The old woman has not answered yet. Someone next to him advised: "You better not to do much, and those few people are not worthy of you!"

Lu Yiqian said coldly: "In this world, there are really few people I can't afford."

The old woman was a kind person. Although she saved her heart, she saw that she was a girl who wanted to help her. She suddenly shook her hand: "Girl, thank you for your kindness. If you go, it will hurt you."

Lu Yiqian looked directly at the old woman: "Tell me what happened."

There is a powerful force in her eyes that makes the old woman believe that this woman can save her daughter.

But she said that her daughter, who is 17 years old, looks very beautiful. It is also a flower in the town, but just now, her daughter was robbed by her five men and two women to the house next to her... the five men and two women I came to this town last year. Every once in a while, they will grab a girl-in-law, or a young man who is obscenity. It has already caused people to burn, and has repeatedly organized three-level and four-level warriors. But without exception, he returned. Helpless, their strength is too strong, even the six-level Master who was invited by the town to spend a lot of money was killed by them. People have to swallow their voices, and they are not allowed to run around their own niece... As for the house behind the old woman, it is a brothel, and it is also the place where the few people rest. The owner of this brothel is a greedy person who has forgotten the righteousness. In order to tie up the seven bad guys, he even gave his woman a house to play with, which is really ridiculous!

Lu Yiqian lined his chin, seven people, five men and two women... very good!

Xiao Zilong Jun Zun listened angrily: "It’s too hateful, it’s hateful!"

When people around him saw Jun Xiao’s young age but he was very ordinary and had an indescribable mysterious temperament, he was surprised to ask Lu Yiqian: “Is this your son?”

When Jun Zun was black, his face was black, and he was shocked by the people who asked the question: "I am her husband!"

Everyone is ashamed.

Jun Zun is trying to give some lesson to those who can't talk, but sees Lu Yiqian drop him up the stairs, he is in a hurry and rushes to keep up.

"Mom is going to fight, just bring me this thug." The kitten squinted and smashed into a seam.

Lu Yuqian's beasts and beasts, adhering to the character of their own masters, are all cute and have a black belly. The favorite is to play pigs and eat tigers.

Just went upstairs, Lu Yuqian heard the girl crying low voice, without saying anything, jumped up and kicked the door!

Five men and two women in the room were undressed. One of the men was moving on a delicate girl. The two men and two women were together fornication. The other two men waited at the side and the scene was unsightly.

These seven people are also acquaintances, enemies!

Lu Yiqian sneered and said: "It’s so good, wear clothes, be prepared to die."

The gods of the strong have the pride line of the gods, and these seven are the god-level powerhouses, but they are so arrogant that Lu Haoqian can't stand it!

Lu Yiqian kicked the door too much, and the people who came here enjoyed the chaos, and the brothel owner ran out in a hurry and shouted: "Who, is that not afraid of death?"

Zilong casually kicked a stone and straight into the head of the pig's head. This kind of person can only waste food when he is alive.

He followed up and jumped upstairs, looking at the ugly scene in front of him, and squinting his eyes: "Breaking the eyes, shameless, they are so small, I have long needles."

Seven people lost their ugliness, quickly put on their clothes, and yelled at Lu Yiqian: "Who are you? The group of pigs invited?"

When they saw each other, they were only a seven-level law guide. They thought that they were invited by the town to pay for it. They did not put her in the eye. Besides, they were interrupted on Xingtou and they were extremely annoyed.

Originally, they were sent to chase after Lu Yiqian, and they swallowed their stomachs. They wanted to destroy Anping Town, but they suddenly found out where they came from ten and a half gods. Their abilities were not lower than them, and they crouched down. Waiting for Lu Yiqian to come back and start again. There is no entertainment at all in the town, and the living conditions are not good. The seven people can't stand it, and they will do another evil thing.

When ten people like Tiemu saw them, they didn't kill them. They didn't care. They only followed Lu Yiqian in their hearts. As for the sorrows of others, they did not care.

Appropriate, there is a scene of Lu Yiqian kicking the door!

Cheng Peng looked up and down Lu Yiqian and smiled sullenly: "To disturb the good things of the uncle, you have to be aware..."

When he didn't finish his words, he felt that his body was cold, his blood was like a spring, and his body was divided into two halves. It was a fate!

The other six people were shocked, and they didn’t even see each other. And Lu Yiqian’s means even made them frightened. The companions who had known each other for more than a thousand years died in front of them. They decided not to accept it!

"You...who are you?" Cheng Fei asked Lu Yiqian.

The fire fox red jin jumped out of the arms of Lu Yiqian, and the six people and one corpse were straighter than a middle claw and arrogant.

"You, are you?" Six people can no longer believe.

Lu Yiqian madly smiled: "Yes, this feeling of enemies is in front of you?"

Cheng Feisen chilled his face, Cheng Peng was his younger brother, and saw that he was intercepted and killed in front of him. He was willing to be willing to be reconciled: "You are a curse, you dare to come back?!"

Lu Yiqian smiled and said: "What is your name, how can I take your life if I don't come back?"

"Just by you?" The six people stood at one speed: "A seven-level law guide wants to kill me six people, dreaming!"

Lu Yiqian coldly scorpion: "Do not dream, you will soon know that you have discovered my whereabouts, it is doomed to live!"

Six people can't wait to vomit a blood, this Lu Hao thousand really arrogant, not only arrogant, but also more arrogant, she obviously came to kill them, they said that they found her whereabouts, seeing her seems to be killing people. Oh, it’s too deceptive!

"Big brother, look at it, the fox is thirty-six stars!" Song Hong shouted.

When they first chased Lu Yi, they remembered clearly. At that time, what was the promotion speed of the Hong Jin 20 Star, so that a fire fox would rise 16 stars in just one year? Moreover, it seems to have a faint smell of sluts!

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