Lu Yuqian in his sleep, the waist is covered with something hard, although a little uncomfortable, but like lying on a silk quilt, sleep well and sweet.

This sleep, I slept for five hours.

When she opened her eyes and fell into a pair of forbearing, deep eyes, she was taken a little surprised, and when she was found trapped in her arms by a enchantress, her face was instantly red, whoever Get up in the morning and meet this thing, you have to blush.

But somebody still unconsciously pressed his head down, less than a centimeter from her lips, and hoarsely asked: "Little fool, are you awake?"

In the past five hours, every minute and every second is difficult. He wants her countless times, but he still bears it. Should he ask for compensation for his patience?

He rubbed the other's red lips and immediately kissed him.

Lu Haojiu remembered some fragments, and it seems that someone kissed her in her sleep, her eyes went down, God, a red strawberry!

"Little fool, you... are you willing?" Rao lived for so many years, Bai asked this sentence, and there was some tension in the past: "Become a person, are you willing? I want to mate with you, are you willing?" ”

This is how she answered her heartily. Really, it is too non-exclusive.

The white eyes were burning, waiting for her answer.

Sometimes, Bai really should be euphemistic.

Lu Yiqian touched his fascinating face: "You should ask at this time, I love you, do you love me?"

"Love?" White lightly touches the face of the person: "Love, love, love, and love, but this word is not free to say. I only say once: little fool, I love you."

White is an activist, and love only speaks once. He will only use action to prove that he has used his actions to replace words that can be easily spoken out again and again. Love, love, love than you think, so that the words I love you are far from being expressed.

Lu Yiqian’s heart beats sharply: “I love you too.”

Maybe she fell in love with him a long time ago.

There is a great sense of satisfaction in the heart of the heart. I only hope that in this life and in this life, I will never give up. It is her, his little fool, filling up the loneliness and loneliness accumulated in his long life. So sweet, so happy!

What else can you say? White sighs and kisses Lu Yiqian.

Lu Yiqian responded to him and hugged each other's powerful waist.

White is very pleasant, but it is still bad.

Lu Yanqian’s face suddenly became familiar. This guy is really bad.

On the big bed, the black hair and the white hair are intertwined, and the ancients called the entanglement of the hair, which means profound.

"Is it ok?" The white voice was low and tangled.

"Well..." Lu Yiqian nodded slightly, I heard that it would be very painful for the first time.

The world is full of bliss, ecstasy and ecstasy, only swearing, it is this feeling, the beginning and end of life combine to become a perfect circle. The concentricity of the heart, the intertwining of the body and the body, is so sacred and beautiful...

How many years of waiting, how many years of searching, he finally found him, and he no longer has a shortcoming in his heart...

If she is determined to be alive, she and he may have known each other for a long time. They have been looking for each other...

At the moment of integration, he and her until the joy of the heart, gradually developed into a fire of the original...

Do not leave, do not give up... Ten fingers intersect, forever...

White has ordered her eight times, telling her that she is tired more than a big fight, and once again fell asleep, he just slammed her into her arms. This bad guy, the avatar still stays in her body, refuses to come out.

Then he asked her many times while she was asleep, until she got out of bed at around ten o'clock the next day.

The two stayed in bed almost for a day!

Bai Rongguang exudes, full of spirit, whoever sees him, can see that he is in a good mood, very good!

In contrast, Lu Yiqian can be much worse, and there are red strawberries on the neck. Even if you drink gold, you can't eliminate it.

I had to find a stand-up collar to cover the traces of the shame.

When she came out, she left her eyes and looked at her with a smile. She couldn't help herself, but I don't think it would be too shameful. I gave it a scornful look away from the border. It's rare!

The little guy Jun quickly rushed over and stared at Lu’s belly: “Please let me be a child’s cognac!” Two small fists were held, and the tone was very serious.

Lu Yan’s mouth was pulled, carrying the collar of the little P boy: “Where is this the little guy?”

Jun Zun squats with a small fist: "I am not a hairy child. I am handsome and handsome. I love flowers. I see the invincible big man in the car. I am the master of death. Of course, soon you are my master. In the future, you will be my wife!"

Lu Hao is full of black lines, she points to the other side's little face: "Do you know what is your wife?" He didn't even have his teeth.

The little guy's face is red, hey, don't look at his young age, he knows a lot.

Wei Mo almost understood that the relationship between Lu Yiqian and Bai was intimate, and his heart was slightly lost. But who is He Weimo? If you want, try to fight for it. Even if you break your blood, you will never back off!

He is not the dark-haired ignorant boy, go to bed, who will not? !

White is holding Lu Qian’s hand. What do people think about him? As long as they have the ability to let the little fools have them in their hearts, as long as the first place in the little fool's heart, it is his good!

"Do not talk nonsense, you have to come over, queue up and prepare for the contract." White tone, naturally not too friendly.

Well, he admits that he is a bit jealous, and the vinegar is still a bit big.

His little fool is too lovable.

When the beasts battled, no one dared to disobey, and stood up. Today’s white man always feels more unfathomable. However, for the contract, they are longing for a long time. They are threatened by the white people to discuss it. They are so happy in their hearts. Lu Haoqian’s ability, all beasts, will definitely be heart-wrenching. Even if the white adults do not threaten them, maybe they will be wrapped around her contract one day.

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