Ironwood is facing the window. He has just finished his business and is drinking a glass of red wine.

Junxiu's face has no expression, very calm, although after a day of intense work, his status is still very good. Half god, always stronger than humans!

The room is large, with nine clear men, sitting or lying, each with style.

The room was quiet.

"One year, there is no news of the owner in one year..." I don't know who sighed and broke the silence.

"I believe that the owner is still alive, maybe one day will come back." A man said firmly.

"Yes, she won't have anything to do," said another man.

Ten beautiful men, ten men who attended the cocktail party dance can evoke a woman's heart, but the person who cares about it is a person: Master, Lu Yiqian!

Ever since she saved them from innocent nightmares and humiliations and gave them a new life, they decided that they were masters! Even if their bodies are dirty, their souls belong to her!

In addition to operating a good store, their only hobby is to collect all the information about the owner, even if it is just a word. They learned that the owner had just started to be a ridiculous waste, a fool who was stunned by love. They believed that it was only the owner who was stupid. Their masters are definitely a man of great brilliance and brilliance. Her eyes and her strength prove this. The most exciting thing is that Lu Ningxiang was assassinated, and the masters arrived at the emperor to counterattack those things, which one did not call them passionate...

They are waiting, waiting for her return.

Lujia old house was cleaned up by them, planted with flowers and plants, very beautiful.

Here, the poor master ordered the order.

"I am back!" The house sent a very nice female voice.

The iron wood body was shaken, and the red wine glass in the hand fell to the ground.

The other nine men looked at each other and their eyes were unbelievable.

They did not hesitate any more, ran outside the door, and they were afraid that they would run too fast and lose their weight. Going to the door, the ten people sorted out the clothes and the hair, and then shivered and opened the door.

In the eye is a beautiful woman, her eyes are star-studded, black hair is like night, the skin is more lustrous than pearls, and her lips are red. Of course, compared to her beauty, her temperament is even more amazing. If she is a sheathed peerless sword, she is like an iceberg, she is also like a passionate volcano that has not yet erupted. Of course, she is still a charming fairy! She is dressed in a green dress, plain clothes, but she can't stop her beauty!

She holds a kitten in her arms, a red fox on her shoulder, a silver big dog on the left, and a cute, suspected dragon creature on the right.

A beautiful child wearing a purple crown is closely behind her. A black man with a breath of horror stands next to him, behind him, a beautiful man with a warm face and a charming man.

These four men, each one is a dragon and a phoenix, each one is extraordinary!

They stand with the owner, the picture is so harmonious, perfect match!

The ten men in the house have some sourness in their hearts. Compared with these four, they are nothing!

But, as long as the owner returns, no matter what, as long as the owner returns, everything is fine!

Tiemu squats: "Missy, welcome you back." He still remembers the words of his master, and she is often called Missy.

"Miss, welcome you back." The other nine beautiful men are unanimous.

Lu Yiqian smiled a little. She walked all the way and naturally heard a lot of things about Tiemu and others. She sincerely said to the ten people: "Thank you."

Ten people were flattered, but they were especially sweet, and the master did not forget them.

"Hey, Yan Fu is not shallow, let me also accept it." The same as the water snake, wrapped around, charming and seductive.

殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 , , , , , , 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇Fortunately, it is night, otherwise it will be seen by people, and it may be what it will be like.

He and the departure are not right, and the two have struggled several times in the forest of death. Every time they are not divided, they can’t help anyone.

Lu Yiqian's face is easy to see and blame, blocking in the middle of the two, the meaning is very obvious, two people want to fight again, they are ready to step on her body.

The face was cold and cold, and the sword was coolly stopped. I don’t know why, he could not carelessly succumb to the corpse, but he couldn’t cut the sword that hurt Lu Yiqian.

Departing from the charming smile, looking at the clothes standing by the side, oh yeah, anyway, the chances are more, one time stealing incense, and next time, next time...

Ten men said that they are also half-god, and the knowledge is more than a little bit more than the average person, but the sword is just too scary. Their minds are also clear, and they immediately screamed and filled the deep holes.

People entered the door, and the old butler, Fu Bo, ordered people to pack up the house and prepare meals.

After dinner, Lu Yiqian returned to the room, first combing the ideas, and then sinking into the subconscious to learn the world.

After learning, Lu Hao opened his eyes and saw Xiao Zilong Jun’s clothes lying on the bed. Seeing her, immediately screamed: "Master, if you feel lonely, please ask me." ”

Lu Hao’s mouth was pulled, and the little guy was picked up: “Children, is your head caught by the door or kicked?”

Do you still want to seduce her little arms and calves?

Jun Zun held a small fist: "Master, I am already 150,000 years old, not a child!"

Lu Yiqian pulled his face, rounded, and felt very good: "Hey, the child should have a child."

Jun Zun hugged Lu Jiqian’s legs and looked at the beautiful eyes with cute eyes: “I want to sleep with you tonight.” Xiaopeng’s hand touched two on the thigh, so smooth.

Frowning, Lu Hao raised his hand and threw the little purple dragon into a meteor.

Sleeping until midnight, a certain heavy object will come up, exhale like a blue: "beauty, lonely, let me come with you."

Helpless, is this small one good for collusion?

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