The contract was made of vines and vines, and Lu Haoqian spread his hands. The fire of the creation was burning in her palm, and soon the crystal magic nucleus was burned into a pool of green juice.

笸箩 vine, if other people know who is contracting a vine, they must laugh. Although this thing can be contracted, it has no basic attack ability. Whoever contracts it, who is a stupid hat. Even if it is a ten-star vine, there is no attack power, even the magic rabbit can bully, which is the saddest existence of Warcraft.

In accordance with the method described by the **** of forging, Lu Yiqian initiated the fire of creation and helped the vines to wash their garbage properties. The green light shone, the vines slowly changed, and the strong roots grew, the leaves opened, and a pink-purple flower grew on the top of the head. Although refining is the magic nucleus of the piranha, the vine has no ugly scent of eating people. The center of the flower has no teeth. It is a pink-yellow style pollen, which gives off the smell of refreshing fragrance.

This vine flower vine has not realized that the incomparable luck has come to his head. It was first stepped on by the eater, stepped on the majority of his life, and then was foolishly contracted, and rose up Samsung, then it body Great changes have taken place, from the cockroaches that cannot bloom...

"Master...Master..." The vines found that their dizzy brains made a lot.

"Hey, little flowers." The red fox put his two paws in his waist: "Call your brother to listen."

"Brother, brother..." The vine is very obedient.

"Come, call me, call Big Brother." Silver teeth.

"Big brother..." cried cautiously.

Who are they, they seem to be a bit fierce, but they feel warm and good. The vine vines raised the flowers, and it felt Lu Yuqian. When he started to use it, he recognized this person, a person who wanted to obey, wanted to be loyal, and wanted to give her everything to imprint into the depths of his soul. .

"Are you going to call you later?" asked the person who seemed to emit light.

"Okay." The vines tried to spot the purple flowers and said that this person made it feel warm.

Putting the cockroach into the Eudemons space, Lu Haoqian took out a bottle of high-grade gold medicine and put it in the silver mouth, and let it be handed over to the god-level powerhouse whose calf was damaged. When the silver had just gone out, the tent was picked up, and Song Yan and the Song members came in.

"Is there something?" Lu Yiqian did not change his face and asked indifferently.

"You are this..." Song Yan swallowed the words of insulting, hate to think, if the teacher wants to accept you as a disciple, I will bear you? "You are too rude."

"Yan, you are too rude." The members of the Songs thought that they were generous and sly to Lu Yiqian: "Let me do it, the old man looks at your talents and wants to accept you as a disciple. Are you willing?"

The members of the Song Dynasty are full of confidence, and thanks to Dade, how many people are willing to worship him as a teacher! As long as she becomes her teacher, all her Eudemons are not his? After using her, I will smash it again.

"It's not too fast to promise, such a good thing, then we can be sisters." Song Yan squeezed a smile, your ugly girl is now stunned, become a teacher's student, see you still can't get up ? ! Hey, if you are not looking at your Eudemons, who is willing to pay attention to you!

Lu Yiqian was silent, she felt incredible, and I felt that there are people in this world!

Members of the Song Dynasty saw Lu Yiqian not talking, thinking that there was a play, and proudly went on to say: "There are more people who want to worship me as teachers in this world. Many seven-level and eight-level mages want to worship under my door. Some of them are great-powered, there are The price is very expensive, some handsome and handsome, if you are willing to worship me as a teacher, how can I tell you about a royal family?"

Lu Yiqian smiled coldly, and his heart wanted to let them know that they were the generals of the thorns and flowers that destroyed the army of the Song Dynasty. I wonder if they would be so diligent.

Of course, she knows what good ideas they are playing, and even if she only has one percent of her own wisdom, she will categorically reject it.

"Wangcai, drop off."

Lu Hao took a thousand orders, and Wang Cai took two round eyes and angrily yelled at Song members and Song Yan twice. Although it does not constitute any deterrent, it is very cute, but please don't forget, it has a sly heart under its lovely appearance, especially for unpopular people, it can be more awkward. .

The Song members felt that they could not understand. He sank his face and said, "You don't want to worship me as a teacher?"

Song Yan also yelled: "Do you know who I am, I am Princess Song Guo!"

Lu Yiqian really does not want to underestimate their intelligence, but their intelligence is so low. It’s funny, how can I tell her if she accepts her as a disciple?

Wang Cai, who realized the mood of the owner, whispered twice and quickly rushed toward the two.

The strength of Wangcai, the two really realized that when it bombarded the eater, the flowers that fell on them almost came to them. Therefore, even if the little cute Wang Cai rushed over, the two also saw that they were attacking a huge monster. The two men rushed out of the tent, and the members of the Songs were still reluctant to shout: "Let me do it, you must not drink and drink fine wine! Ah, damn, don't bite my clothes!"

Lu Yiqian is speechless.

But at this time in the deepest part of the forest, a World of Warcraft sat on someone respectfully said: "Adults, a group of humans came from the forest, just crossed the boundaries of the cannibal flower, do not go to kill them."

The night was too dark, I couldn't see what it was like to sit on the shadows, only to hear his voice, mellow and pleasant: "Oh? Come to the group of playthings? Very good, since they defeated the outside piranha, let them put them Going in the middle of the fence."

"Yes, adults." That Warcraft is leading the way.

"Come back, give them a little reward first." The mellow voice seemed to be teasing, and it seemed to be slow and swaying.

"Yes, adults." Warcraft did not dare to sloppy, the temper of this adult, he can best understand.

The day was just bright, and everyone set off. Goal, deep in the forest!

The man whose foot was bitten off got Lu Jinqian's super gold medicine. At present, his limbs are in good condition. He walked to Lu Yiqian and said with sincerity: "Thank you, I will let you do this in the future!"

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