"It’s just a thirty-six-star fire fox. With this you can kill us?" Cheng Fei is in a state of turmoil. He wants to know what weapons he has just killed his brother in one fell swoop. As long as he holds the weapon, she will Don't think about killing them.

"You are so bold, do you not see the deity? If you don't squat, you dare to ignore me, you **** it!" Xiao Zilong Jun Zun was quite imposing and shouted to several people.

At that time, Lu Yiqian acted in a low-key manner, letting him accept the crown of the Ziyi Huafu fund early. Therefore, he looked like an eleven-year-old, fat and tender, big-eyed, cute and explosive image of a child.

If such a child also claims to be the deity, it can be regarded as combat power. There are only two explanations. First, the world is too funny. Second, the world is too crazy!

When Xiao Zilong saw them, they didn’t think so. They sneered: "It’s very good. The master taught me to be a low-key person."

Little fat hands raised and sent a small stone.

The stone, with the power of the Thunder, hit six people.

The six people were shocked and escaping, but the stone was faster and directly blew one of them.

Another god-level powerhouse is dead!

"Too dishes, at least 100,000 years ago, the god-level powerhouse, can hide my blow!" Jun Zun smiled: "I said to play, you should not be scared, in fact, I am not so old, I I am 1,500 years old this year."

The remaining five people didn't even have a sad heart. The moment the child fired the stone, the intimidation almost made them unable to breathe, too strong! Unexpectedly, Lu Yuqian got the horrible child from where.

There is only one thought in the mind of five people, fleeing and fleeing far!

"Mom, they have to run away." The kitten shook his tail: "Let them run?"

Lu Yiqian touched the head of the kitten: "Of course not, Comrade Lei Feng said that treating the bad guys is as cruel as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves." In the death of the god, she took the time to tell the story to the little guys, so who is Lei Feng? of course I know.

"Learn from Comrade Lei Feng!" The kitten jumped down and released the tail. The mother said that the person should be low-key, so it changed into an ordinary kitten, and the tail was so wrong. Two tails swayed, closing a small space, and after finishing, jumped back to Lu Qianqian's arms.

"Big...big brother, cat, can talk!" Song Hong swallowed and said hard. A cat, a talking cat, God, is it a beast? More than a hundred stars of the beast? This kind of thing can only be found in the legend!

Cheng Fei is very anxious now, extremely anxious, and the fear of death will hold him tight! The cat just swayed its tail and isolated their connection with the outside world. They couldn’t run away. They couldn’t even send out their knowledge. They were destined to die here sadly, even if they wanted to avenge them. To. What to do, how can we survive? He made a look at Song Hong.

"Can you let us go?" Song Hong immediately fell to the ground, tears and a stream: "We are wrong, we are really wrong, we no longer dare, I beg you, let us go... ..." Seeing Lu Yiqian is not moving, Song Hong crying with a tear in his tears is even sad, even the Song Guoguo Jun Song Huairen is a bad guy of the murder, if he does not force orders, they will not kill her.

The rest of the four people are sad and sad.

Lu Yiqian applause: "Wonderful and wonderful, hey, although you can definitely win the Oscar for Best Actor Award, but... I don't have to put myself in."

Lu Yiqian took the red brocade as a weapon and walked to five people.

"Lu Yiqian, do you really want to force us to come to a fish and die?" Cheng Fei said.

Lu Yiqian faintly said: "Don't panic, you can go together!"

The five people shouted and made the field come out.

Lu Yiqian shook his head: "It's too weak."

The red sword stabbed in a different place, she did not even use the shocking day to decide, just five strokes, then broke the five-person defense to kill five people!

These five deaths are not eye-catching, they can't think of it, they can't stop a five-level law-guided general five-way trick!

"Hey, is it really too weak? The magical power of the body has risen a little." Lu Yiqian sighed.

The red koi smashed the seven gods that were cut out by Lu Yiqian, rubbing them, and collecting them as toys.

The kitten withdrew the space blockade and pointed to the girl who passed out and asked, "What should she do?"

"Erase her, this is a bad memory." Lu Yi thousand sighed slightly, and left to leave. At this time, she thanked God so much that she met white, met these lovely beasts, and everything that happened, and what will happen in the future. She is calm in her heart and fearless about the future.

After this year, she really truly integrated into the world, this magical world!

Of course, that world will also be the rainbow in her memory!

To the east of the town, Lu Yiqian knocked on the door of the dark house of Si Kongyun.

"Nobody is at home, don't bother me!" Si Kongyun yelled.

Lu Yiqian touches his nose, and Si Kongyun is still as cute as ever. People are not at home. Who is talking?

"Oh, God, the sky actually fell a cat's eye!" Lu Haoqian took out the opal and threw it on the ground, shouting.

The door was opened immediately, and someone ran out at the speed of the sprint champion. The eyes determined that the cat's eye was there. First, step on it, then look around and look at the cat's eye.

Not only cute, but also greedy and cheap, Sikong Yun has not changed.

"Seeing the teacher does not go to the ceremony first, Xiao Yuner, you can really grow up." Lu Yiqian smiled.

Sikong Yun Qing Yaru's face is raging: "Husse, how can you be my teacher, my teacher is Lu Yiqian!" Looking up and down, Lu Yiqian, Si Kongyun rushed forward and hugged Lu Yuqian: "Teacher Yeah, I think you think so hard!"

A big head, before holding to Lu Yiqian, Hong Jin and the kitten jumped out, stunned and patted the small chest, so dangerous and dangerous, almost squeezed.

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