Hey, when you talk about this, he wants to sigh in the sky. He is obviously 150,000 years old, but his body has not grown much. The more he is noble, the longer the growth cycle. He just feels that he is unlucky. At that time, I came to this plane and became a member of the tragedy. I was trapped here for 100,000 years. It is so pitiful!

Who knows, the wine of celebration has not come to an anxious situation, and the white adult has come in silently.

Bai Daren said: "When you are offending my sins, it is not impossible to kill them, but give you a chance to rehabilitate and surrender to my little fool."

Bai Daren pointed to Lu Yiqian in the big screen.

The little guy looked at the white man in the screen and looked at the person in front of him. He was not convinced: "You are only 570 stars, I have six hundred stars, will I be afraid of you?" Yes, he still has A lot of subordinates.

The white eyebrows are picking up, and they are arrogant and arrogant. "Is it?"

Hey, regret it, when you regret it, how can you be so stupid to challenge the majesty of Bai Daren? Now, it is to borrow one hundred courage, he does not dare to do this!

When he finished this sentence, Bai Daren flashed at a horrible speed and grabbed his small neck. He was in the hands of Bai Daren, just like a chicken. "The neck is very thin, don't you mind me?"

The little guy immediately understood that the strength of Bai Daren is not something he can imagine, not only that, Bai Daren... is still a black belly! His neck was smashed, and he still has a life?

"Re-resistance, huh? I will not pursue it." Bai Li said easily.

However, the momentum of his body, but the beasts are scared.

Poor little guy, poor World of Warcraft, where dare to say no words, Bai Daren said that he will not pursue, no one will believe!

"Tomorrow, the sun rises, you greet my little fools. At that time, I forgive your sins." White said slowly.

"Yes." All the beasts sing.

In this world, how can there be such a white man? Well, he actually wants to change the word 彪悍 to metamorphosis.

The white straddle sits on the throne: "Prepare the water, I want to bathe."

The real name of the little guy is Jun Zun, who is a purple gold dragon in the real plane. He traveled to the mainland of God for 100,000 years ago. At that time, the devils of the devil and the strong people of the mainland of the gods played hard, he looked It’s fun, I ran to the most fierce place in the battle, that is, the palace was watching the bustle. As a result... the land of God was sealed and he could never go back.

Curiosity, killing the dragon.

“Prepare for clear water?” Jun Zun stunned and looked at Lu Yiqian in the arms of Bai Daren. He understood and understood: “Do you need a waiter?” There are still many mocking maids in the palace.

White is cool and cool: "I come by myself." His little fool, of course, only he can see him.

Jun Zun’s face is red, although he looks small, but after all, he is a 100,000-year-old "old age", and he knows something about it.

I think that the two will not be honest with each other, the little guy feels that his nose has the urge to runny nose.

Having said that, he still told me very quickly to prepare a large pool of water.

The ensuing departure refers to his own nose: "I am, what should I do?"

No one cares about him, the beasts, and ignore him.

He is spontaneous and spontaneous, as if he is at home, and he is familiar with the small children to rest.

The petals float on the surface of the water, and the fragrance is bursting. The water temperature is just right, which can alleviate fatigue.

Lu Yuqian in his sleep felt that someone was massaging himself, and the strength was very accurate.

"Hmm..." she screamed comfortably.

The big hand for her massage suddenly stopped, as if she had feathers to caress her lips, and all the way down, rubbed her skin and told her to itch only to drill into someone's arms.

That is a very stable place to go, a gentle harbor. It’s really addictive and I don’t want to wake up.

"Little fool, this is what you seduce me, I am estrus, you are responsible." A repressed eager voice rang in her ear.

She felt that her ears were a little itchy. She said, "Well."

This is definitely an invitation, how can someone refuse? !

Hold the human body, he kisses from the eyes, nose, mouth, all the way to the hands, arms, neck, collarbone ... must not let go of one inch, kiss and **** and suck, the body is tightly wrapped around her Let the two people come into contact with each other.

Lu Yiqian feels sleepy and itchy and comfortable. In his sleep, it seems that someone has taken delicious food to seduce her.

"Well, I still have to eat..." Lu Yiqian chased the food and shouted.

The white eyes were so deep that she whispered in her ear: "As you wish."

Pick up Lu Yuqian, steam the two people's water drops, and walk with the gorgeous big bed in the palace of Luyi Qianchao.

The hair of Sheng Yuehua is dragged to the sole of the foot. His perfect body, the screaming inverted triangle appears in the hot air. It is really smoother than the beautiful jade, and it is smoother than the good silk. The narrow eyes of the pair of tails, at this time also gave birth to the strange glory, involuntarily, deeply addicted, the silver-white lips, containing Lu Hao thousand white fingers, sucking.

He gently put Lu Yiqian on the bed, that movement, it seems that she is a fragile treasure, absolutely cherished care, careful.

His original body flashed out of the source of the Eudemons. Two whites that were equally beautiful and sorrowful were quickly combined into one person. At this time, the star rating on his star's aura was uncountable.

Although the soul of the body is also his, his feelings are his most direct feelings, but he now wants to use the body.

Making a substitute is a helpless move, and he will never want to use this method again.

He wants to be complete, flawless, and hug her whole!

Real body, naturally better!

He went to bed gracefully, and circled the human into his arms.

Waiting for thousands of years, this moment, and so on, why not?

Although the blood is screaming and his desire is high, he can control himself.

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