The cool, soft fingers stroking the face with an indescribable touch.

After a while, a woman with a big eyebrow and a big eye, and a woman with a seductive charm appeared in front of the crowd. The slightest deficiency was that the woman was somewhat tall.

The evening wind did not intend to scan the demon red, only the soul trembled, and quickly turned around.

Even if it is easy to change, the madness of the demon red face is not reduced, especially when it is made into a woman, and the man is more lethal.

After the completion of the management, Lu Haoqian was led by the evening wind into the Silver Blue Army. Nothing would happen. Their identity changed immediately and became a senior member of Silver Blue.

On the battlefield before the moment, on the battlefield of the thundering gods, thanks to the first battle of the gods and the gods, the auction venue was razed to the ground ten times, and the bright pope lay weakly on the ground, twenty years old. The **** of light is falling, and his first level of God is unbearable.

The double is slowly coming, and his mouth is smiling. The whole person feels sacred and light, and he is worthy of being the son of light.

White-haired black hair, holding a scepter, looks handsome and extraordinary, amazing.

The bright pope saw him smile weakly: "You come just right, help me up."

Double as the moon, he cultivates the best son of light, and will be the best pope in the future.

Looking down, looking down, the double-eyed mouth contains the sacred smile, saying: "Oh, you are really embarrassed."

The gods of the gods descended, and the elders of the elders could not follow. Only the doubles who reached the **** level could stand far away.

The pope's face is cold: "What do you mean?"

Double as the month still smiled: "You may not know, I have been always, I hate you very much, hate the Temple of Light."

The Pope seems to be unable to believe that the double will say such a thing, his eyes are almost straightforward. For a while, he asks: "Why?" He gave him everything he expected, status, rights, money, women, any man. What he dreamed of, he actually said, disgusted? !

"Why?" Double-like wrinkled good-looking brows, thinking about it, seems to remember what it looks like: "Oh, yes, do you remember the little girl named Yingzi?"

The pope is a little annoyed, today's double is like a month, too abnormal, Yingzi, who remembers what Yingzi... Is it her?

Vaguely remember, it is a very beautiful little girl, 13 years old, maybe 14 years old, the purity of the soul is extremely high, it is the sacrifice that the **** of the gods needs... The little girl can't escape a dead, but before she died At least let yourself be happy for a few months, the dirty body, always have some usefulness...

"You don't know, she... is my sister?" Double is still laughing, he is used to hiding all the intense emotions with this false smile.

"Your sister? No, no, that little girl... Yingzi, she didn't say she has a younger brother... Ah!" The Pope looked incredulously as he slid his scepter into his chest.

"The hand is a little heavy, sorry, but I think your dirty mouth doesn't deserve the name." Double smiles warmly, but the scepter continually pokes into the pope's chest, pokes and pokes. He never poked on the key, he made the other party very painful and not terrible.

"You..." What kind of character the pope is, even if he is now angry and wants to smash the doubles like a moon, but he is still patient, softly persuaded: "If you are a month, don't do stupid things, think about it, you There is still a good future. Do you want to ruin it? You killed me, and the Temple of Light will never let you go."

The double stopped the puncture and touched the chin: "It makes sense."

The Pope’s heart is happy, he can’t die.

Double as happy as the moon: "However, I killed you and let others know, isn't it all right?"

Double as the moon revolves around the Pope: "Where should I start? My sister had eaten so much bitterness, suffered so much pain, and smiled and told me that it hurts... Oh, I know." He took out one Pack the powder and pour it into the Pope's mouth: "It is said that after eating this thing, it will confuse the feeling of joy and pain. I will cut off your meat with a knife. You will be very happy. Look at your flesh and pieces out of the flesh. You I will be very excited, I am starting."

He took out a sharp knife and quickly cut off the pope.

The Pope looked at the action with horror and watched the meat leave his body, but could not suppress the joy, really really happy.

"Hey, why did you send someone to kill my parents to take me and my sister, just because they don't want to teach? Very good, you kill very well, kill them, they don't have to see me like this. I really hate the Temple of Light and hate everyone. You bully me, beat me, yell at me, why do you want to do this, is the Temple of Light not propagating kindness and friendship? I don’t understand why my sister refuses to call me. She, every time she came back from you, burst into tears, but told me that she didn't hurt. She obviously hurts. Why do she lie? Later, she went to you again and never came back... very good. My sister died well. When she died, she would not have to see what I am today."

The double cuts like a knife, and when he finishes, the pope is already left with a shelf, but he still has a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it’s too fast to start, you are all ugly." Double smiled like a month: "Are you very happy?"

The Pope’s consciousness is gradually blurred. Everything about rights, money, and women will leave him. He is not reconciled. He has not enjoyed enough. He still has ideals to realize. He wants to enter heaven and go to the bright gods. ... His remaining eyes, incomparable hatred, stare at the double like a month of resentment.

"Look at your eyes, it seems to be dissatisfied, then let you reach the climax." Double smiles like a month, the dagger slammed into the pope's heart deeply.

Never look at the broken body, double as the moon smiles at the blue sky: "It seems that I am still too soft, my sister, I am not a good boy."

"You are really not at all like this." I don't know when the dark son is standing in the distance: "All people love to compare us, and you really press me." The two men have been secretly competing and will not accept each other.

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