No matter how much, kick your feet!

The man seemed to have expected it. She pressed her foot one step at a time, and she was full of Lu Yiqian. The soft jade was warm and fragrant. It felt good.

Lu Yanqian’s eyes suddenly turned cold, and the dagger slammed on it.

Departing from her wrist, Sen Han’s dagger, only a millimeter from his chest, the greenery on the dagger, apparently quenched.

The departure was extremely fascinating and stunned, and smiled and smiled: "You are so heartbroken."

Lu Yiqian smiled coldly: "Are you coming to climb a bed? You can't see you so bold when you are white."

If the departure is injured, I will cry: "You know, I can't beat him."

Lu Yi is one thousand and one: "You are honest."

Departing and flattering: "The people are honest."

"What do you want to do at the end?" I always feel that this person is complicated and unpredictable, and he is very different.

"The long night is long, lonely, how do we both roll the sheets?"

Lu Yiqian: "Roll!" Never leave, she has to move the real thing.

The body was light, and he quickly got out of the country and left the fragrance. This man is undoubtedly extremely intelligent. He knows that the way to attack the heart is to ask the other party to fall a little bit, bit by bit, and slowly wrap it like silk.

It is a pity that Lu Hao did not have him in his heart.

He wants to attack the heart, maybe he will lose his heart...

Lu Yiqian sighed: "Well, I know you are there, come in."

Wei Mo wore a light-colored suit and shyly walked out from behind the porch. He did not speak, and his face was red: "A thousand..."

Wei Mo is 20 years old this year. The peach blossom eyes are sparkling, the red lips are white teeth, the face lines are more plump, and the black hair is falling off the waist. But how to see it, he is a fox-like body with a small white rabbit heart.

Lu Yiqian patted the bed board: "Come on." At least there is Wei Mo, the little purple dragon and the departure will not easily climb the bed.

When Wei Moton suddenly had his neck red, he walked over one step at a time, and both hands twitched with each other, his heartbeat was like a drum, and he was very fast.

Seeing that he was twisting and pinching, he did not take a few steps for a long time. Lu Yiqian finally couldn’t help himself. He took his hand and went to the bedside and pushed him inside: "Sleep."

"Sleep...sleeping?" Wei Molian swallowed a few mouthfuls of water and asked with a lovely look.

Lu Yiqian laughed and asked: "Are you not coming here for this?" Seeing Wei Mo is nervous, she is bad and tears her mouth, and her hand touches the cheek of the defending ink: "How smooth, how delicate, how beautiful a face, no sleep. Tomorrow, the skin should be dull, stained and dark circles under the eyes."

Wei Mo almost shamefully buried in the quilt: "A thousand, you really... think I look good?" In the past year, he was hit by white and had no confidence.

Lu Yanqian looked at him carefully, as if she hadn't seen him like this for a long time. The eyes are more beautiful, hooked up, the typical fox eyes, the curvature of the eyelashes is thick and curved, the nose is firm, and the lips are very beautiful, which is suitable for kissing. The body is slender and strong, and the skin is more delicate than the woman. At this time, he shyly bowed his head, not to have a style. "Well, you look good."

Wei Mozhen looked up and looked at Lu Yiqian wholeheartedly: "A thousand, you are so good."

"Amount..." Lu Yiqian patted him: "Let's sleep."

Wei Mo has not been able to calm down for a long time, and he is still a little confused. He came to the door of Lu Yiqian, and it was really a ghost. He wants to chat with her, although he doesn't know what to talk about, maybe he just wants to look at her and he is satisfied.

But, however, he is now lying with A Qian, which is really embarrassing. He did not dare to move too much, watching the sleeping girl, can not help but look more and more obsessed. It is such a lifetime to look at her, he is willing.

Being in a daze, Lu Yiqian’s uneasy little hand was pulled up, and his thigh was arrogantly placed on his waist. The fragrant smell suddenly lingered in the nose, and his body was stiff and stiff.

This feeling, really tormented people, the heat flow over a burst of pressure, blushing very much.

At the same time, his heart was filled with the desire of shame, eager to press the person in front of him, hug, kiss. He was shocked by his crazy thoughts.

Try to calm down, with a heart slamming and squinting.

It didn't take long for me to float in like a ghost, silently, and he looked at Lu Yu's eyes in a cold, silent way. He didn't know what he was thinking, not long after, and spooked out in a ghostly way...

This is really a lively night!

Early the next morning, Wei Mo squinted and opened his eyes. He felt that something was wrong. The legs were wet. His face was red, and he jumped up like a rabbit and ran straight back to his room. He did a good dream of shame yesterday...

Lu Hao opened his eyes and scratched his head.

If Blue is ready for food, help clean it up, and after breakfast, Lu Yiqian will be dragged into the enchantment to fight, and then let her out.

At nine in the morning, Lu Yiqian planned to meet with Si Kongyun. He moved his strange house and lived to the east of Anping Town.

In the year of Anping Town, the development was not generally fast, and it has been expanded several times on the original basis.

Lu Yi Qian has been able to go out, she does not want to let her live news so quickly.

Holding a kitten, red brocade, followed by Jun Zun, Lu Yiqian walked on the road very low-key.

"Mom, the world is really fun." The kitten said with a candied fruit.

"Cut, the deity seems to be just that." Jun Zun looked around and looked at the candied fruit while swearing.

The red brocade is full of fruit and despise: "Two caps."

The three beasts are talking about the excitement. I suddenly heard an old woman crying miserably: "My daughter, my poor daughter, who will save her..." While crying, she slammed her head, but the passing pedestrians continued. Shaking his head, they are all helpless.

Lu Yiqian brows slightly wrinkled, she is not a nosy person, but the old woman cried pitifully, she is somewhat soft.

She hurriedly walked over to pick up the old woman: "The old man, what happened?"

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