How can Lu Yiqian let him talk, and it is a sword!

It’s not a waste of effort to fight against each other every day. Lu’s combat experience is not generally rich. And the octagonal angels fought very little, and the experience was so inadequate that they could escape the attack.

Hundreds of six-winged angels saw the situation is not good, have smashed the light column!

These angels united to the deployment, quite like a person, and no one can match it. The light column was knocked down, almost blocking the retreat of Lu Yiqian. This is a poorly-recognized person who is not well-calculated. !

"You must not die!" Double as the moon looked at the battlefield far away, muttering.

Lu Yiqian controls his movements extremely accurately, shuttles through the light column, and moves the sword like a wind. Every move is blocked at the key, and the spell is thrown out at the right time, just blocking the attack.

Lu Qianqian's current strength, without the help of the power of the Eudemons, one person alone against the six-winged angel has no problem, can kill the general god-level powerhouse, join hands with the kitten Junzun, slaughter the Eight-winged Angel is no problem!

Bai once said that Chengshen is just the beginning. Yes, God also has three or six points. After becoming a god, you will find that there is God in God, the level restrictions are more strict, and the strength constraints are more powerful. .

God is divided into three levels: the lower god, the intermediate god, the superior god. Beyond the third level is the king of gods, the gods, the gods, too far away, for the time being.

Each level is divided into three orders: first order, second order, third order.

The same as the lower level god, the second level of the lower level is much stronger than the first level of the lower level, and it can be regarded as a pressure.

Since the magic dance mainland was sealed, even if few people can become gods, but because of the innate conditions of the day after tomorrow, the quality of the god-level powerhouse is much worse than that of the big magical era, almost all of them are in the lower class. Order.

As for the Eudemons Warcraft grading, it is one to ten stars, ten to thirty stars at the land level, thirty to seventy stars at the heaven level, seventy stars or more above the beast, one hundred stars and the beast can speak, and five hundred stars can be transformed. Human form.

Warcraft Eudemons and human strength comparison: Seventy stars is equivalent to the lower level of God, one hundred stars is equivalent to the second level of the lower level, and so on, every one hundred stars up one step. The lower-level gods are three-order two-hundred-star, the intermediate-level **** is one-order three-hundred-star, two-order four-hundred-star... The third-order **** is equal to eight hundred stars.

The kitten and the Junzun are all six hundred stars, located in the first level of the gods, the death of the two of the four thousand and four thousand Junzun, but also in the second-order third-order third-order, seventy-seven beasts and the death of the beasts of the beasts, then In the lower level of the second order of the gods, and the hundreds of kings of the death of the Eudemons, are in the first level of the lower level of God. Elf King Hughes is the second-order god, and Milofu is the first-order god...

Lu Qianqian’s strength is amazing, but it’s also something that she can’t reveal at this stage. It’s not that she is afraid of the secular power on the magical dance continent. Now she is only with the thirty-star land recovered in the fairy forest. Level Eudemons can sweep every country.

She cares about the enemy that Bai said...

The true strength of Bai is unknown. It seals the power of nine tenths of white. Bai can still maintain seven hundred stars. If he unlocks his power...Advance six times and add contract, the white star may reach a horrible To the point, but, after all, he hasn’t recovered his strength yet... even if he finds his strength, he can think of how the enemy who can capture him will be able to capture the facts of the Qinglong...

As for the death, his strength, I am afraid he only knows.

But this does not make Lu Yiqian take it lightly. There are people outside, there are days outside the sky, and departure and envy are good examples.

There is another reason, that is, she does not want people to discover the strangeness of her body: the infinite contractual power of the contractual instrument, the power of the world, the source of one hundred magical powers, and the fire of creation. In the same way, every kind of turbulence that will be caused by people will be unpredictable... And the benefits of these four great things are attributed to her Lu Yi, one person, she is frustrated and stupid, and it is no coincidence that it is known...

Bai Hujun, white... The burden is a bit heavy, but she can still resist it.

The six-winged angel is equivalent to the third-order strength of the lower-level god, and the eight-winged angel is equivalent to the second-order strength of the intermediate god.

The strength of Lu Yi’s seven-level law guide can counter the intermediate level of the gods, borrowing the strength of the kitten, and sweeping the eight-winged angel.

She is overestimating the strength of the other side, and will use both the kitten and the handsome. In fact, it is a casual one among the kitten and the handsome, and it is enough to sweep the audience. It’s much more to fight with, and I haven’t reacted yet.

From the high-altitude leaping, Lu Qian thousand green Jianfeng inserted into the ground.

A trick to stop the cloud, with itself as the center point, the storm within ten meters scattered, the birds in the sky, become the target of attack.

After the storm, more than a hundred pterosaurs fell from the sky, their wings dispersed, and they returned to the average person. The angelic soul that God descended was preparing to escape, but was pinched by the **** of death.

Death is dissatisfied: "The color is too bad."

Having said that, Death is still swallowing those soul **** in the principle of not wasting food.

The remaining octagonal angel almost straightened his eyes, and death was not terrible. The terrible thing was that the soul disappeared. As angels, they understand the importance of the soul. Seeing that the companion soul was swallowed, how could he not believe that this world still has such a terrible existence? !

We must know that the energy contained in the soul is extremely powerful, and the potential of the soul is infinite, but its stability density is extremely high and extremely difficult to use. His master Guangming God only absorbs the fur and stands in the position of the king of God. This person... ...swallow the soul!

Be sure to tell this to the bright gods!

However, he has not yet stepped forward, a slender, well-defined, even beautiful hand into his body, his consciousness suddenly went away...

The **** of death took out the soul of the octagonal angel, looked at it, and said: "The quality is bad."

The demon red eyes straightened and saved him. What are the people?

At this moment, the sky clouds frantically rolled, and the air was dignified.

Lu Yi thousand and one, come!

The Pope of the Temple of Light came over in red. He was about forty years old, of medium build, and his face had a majestic look.

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