A total of 24,000 Warcraft, between four hundred and five hundred stars, Xiao Zilong Junzun six hundred stars.

White gently kissed Lu Yiqian: "This is a reward for you, these Warcraft, and this city."

Such a thoughtful white is really heart-rending, and Lu Yiqian kisses the white lips.

White vinegar is completely ruined and enjoys this kiss wholeheartedly.

When a kiss is over, Lu Yiqian begins to contract the beasts.

As her ranks rise, the magical force of the sea has become larger and larger, and the contract is perfect for the high-star beast, she is able to advance to the seventh level and become the seven-level law guide.

At this time, Jun Zun was promoted to six hundred stars, and other Eudemons were promoted to between five hundred and six hundred stars.

As for the white, his **** promotion pattern encircles the entire death of the forest, no one, no courage to count a few stars in the end.

Kitty six hundred stars, this guy is very talented, seedlings are good!

The main tree of the elves is five hundred and fifty stars.

Raptor 264 stars, multicolored elk two hundred and forty-one stars, water eagle 236 stars, phoenix two hundred and thirteen stars, flame lions two hundred and forty stars, Dawanghua two hundred and twenty Four stars.

Seventy-seven Beastmasters, the Black Dragon is two hundred and ten stars, the two-headed black tiger is one hundred and ninety stars, and the rest are more than one hundred and eighty stars, two hundred stars or less.

The six-headed snake king was promoted to seven heads, ninety-nine stars, the five-headed snake king was promoted to six or eighty stars, and the four-headed snake king was promoted to five heads and sixty-eight stars. Sixty-two stars of the illusion, sixty-three stars of the magical demon, sixty-three stars of the Lantern, and sixty-eight stars of the red-tailed leopard.

Twenty-two stars of vines, twenty-five stars of silver, twenty-nine stars of red brocade, thirty stars of water, thirty-five stars of Wangcai, and forty-two stars of two-winged white horses.

The gap is great, the more high-star beasts, the more they advance.

But the low-star beasts are not discouraged, and people are deserving of what they deserve. They have been working hard since long after, and they are constantly fighting! They must also continue to fight for it, and strive to advance by themselves, so that they can grow faster in the next promotion!

After the contract was completed, Lu Yiqian officially took over the death of the forest and took over the magical city. The city is covered with an energy cover, which is a magical cover that limits all Warcraft out. It is this cover that prevents the city from being completely destroyed and prevents the magical outflow. However, its function was destroyed, but it could not be entered, and the Xiao Zilong was trapped for 100,000 years.

Under the city, the vast magical power network is scattered. They provide energy, can drive the monsters in the city to fight off the enemy, and can also start the city function again, let it run, but now it is not necessary.

There is a huge console in the palace. As long as there are foreign enemies invading, all angles can be seen at all. Xiao Zilong is using this to monitor Lu Yuqian.

Of course, there are still many functions that have collapsed during that incident.

With the creation of the fire, with the legacy of the forged god, Lu Yiqian knows to understand these things, it is called speed, only three days, he figured out its principle structure, and she also repaired the energy cover function, changed Adults can't enter, Warcraft can enter and exit at will, but they will be strictly forbidden to harm outside humans. She regained the ability to kneel down and improved the level guards.

The city of the gods, re-emerged in her hands.

She just has one thing: "Many Warcraft in the forest seems to have been magicalized. What is going on?"

Xiao Zilong Jun Zun pointed to the sky: "This is above, the devil's son, his exhaled breath, the magic of the forest of Warcraft."

Speaking of it, the guy is also a bad luck. At the beginning, he led the Mozu to attack the city. As a result, he met the black strongman and made a stroke. So he was left behind, poor and poor.

The son of the Devil? Ok, I will meet him tomorrow.

White circled Lu Yiqian, this diligent little idiot, busy these days, no more time and OOXX, he is very dissatisfied.

Brought to the room, took off the clothes, saw the butterfly under the clavicle of the little fool, the first time he was honest with him, he noticed it. Now, he will not react any more, no matter what the little fool, no matter what, he Love.

The lingering, affectionate, both of them are eager for each other, full of spring.

The most luxurious palace in the era of the magical era, the king of the gods, the residence of the gods, the pilgrimage site of the strong, it is too strange to say that there is nothing good. Under the leadership of Lu Yiqian, Lu Yiqian pulled out a pile of magic cores in a certain warehouse, more than 500 stars, all kinds of attributes, and the energy is pure, the blood is quite good. She has deep feelings for the Eudemons who originally followed her. Naturally, they hope that they can advance faster. These five hundred stars of the magic core can purify their blood and improve their quality, just like the transformation of vines.

However, how does the departure know that there is a high quality magic core here? Look at his familiar and familiar look, come here more than once or twice.

Lu Yuqian’s eyes are like X-rays, sweeping away from the border, suspicious, too suspicious!

"What the **** are you?" Lu Yiqian asked curiously.

The departure wind swept over and attached to Lu Yiqian’s ear and said, "I said that I was the former king of God, the master here, do you believe it or not?"

Itching in the ear, Lu Yan thousand fists, kicking the kick, this fairy!

Deviated from the body, handcuffed the heart: "Oh, people are kindly thrown under the feet, it hurts."

Lu Yan’s mouth was pulled, and he turned around with his suitcase.

Or my own white, tangled... Lu Hao thousand face reddish.

Departed from the enchanting land, Lu Yuqian left, and the shadow behind it spread. It’s easy to meet an interesting person, how can you give up? He has time and patience. The world is too boring, life is too boring, when the king of God is so, those who are all arrogant and arrogant, boring.

I really want to think about it. If someone wants to overthrow the decaying system and want someone to rebel, it is best to hold a sword and fight him for a life. Instead, I gave birth to an Yi Meng Ji, who led the demon to attack him. How excited he was at that time... After a hundred thousand years, on Lu Yiqian, he seemed to find another factor that made him excited and found the fun. Maybe it’s not about fighting, but it’s no doubt more shocking...

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