The light **** god descends, the strength is the third level of the superior god, and the whole level is two orders higher than the kitten and Jun Zun. He deliberately distributes the pressure, and the ordinary people have already passed out. Within a few tens of miles, only Lu Yiqian, Death, Wei Ink, demon red four people stand.

Although the **** of death did not give any breath, but stood around him, but Hao was not affected by the pressure.

"My soul? Sorry, its attribution is not in heaven." Lu Yiqian coldly said: "As for this man, I want it, you can stand by the wash!" Heaven? She is not interested!

The light **** heard this, and the anger on the giant face of the cloud flashed away. For so many years, he has not heard anyone who dares to talk to him like this: "You are looking for death!" The giant mouth is pregnant with a light, implied with a strong and powerful atmosphere. This trick is enough to kill the superiors of the superior god.

The strength gap is sensible, and this is not a problem that can be solved with tactics.

Just like a big man, how stupid he is, it is extremely easy to kill a smart baby.

The light beam is excited and directed straight down.

Black and red hair flies, black and red eyes burn the war!

殇 flashed, blocking the thunder!

The excitement of encountering a strong enemy is radiated from him, and the devil's breath lingers around the body!

When he practiced the sword in the hotel, he perceives the breath of the light **** and flies quickly, just blocking the blow!

Excited, very excited!

I am cold and sly, this shows his state of the enemy, when it is strong, it is strong, killing the world!

Guangming God did not expect to encounter such a strong person in this world. The magic dance continent was sealed. His true body could not go. He had to descend to the Pope, but this greatly hindered his strength. God descended. The superior **** is three levels.

But this sudden demon... he has a glimpse!

He has been planning for so many years, and he can never lose it!

Just thinking, the sword of the dragon will arrive. He jumped into the sky, and the sword was chilly and slashed.

In his heart, there is no light god, only the enemy and defeat the enemy!

The rumble, the clouds are surging, the face is chaotic, scattered...

When the light was bright, the pope fell to the ground, and the light **** left his body, and he could no longer support it.

After all, it is God's fall, and energy is simply unstable.

Lu Haoqian supported his chin and finally came. Only one bright **** is so bad to deal with, let alone those hidden enemies.

Although it has not been exposed because the magic dance continent has been sealed, what day is it that the magic dance mainland has been unsealed?

This is a question worth pondering.

"You come with me soon." A cry shouted to interrupt her contemplation.

But see the night wind opening the lid of the sewer and waving to them: "You come with me."

Yes, now it’s important to escape from Qi State. The light **** does not know what to do, she does not want to stand and beat.

Lu Yiqian followed up. Death, he did not say a word to keep up, Wei Mo helped the demon red to follow.

There are many Masters in Qi State, and there are many urban buildings. The underground waterways are criss-crossed.

"When you are a good King, how do you know how to drill a waterway?" Lu Yiqian was curious.

The evening winds in the footsteps: "I grew up in the folks."

After seven bends and eight rounds, I walked for several hours. The evening wind opened a cover and said: "The front is the branch of the Silver and Blue Army. I have already prepared a membership for you. There will be an **** mission tomorrow. You will be with me. Let's go out of the country."

When going up, Lu Yiqian took off his mask, and the stunning face suddenly burned the eyes of the evening wind.

Tsing Yi models, black hair fluttering, eye-catching, 潋滟 containing waves, Long Zhang Fengzi, look good.

"You will wait for me again." After Lu Yuqian finished, he took off his Tsing Yi gown, took a piece of royal blue soft armor from the space bracelet, and put it in the back of the magical sword. Both pieces of equipment were adjusted to change their breath. In general equipment. At the time of the encounter, Lu Yiqian changed from a wooden girl wearing a pair of glasses to a perfect body with a hot body and dare to charge.

The evening breeze and Wei Mo Qiqi red face, the snow under the Tsing Yi, although only a little revealing, but also enough shocking.

Lu Yiqian has her intentions to dress up at this moment. The light **** is afraid that she has recorded the illusion of her tolerance. She is now changing back to the true content, but it is a cover. As for the sorrow and the **** of death, their cohesiveness is incomparably strong. Anyone who sees them is a normal person who can't be ordinary without a magical force.

It is difficult to do the Wei Mo and the demon red. It is certain that the Qi State military must now paste the portraits around to capture them.

Kittens, Junzun, and Hongjin can hide into the space of the Eudemons, so don't worry.

"I am coming out tonight." Wei Mo seems to know what Lu Yiqian is worried about. He is simple, but he is not stupid.

Then, only the demon is red.

His face is so impressed that it is difficult to forget.

"Would you like to be easy?" Lu Yiqian asked: "How is the appearance of a woman temporarily?"

Lu Yuqian’s eyes are too beautiful. When he looks at the demon, he feels dirty. He bowed his head: "You are free."

Lu Yiqian took a woman's mask from the storage bag and took out a woman's clothes. These masks, clothes, and anything, she is ready, ready to use.

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