Lu Yiqian feels that the back of the ridge is cold and turbulent, as if he is being counted.

The white warm and broad chest immediately surrounded Lu Yiqian and called her peace of mind.

Silver, red brocade, water color, and two-winged white horse know that Lu Yiqian wants to help them improve their quality. I am so happy that I don’t know how to be good. I stand nervously and look at her with anticipation.

Lu Yan thousand eyes and eyes, refining the magic core with the creation of the fire, respectively changing the quality of the four beasts.

Giving silver is the magic core of the wind and beast. After improving the quality, the silver ear becomes sharp and the body lines are smoother. The silver fur is covered with thunder, and there are small clusters of white clouds under the four feet.

The red brocade is the dragon of the fire dragon. After the quality is improved, the red brocade has a three-tailed tail. The red hair is redder and the eyes are bright and the shape is more lovely. The little fox can even spit out the dragon's breath, which is really interesting.

The water color is the magic dragon of the poison dragon. After the quality is improved, the water color tail becomes two. The big chels are powerful and powerful, and the poisoning skills are more advanced.

To the two-wing white horse is the magical nucleus of the **** unicorn. After upgrading the quality, the white horse is pedaling to the clouds, and the head is long and two small horns, and the eyes are more gentle.

The beasts look left and right, they are very satisfied with their new image, and they combine the World of Warcraft magic, they can grow to a minimum of five hundred stars.

As for Wangcai, its growth potential is already very large. After being improved several times by Lu Yiqian, it is even more extraordinary.

Get the beasts, the time is still early, Lu Yiqian pulls the little purple dragon, let him take her to see the so-called "devil's son", the devil plane, the son of the demon king, lead the devil to attack the **** of the mainland commander!

Now the city of the gods is her. There is such an untimely bomb in the city. If it is not controlled in time, it may bring catastrophic damage at any time. Listen to Xiao Zilong Jun Zun, the devil's son is very powerful. In fact, it is really not easy for him to admit that he is better than him. If he is not much better than him, he will definitely try to belittle the other side and raise all kinds of unwarranted charges against the other party. For example, the cute little green cat is called by him: a bare-haired bare-haired cat. Of course, the little green cat is not very irritating, saying that the little purple dragon is: the disgusting snake that the teeth are not long and still snoring.

White did not keep up. In the past few weeks, he had a spring scene and unlimited scenery. Especially yesterday, Lu Yiqian was on him, and he was even more crazy. He is still lying in bed.

More beautiful than the moon, the divergence falls on the bed, the hand holds the head, the white after these days of moisturizing, more evil and beautiful, the combination of the illusion of the beast and the master, there is a role of washing the marrow and bones, both sides have a pole Great benefit, the little idiot is not aware of the changes in her body.

The little idiot and the little purple dragon of the kitten should be able to resist the kid.

What I want to think about now is that if she is injured, then he will punish her well tonight. He will go down to her. If she is not injured, then she will reward her well. She will go down to him and she will be so sure.

White evil spirits smile, the degree of beauty, the world is also eclipsed.

Poor Lu Yiqian, she did not know what to pay attention to, she is step by step along the suspended slate, walked toward the cloud, and walked toward the little boy said in the mouth.

The clouds are lingering, and there is a faint black-red radiance. A demon breath is spurting out, it is extremely rich, and the atmosphere is very depressed.

Above the clouds, there is a platform of three thousand miles. Just approaching, you will hear the killings, there are people fighting, and fighting is very intense!

"Isn't there only one of him?" Lu Hao said.

"Don't mention, that madman, activates the devil every day, the dead World of Warcraft, and the death of God-level humans." Xiao Zilong once came up several times, and was almost cut by the war madman every time.

"Oh?" Lu Yiqian touched the kitten's head.

It’s getting more and more curious, the devil’s son.

When I stepped onto the platform, I saw a very shocking scene. All kinds of horror World of Warcraft, the evil and terrible devil, could not see the god-level powers of the appearance, exuding strong pressure and attacking a man in the middle of the platform. Speaking of it, these Warcraft Devils and God-level powerhouses are quite unlucky, dead again and again, and they are forcibly awakened by the people, and they are eroded by the magic gas, and each one becomes extremely terrible. I believe that this one can go to the private sector and it can definitely cause a catastrophe.

The existence of these undead horrors is undoubtedly a monster.

And these monsters surrounded the attacking man, the devil's son, but with extremely powerful power, incredible means to kill the crazy monsters one by one!

Sure enough, the devil, the acting style is so different.

"Every day I can fight with my own defeated players. What progress can I make?" Lu Yiqian said with a sigh of relief, but his voice was not big, but he could pass it to his ears.

The wind settled, the clouds were very fast, and the man raised his hand and stroked the monsters into dust. Anyway, he can wake them up whenever he needs it. He walked over to Lu Yuqian step by step.

Xiao Zilong Junzun secretly swallowed a slobber, the master is really crazy, he secretly blocked Lu Yiqian, even if he can not beat the devil's son, can protect the owner, it is good.

The kitten in his arms also jumped to the ground and made preparations.

The wind blows again, and the man's face is becoming more and more clear.

He looks like he is in his twenties. His eyes are black and one is red. The black eyes reveal the desire to fight, while the red eyes contain blood and kill. His hair is also red and black, and grows to the waist. On the head, there are two long horns with extremely beautiful shapes. Three crystal rings are worn on the right corner, and the ring is a magic weapon. The lips are purple, like the toxin-filled petals. His face is beautiful regardless of his eyes, regardless of his wild and cold atmosphere. But anyone who sees him will not pay attention to this, and his momentum is too strong. , too Ling people. He was dressed in black armor and armed with a black sword. He was extremely oppressive and walked toward Lu Qianqian.

"How...what...what will it progress?" For too long, he did not speak, and his voice was dull, low and fuzzy.

"Of course, it is to compete with other people and compete with those who can make progress." Lu said.

The eyes of the devil's son flew directly over Lu Yuqian to see the purple dragon, he frowned, still too weak.

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